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Everything posted by essexbasscat

  1. Dont' know if this counts, but it's so original I just had to post it [url="http://youtu.be/6bpIbdZhrzA"]http://youtu.be/6bpIbdZhrzA[/url]
  2. Collected a Zoom pedal from Dave. Shame it had to be quick, as I was parked on double lines close by. That said, good communications and the pedal was a really nice price Thanks Dave, much appreciated
  3. Well, I finally caved in a bought the 6 string from Ray, as the price was too good to resist for such a good bass (I know I shouldn't have played it when I collected the 8 string !) It's a pleasure to catch up again Ray, thanks for some great basses
  4. [quote name='peglegs42' timestamp='1440708709' post='2853252'] Now that I think about it, I actually think the shoulder problem was caused by recklessly doing weights at the gym about 6 months ago - the pain has been on-and-off since but aggravated by my bass playing. Also I rarely go to the gym anymore. [/quote] This is in the line up of suspects causing the problem. An unresolved strain injury aggrevated by hobby of bass playing ? has your shoulder adapted to the strain in an unhelpful way ? A proper hands on physio assessement would be your friend Best wishes for a good recovery
  5. Have you had any lessons with an experienced bass player ? they may see if elements of your playing could be causing the problems. Once that has been ruled out, if the issues still continue, that would be the time to see GP / physio etc. Reason for that process is; if your bass playing situation is causing the problem,the GP etc will treat the symptoms, but they won't be treating the cause
  6. Thanks for sharing that Chris, this thread's made me smile
  7. Going against the grain a little here. We've found electronic drums to be very handy indeed, as we play can play venues where volume has been an issue in the past. Also, as we haven't had to combat the sound levels of acoustic drums, it makes harmonising so much easier, enabling us to do more complex vocals. But not everyone's cup of tea..
  8. What ! That is a surprise (surprise) RIP
  9. Thanks for posting this, a few of us in the band are Beach Boys fans. I've sent the link around
  10. If I weren't committed elsewhere, I'd be reaching for my wallet.....
  11. Frankie Goes to Hollywood ? Live Aid ? the 80's had plenty going on worth listening to (IMO of course)
  12. Chuck Berry is one of the founding fathers of Rock and Roll. The world would be a poorer place without him
  13. Bought a ukelele from John at a nice price. Good communication throughout, recommended of course Thanks John !
  14. It's a real pleasure to be the first to leave feedback for Lawrence. Lawrence sold me his Limelight Jazz in a deal that involved some trust. I won't go into details, but Lawrence has earned both my respect and gratitude a real gentleman indeed A huge thank you Lawrence, for both the deal and a great bass. If I'm up that way again I'll buy you a beer All the best Tom
  15. Wonder where it's from ?
  16. Had a word with Kent Armstrong at WD music ? he may have some bushes. Failing that, a google search may well turn some up as I recall seeing some knocking around not long ago. Can't remember where though
  17. Owner of a broken Hart(k)e ? I'm off......
  18. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1435608872' post='2810624'] At gigs where the audience isn't really interested we tend to mess around musically, putting in accents, rhythms and recurring themes to keep ourselves amused. Nothing that the punters would notice unless they were actually listening of course. It can make a dull gig fly by and have us in stitches [/quote] This is the kiddie, excellent approach
  19. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1435509313' post='2809505'] A genuinely creative voice on our instrument. An early hero. R.I.P. [/quote] Well said Bilbo. Still picking my chin up off the ground
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1435455662' post='2808991'] You don't have to be loud to be heavy. [/quote] The voice of reason
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