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Everything posted by Mykesbass

  1. [quote name='Hutton' post='1246855' date='May 27 2011, 11:39 AM']As a Christian who is employed full-time by the church I just want to say how much I have appreciated the way in which everybody has approached this thread.[/quote] And as a non-Christian I'd like to +1 that. It has been nice to be able to put up a challenge without a flame war starting. Thanks for the responses.
  2. [quote name='therose789' post='1246475' date='May 26 2011, 11:49 PM']i think my point was more of a ''i play bass at church on a sunday and we play a particular style so i was just wondering if there were any people who play similar stuff to me'' kind of thing! it wasnt to create segregation, i suppose its similar to having a ''jazz bass players'' or ''punk bass players'' section i suppose its more of a genre than anything you get me?[/quote] Fair point, on here I guess the term can be describing a musical genre, just was the combination of this, the motorbike run a couple of weeks ago and the surfers. Still feel the latter two are a bit unnecessary and divisive.
  3. This is an honest, questioning post, NOT trolling. Why does there seem to be a need for being a "Christian ......." (insert whatever here). I have recently seen a "Christian Motorbike Club" (out on a Sunday BTW), and this morning pulled up in a car park next to a car plastered in Christian stickers, including "Christian Surfers". Now we have "Christian Bass Players". There doesn't seem to be the need for atheist, Jewish or Muslim versions of these groups, why the need to create this segregation?
  4. I had the VMJ fretless and whilst it was very good for the money I really wanted a fiver so ended up getting Jon Shuker to put a fretless ebony board on my Cort GB75. The difference IMHO of an ebony board to a composite one is huge and would therefore go with sorting out the Yamaha. Might be worth checking the luthier thread on here and shopping around - my brand new ebony board from Shuker sound to me like better value than £80 to have yours re-shot.
  5. Hi Scott, nice page and music sounds great. The only point I would make is, OK, so the URL is for a page on the management companies website but there are no links if someone has gone directly to your page for contacts etc. Sure, you can, as I did, edit the URL to get there, but I would have thought this should be made more obvious for potential bookers or anyone who wants to be in contact. All the best with this, Mike
  6. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1243292' date='May 24 2011, 07:10 PM']I think I'll sell my BMW - I'm only an amateur driver.[/quote] Isn't that who they were made for in the first place? Back OT, music shops rely on us buying "above our station" as it were, if we didn't, they certainly wouldn't survive on sales to pro's!
  7. [quote name='jontywisp' post='1242121' date='May 23 2011, 07:40 PM']Denmark St is a total dump [b]except for a cracking shop called Wunjo[/b] whereas the Bass Gallery is the best bass shop in the world ; fantastic stock, incredibly knowledgeable and friendly staff; and can usually be knocked down from asking price, especially on the used stuff[/quote] Fixed
  8. May be a bit too M.O.R for some tastes but Gene Harris' outfit, the Three Sounds is worth a listen.
  9. [quote name='Marvin' post='1232091' date='May 15 2011, 03:22 PM']Perhaps they coined it a few years ago when people were struggling to tell the difference [/quote]
  10. I thought Islington was supposed to be deepest red!
  11. [quote name='mashup' post='1231500' date='May 14 2011, 11:45 PM']Thanks for the quick response mate. Funnily enough i once had the VMJ Fretless. I bought it on ebay, lent it to a friend, then needed the money & sold it on - all before really putting it through it's paces, but i could tell it was a nice little bass for the money. Anyway....Which of the CV's did you play? Is there 1 or 2 (or all 3) in particular that stood out? I've also been eying up the VMJ Jaguar because of the P/J piockup combo but those CV's sure look good[/quote] The CV 50's P was getting me gassing - and may have won had I not needed fretless, the 70's VMJ Jazz was the slight disappointment - just felt a little cheaper than the CV's, a bit plasticy. As I said, I was happy with the fretless but ended up deciding I didn't need a fretted bass so got Jon Shuker to put a fretless board on my 5 string Cort GB75.
  12. I played about 5 CV's and VMJ's to get a feel for them when I wanted a fretless (which had to be a VMJ). I bought it, and wasn't disappointed and only sold it on as I wanted a 5 string. However, finally getting to the point of the post, the CV's all felt/played much better than the VMJ's. To complement a G&L though, you'll probably want to upgrade pick-ups.
  13. [quote name='KiOgon' post='1231356' date='May 14 2011, 08:33 PM']I would have liked to walk into a shop, slapped my wedge on the counter & said 'I want that one' but none of the shops around here had or could get what I wanted at the time.[/quote] Catch 22 here - if you take the view of some other posters here, why should the shops have stuff hanging up for people to see/play/buy when so many want their bass fresh out of the box, untouched by others? Sorry, but this keeps cropping up, and as a (failed & former) small independent music shop owner this is a bit of a bugbear - previous threads have implied that shops should have a wide range of basses for people to go and try but when it comes to purchase, there should be a fresh boxed one at the same price as the lowest internet deal
  14. [quote name='fluffo' post='1228116' date='May 11 2011, 10:07 PM']Do you get a solid signal from the direct out and the effects send if it has one) If yes then the chances are its a loose connection or an intermitent fault/component between the pre amp and the power amp side. Normally if it's the power amp you often get a slight burning smell. The other option is that your jack sockets from the amp to speaker are duff but as there is more than one of these it would be very unlightly. Are all the pots good on input gains and the master volume, it only takes a bit of dust in the wrong place or a dry joint somewhere? Hope this helps, let me know how you go.[/quote] Thanks for that Fluffo, will try the direct out and effect send out later - meanwhile, checked the speaker cable and there was the tiniest strand of stray wire touching the opposite contact - looks like ICastle may have nailed it! Will let you know for sure tomorrow when I get the chance to plug it all in.
  15. [quote name='icastle' post='1227878' date='May 11 2011, 06:55 PM']Have you tried changing speaker leads? An intermittantly short circuit speaker lead will prevent the protection relay from clicking on (at least it does on my old HA3000).[/quote] I did try yesterday, although the replacement was an instrument lead not a speaker cable. Does sound very much like my problem - another visit to OBBM!
  16. Had my Hartke HA2500 from new since last August. Every now and again I switch on, plug in and get no sound. I've checked to make sure I wait for the protection circuit to click before turning volume up. This has now happened thre or four times, previous times a quick switch off and on seemed to sort it but last night it was dead for ages, before deciding to finally come to life. Anyone with any similar experience/knowledge? Cheers, Mike
  17. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='1223942' date='May 8 2011, 10:13 AM']Nice painting but shouldn't he be right handed?[/quote] Ouch! Shouldn't that have been quietly overlooked edit: Yes, Nice painting
  18. Possibly his birthday!! But yes, hugely influential on all rock music that followed and thanks for pointing it out Pete (shame Google didn't do a banner)!
  19. Shuker Artist 5 string fretless and a valve amp - not to be used together however
  20. Must be one of the most diverse collections of music by any band - loads of great stuff. Also, nice to hear their generosity towards Robert Stigwood and Arif Mardin giving them a lot of credit for the success of the band. I only wish Barry's teeth fitted better - the constant whistle as he spoke was very distracting!
  21. Nice cab, nice guy, wrong impedance bump!
  22. [quote name='BigRedX' post='1205146' date='Apr 19 2011, 08:09 PM']However one amp of a particular model should be exactly the same as the others of that model. Sure the shop needs to have one out on display for people to try, but if you decide to buy you should get an unused and boxed one. If you do have to buy the display model it should be price accordingly.[/quote] Problem is, even at decent mark up (which, lets face it, no-one is getting these days) you would need to sell 3 amps to pay for the one on display. Not too bad on little Roland Cubes or similar, but if everyone insisted on this then the smaller shops would stop stocking any higher end gear. Many people on here bemoan the lack of choice in shops but this expectation would compound the problem. Sorry, but to me, this seems a bit like having your cake and eating it.
  23. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='1204926' date='Apr 19 2011, 04:47 PM']I think an amp bought new should be 'new', no debating that. However, it poses an odd dilemma which I've considered a few times... many folk on here wouldn't buy a new bass without trying it first, yet if a shop lets you try all of the various Fender Jazz basses that they have in stock, are those basses not now ex-demo? I'm not talking about something taken out of the box and checked over once by the staff but any new bass out on display is by definition ex-demo yet if you like THAT bass you may not be guaranteed that the bass in the stock room will be nearly as good; do you ask for a discount on the one that you prefer because it is on display? Does that make sense? [/quote] As a former retailer I have been trying to write something like the above since this thread started. In addition to what Warwichhunt says, can you really expect your local small independent retailer (if you are lucky enough to have one) to have a fresh, boxed version of whatever it is you want to go in and buy as well as one up on display so you can try it out? This would be financial suicide! However, re OP, if this is someone doing lots of internet/mail-order box shifting rather than providing the service we all crave then yes, the amp should be factory fresh.
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