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Everything posted by bremen

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1364210113' post='2023115'] No but what you are going to get is two lots of active EQ which may or may not conflict depending on how you have them adjusted. I'm not a big fan of on-board pre-amps for basses, because I believe that you should EQ once in your signal chain and do it at the point where it is most effective. This normally means at your amp. It is generally the place where the least amount of restrictions have been imposed on the circuit design, either from power requirements or space. Any compromises in the EQ on your amp have been done because the designer wanted to, not because they had to through lack of space or the need to power it off 9V batteries, and IMO if you can't get a decent sound out of just your amp, then it is the wrong one for you, and you should change it. [/quote] I totally agree with exactly half that I don't think the eq in the bass will conflict with the eq in the pedal. After all, you can always just set one flat. And I don't agree that you should only EQ once. A typical recording chain might see eq applied by a Sansamp, the desk, then eqd again in mixdown, at mastering and finally by the (shudder) graphic equaliser in the car. And if using a pedal makes the amp you already own sound great, why buy a new amp? The bits I do agree with, fwiw, are: I don't go for onboard eq for the same reasons as bigREDex, and share his less-is-more philosophy. If it was grinding and clanking I was after I'd go for a Sansamp, or an Ampeg SVP pro. And a Precision with new stainless steel roundwounds
  2. No, worst that could happen is you'll get some extra distortion from the overdrive pedal that you'll be able to get rid of by turning down the bass and/or input gain on pedal.
  3. This: ' This random placement causes obstacles for electrons and when encountered this interference can cause noise, slow down electron flow and sound deterioration affecting the quality of the sound of the vacuum tube.' sounds like absolute twaddle to me. Replacing the cheapo Chinese valves in my SVP with groove tubes did make it quieter and less microphonic, though. Why do you want to be more attractive to women anyway? You're beating them off with a sh1tty stick as it is. I'd just practise the bass a bit more.
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1363726119' post='2016711'] Good God, they're not cheap are they..? [/quote] They are in the long term though, aren't they. Flats are keepers; you just rent rounds.
  5. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1363613877' post='2014728'] This is the Xmax / Cone excursion issue with a 20cm dia. port at 32.12cm length. Should I be worried about this? [/quote] You'll always get large excursions below resonance. But its a usefully low frequency, use a steep high pass filter and all will be well.
  6. [quote name='fatback' timestamp='1363536433' post='2013755'] The 'why do we need to perform live?' Q puzzled me for years until I heard the great Rabbath explain. He says the adrenalin slows down time, so you have forever to form each note, and that's a very special thing. Spot on. No amount of rehearsal gets that adrenalin going. You have to have an audience. [/quote] Love it, never thought of it that way before.
  7. What drivers are you using, what size cab and what port frequency do you fancy?
  8. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1363373126' post='2012086'] Wow OK, thanks! what about the port though? [/quote] Ah, the port. If you calculate the port for one speaker, then four such ports will work. Presumably that means you can then replace them with one of the same length but for times the area. I'm not 100% sure about that though. I could model a random speaker in WinISD and check...hang on...
  9. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1363357464' post='2011756'] However, i need to design a cabinet that will use 4x12" drivers. Neither the app or the websites I have used offer this capability and I'm not sure its as simple as just quadrupling the volume for one driver is it? [/quote] Happily, yes it is that simple.
  10. Another option might be to get a fretless neck for the Jazz. That way you won't lose out if you don't take to the lack of speed bumps. I wouldn't butcher a nice fretted neck. What happens if you decide fretless isn't your thing? Or to put it another way, what them two ^^ serious fretless players said.
  11. [quote name='thumbo' timestamp='1363194112' post='2009578'] Robinson brewery make an Elbow flavoured ale too [url="http://www.elbowbeer.co.uk/about/#"]http://www.elbowbeer.co.uk/about/#[/url] [/quote] I couldn't tell it from the Arse flavoured ale.
  12. [quote name='iiipopes' timestamp='1363200239' post='2009743'] If it still drops when you have both on together, it could be an impedance drop problem. This is common with all J-style basses. Assuming you have sorted out the wiring to make sure they are in phase, then the next cure is to put a .01 mfd capacitor in line between the hot lead of the bridge pickup and the wiper of the bridge volume control. Overall volume of the bridge pickup may drop slightly, but there should be no additional drop when both pickups are on together. [/quote] Doesn't that just take all the bass out of the bridge pickup?
  13. If 4 ohm is correct, 8 ohm won't do any harm but will be fractionally (probably un-noticeably) quieter. Impedance has nothing to do with size or power rating, btw.
  14. [quote name='vsmith1' timestamp='1361957083' post='1993484'] Songs that are not enjoyable for me to play are Stand By Me and I Can See Clearly Now. [/quote] These are great examples of songs that sound like sh*t if they're done on autopilot but can be thrilling to play if the singer sounds like he means it.
  15. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1362139626' post='1996260'] Ace of spades [/quote] [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1362139647' post='1996261'] Ace of spades [/quote] One of them was up your sleeve ;-)
  16. Thing about J. Wetton's tone is: if you like Precisions (and I do), you'll love this (yes, I do). I can imagine a lot of people disliking it because it sounds too much like a Precision.
  17. Looks like it came out of something's arse - uncomfortably.
  18. Didn't I comment? I'm sorry. I meant to say how well the Welsh language suits reggae. And how neat it is to call the label 'tacsi'
  19. [quote name='Dread Bass' timestamp='1362088968' post='1995743'] Haha. I really don't like the way they look, or the chunky necks or the number of frets, or the headstock or even the way they sound most of the time. Yet I am having to fight not to order one. I am agog. [/quote] They don't all have chunky necks. My CIJ is easily the most comfortable neck I've played - wide, yes, but very shallow. My Warmoth P is very chunky though.
  20. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  21. I remember an interview with him where he mentioned that he couldn't handle the weight of a big bass, so he had this one made.
  22. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1362066975' post='1995269'] I seem to remember you were using a Markbass 4x10 at the time (to prove I paid attention ) [/quote] You got me bang to rights Guv. And the singer turned up seconds before we were due onstage, looking like Keith Richards warmed up, having just had a generous hit of smack.
  23. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1362066732' post='1995261'] Yes come to the Cambridgeshire area You might be able to get a spot at the portland arms / man on the moon (both are dives) but you will struggle getting paid anywhere in the area I'm afraid. The only way to get paid around here IME is to have a PA and play pubs [/quote] Not only is the Man on the Moon a dive, but the landlord will take half the door as well as the bar takings. The Portland is a bit better since it's been extended but it's another DIY venue, ie you do the publicity and collect the door. At least they let you keep that (minus the £50 for the inadequate PA). Hard to get a crowd if you're not known locally. The Emperor is an ok pub to play, they have PA and don't charge for it and pay 250 to 300 quid. They book up a year in advance as far as I can tell. 21 Hills Road, cb2 1la 01223 464633
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