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Everything posted by oldslapper

  1. Using a double bass and electric bass into one amp input question. In the past I’ve had EA and Genz amps with 2 inputs, but I like my current head. I’m looking at the Ashdown bass exchange, or a mini mixer I already own. Any other suggestions plz? thanks. John
  2. My 3a had 2 split Ps. Monster tone. Bought new in 1985, toured it for a couple of years and sold it for rent money in 1988. Sorry about the unnecessary history lesson 😂
  3. Want want want. Thankfully I don’t have Farcebook otherwise I’d be - Bankrupt - Divorced - Castrated - All 3
  4. If you 🫵 dare list an unlined maple board fretless neck (with a P width nut), I will unfriend you on facebook. I don’t have Facebook, …but that’s how serious I am.
  5. I thought that until I saw this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/295458583057?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=UWyyvdG8QT-&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=apR0TlihRse&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  6. Thanks for all your suggestions and insight, very helpful. However, the gas has passed without incident.
  7. It’s just one part of the perfect balance (PB) set up. Wonderful isn’t it?!
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  9. Ah yes, this is much admired and lauded work. An artist, writer and raconteur extraordinaire. Much has been written about his creations. There’s no better testimony than this: ”You never see an MDP up for sale here” “once you’ve played those braille side dots, you’ll not want for anything else”
  10. Not particularly worried about batteries flat lining, not had that happen since mid 80’s with my first active bass (Thunder 3a) having left the jack plugged in all day for a week when I first bought it. 🤦🏻‍♂️ It’s just weird (to me). I’ll be considering a compressor next. 🫣
  11. I have active gas. Just thought you’d like to know. But on another note, I don’t know why but I’m gassing for an active bass, don’t even have a type/model in mind. Haven’t had an active bass for at least 10 years and I think that was a status 6’er that was for noodling. I’m a “stick in the mud” P man, but I’m being attacked by thoughts of an unnatural nature telling me that “active” is where it’s at. Please tell me this will pass and fizzle out like a 9volt preamp at the end of a nights’ set. 🫣 Anyone else had the same recently? Is it a new pan demic?
  12. You can see the thought and care gone into its design and manufacturing. That is a thing of beauty (unlike my bank balance sadly)
  13. Always, young flea. 😊 Weighing up need v want….🫣
  14. Don’t usually like anything that’s not P or J shape, but that’s gert pretty. Wonder how that would be defretted…mmm.
  15. Beats me how they got away with it. Yes…I know… but I’m not going to apologise
  16. I had the same bass with maple board. Played good and sounded like a P.
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