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Everything posted by Merton

  1. [quote name='jjl5590' post='203287' date='May 20 2008, 09:53 PM']yes they do make one, but im just concerned about the dimensions. i want it all to be able to stack nicely, and so far i am only 100% sure that 2 neo 212s will stack. the neo 410 is wider and so the interlocking corners wont match up, and i'm worried the 212 will fall off the 410 (if im not careful). with the neo 210, i wouldnt really know where to put it. rather than being too long, it is 1.5 inches too short to stack underneath properly. this is the site i'm getting my info from: [url="http://www.rmcaudio.com/gallien-krueger/gk-cabinets.htm"]http://www.rmcaudio.com/gallien-krueger/gk-cabinets.htm[/url][/quote] The 212 is narrower so will sit on the 410 fine, I wouldn't worry! My 4x8 combo has castors and sits on top of a 4x8 cab of exactly the same dimensions, the castors are right on the corners but it's fine
  2. [quote name='ashevans09' post='202942' date='May 20 2008, 03:39 PM']Small, fluffy and partial to insects? [/quote] You've met me, clearly
  3. My gf glazes over if I talk about bass but she's happy to watch me practice it and tries to come to as many gigs as poss. Not sure she understands why I have 4 electrics or why I want more tho... She did encourage me first to buy the Eden Nemesis head and then to sell the it and buy Jamie's V-Type combo tho
  4. [quote name='ashevans09' post='202539' date='May 20 2008, 12:29 AM']Also can I just point out I've always liked your meerkat type creature in your avatar Merton.[/quote] Why thank you! Thought it summed me up nicely
  5. I know both Andertons in Guildford and Electromusic in Doncaster [i]have[/i] had Daidy Rock basses in the past, may be worth a punt?
  6. Belated hippy barthday BC!
  7. [quote name='clauster' post='200459' date='May 16 2008, 02:35 PM']Delano do one and so do Bartolini (I think)[/quote] Bartolini certainly do. Also, not sure if the Status 4-string J is split coil per se, but it's certainly a humbucker of some form.
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  10. [quote name='ahpook' post='199641' date='May 15 2008, 02:53 PM']do we want pics ? kind of work in progress/see how filthy the carpet is thing ?[/quote] Yes, would be good for people who don't know to learn what's what in an amplificatory device
  11. [quote name='jjl5590' post='198727' date='May 14 2008, 02:00 PM']hmm well i cant decide to get the GK 700RB-II/210 combo, or the GK Neo 1001-RB-II/212 combo. anyone had any experience with either that could maybe post some pics? thanks[/quote] How are pics going to help make a choice on sounds? I think the thing people are getting at is that just because Flea uses [i]x[/i] rig doesn't mean you should use it to get the same sound. For example I get a cracking Duff McKagen tone from a 2x15 Trace V-Type set up, nothing like the GK rig he uses... I don't want to patronise you (so forgive me if I do!) but you really need to try some stuff and find what is right for you. We can all offer opinions but they are that and only that. You will form your own opinions once you've tried some stuff and may well end up with something you haven't thought of until now.
  12. [quote name='ahpook' post='198720' date='May 14 2008, 01:48 PM']most of them.[/quote] haha, +1 to that!
  13. [quote name='jjl5590' post='197952' date='May 13 2008, 01:38 PM']im kinda thinking the 2x10s are better becuase people say the 2x12s lack mids, and are also more boomy than 2x10s, and have less clarity.[/quote] Generalisation of the year Try 'em, if you like 'em, buy 'em.
  14. [quote name='mcruiz67' post='197641' date='May 13 2008, 01:21 AM']Always some idiot....[/quote] Just pointing out you may get a better response in the correct forum is all, not trying to be an arse!
  15. [quote name='Basszilla' post='196204' date='May 10 2008, 07:55 PM']Trace 1x15 (moved on to Nash I think)[/quote] Not the V-Type that I currently own was it?
  16. [quote name='Josh' post='194761' date='May 8 2008, 03:45 PM']Now this one might seem odd, but I really do think Mike Kroeger's tone on Nickleback's Silver Side up is just amazing, deep dark and growly and some nice playing.[/quote] I agree - especially on Never Again, nice and growly. I am currently loving the bass sound on Empire (Queensryche).
  17. [quote name='Mottlefeeder' post='193784' date='May 7 2008, 12:38 PM']My understanding is that the above may not be strictly true. If you are refurbishing something, you may also have to update the old to comply with the new standards. This first came to light when organ builders discovered that they were expected to replace all the lead-soldered pipes in church organs if the refurbishment of the organ strayed over some threshold value or proportion. I'm not sure whether this has been resolved, and I am not tracking it, so my information should be treated as suspect until proven otherwise.[/quote] That's a good point which I completely forgot about, cheers!
  18. Merton's bass amps, a potted history: First amp: Vox Bass Escort. Sounded nice now I look back on those early days of playing, but very underpowered. Left to rust outside my parents house for a year or two back in about 1996. Second amp: Laney somethingy. Very punchy, very underpowered. Third amp (still got): Trace Elliot Commando 15 100W. Underpowered for rock gigs but a bloody good sound for jazz. First real rig: Trace AH300-12 into an Ashdown MAG410T. Loved that rig, it sounded really really good. Trouble is, then I discovered bassworld and GAS kicked in. Have since sold the MAG, bought a TE 1x15 and 2x10 and got the "real" TE sound. Bought a V-Type combo and found tonal nirvana. Then sold the 12-band head as I was getitng fed up with the EQ section, bought an Eden Nemesis which was fantastic but way too underpowered for my rock band. Sold the Nemesis and 2x10 cab and bought a 2nd V-Type combo and 4x8 extension cab. I have also used the following: Ampeg SVT somethingy through an 8x10 Ashdown ABM 500 EVO II through my old MAG410T Hartke HA3500 through Hartke 4x10 cabs Hartke HA3500 through Ashdown ABM 8x10 cab Onto the winnners: [b]Best live sound:[/b] Trace V-Type 1x15 combo and 1x15 cab (haven't used the 8x8 rig in anger yet so can't really compare) [b]Best looking rig:[/b] Trace V-Type 4x8 combo and 4x8 cab [b]Best for small gigs:[/b] Trace Commando 15 combo [b]Loudest:[/b] Trace AH300-12 into MAG410T, very closely followed by the 2x15 V-Type thing I have going at the mo. And the losers: Everyhting i've used that isn't mine...: Ampeg SVT somethingy through 8x10 - I found it ill defined, muddy and I hated it Ashdown ABM 500 EVO II - tied with the Ampeg for the same reason Hartke HA3500 through Ashdown ABM 8x10 cab - er, also tied with the Ampeg and EVO II, the ABM cab sucked all life and brightness from the Hartke. This may win loudest rig when i eventually get to use it all tho:
  19. Damn that's nice. After playing Luke's Vigier 5 at the bash I kinda fell in love with the shape and really want one. Can't afford it tho Good luck!
  20. It's for new products only, it came into force in July 2006. Anything that's sold new in the EU from that date has to be compliant, no matter where it was built.
  21. Wil, Really sorry to hear this and to see you selling most of your gear Hope it all works out OK Mert
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