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Everything posted by bremen

  1. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1358509570' post='1940444'] Maybe just try going to Daily Motion as a site & see if that works. If so you can search for New Order & Perfect & it should come up. [/quote] According to my f***ing annoying Nannywall, the whole site is pornography.
  2. [quote name='Shambo' timestamp='1358497973' post='1940123'] Q. How many musicians does it take to change a lightbulb? A. Ten. One to change the bulb and nine to stand around and mutter, "I could have done it better than that". [/quote] Q: What's the difference between a rock guitarist and a jazz guitarist? A: A rock guitarist plays 3 chords to 20000 people...
  3. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1358469416' post='1940010'] [url="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xlccjb_new-order-the-perfect-kiss_music#.UPiZUaFQT1o"]http://www.dailymoti...ic#.UPiZUaFQT1o[/url] [/quote] What's the link? My Nanny Firewall blocks it as 'pornography'
  4. It's on Loot - was also on Gearslutz and Gumtree but has been pulled from them.
  5. [quote name='Low End Bee' timestamp='1358330212' post='1936948'] It'll never work...... [/quote] He's right. Guitar groups are on the way out.
  6. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1358342869' post='1937280'] Studiospares M1000s. [/quote] Cheers for that top tip. They get great online reviews too.
  7. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1358259661' post='1935751'] When being heckled "You`ve not worked this out properly, you`re meant to be making me look a ****". [/quote] Or "I can't hear you, Pal - your mouth's full of sh*te" -John Cooper Clarke Sorry for thread derailment. I'll post something pithy from Frank Zappa in a minute
  8. They're definitely top quality. I too have an ebony fretless neck (with some sort of oily unfinished wood on the back, can't remember what it's called) that sings, just asks to be played. Also got a maple fretted Precision neck that's very nicely made but a bit deep for my taste - they offer a shallower one these days, wish I'd had that choice when I bought it. Solid as a rock though.
  9. [quote name='redstriper' timestamp='1358119800' post='1933593'] I have a kappalite 3015LF in a very small Flite cab and I like it very much. I play mainly reggae and soul music and I like a very deep bass tone. This driver sounds clear, deep and smooth, with more treble response than I expected. The non LF version might be more suitable if you like more upper mid and treble. I have no idea how they would sound in your cab though. I also had the kappalite 3015LF in an Ashdown cab and it sounded great there too. [/quote] plus the one - I use a 3015LF in a 120 litre box and it's superbly deep for reggae and soul. I don't care that it's got no top - I bi-amp into an 8" for that when I need it (for EUB).
  10. 'Why don't we mix (five very different 24-track songs on an analogue desk) Friday evening?'
  11. If anyone can do something with it, it's: http://myworld.ebay.co.uk/mdphillips1956?_trksid=p2047675.l2559
  12. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1357918879' post='1930627'] Bill Fitzmaurice recommends subs paired/ganged together in stage center, I cant remember ever seeing it done this way in practice for a live band, but it definitely gives you up to 6dB of extra oomph (with his subs) per pair, and removes/mitigates issues with the cancellayions you get from seperating the subs in the first place. [/quote] I saw a noted German industrial metal band at the NEC and they'd done this - flown full-trange speakers either side of the stage, and subs the whole width of the stage (roped together) between the front of the stage and the barriers. I could hardly breathe, it was most excellent.
  13. You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.
  14. Aye, me and Barefaced. PA bass drivers tend to not have the HF extension of designed-for-bass drivers, so I (we) tend to add HF drivers.
  15. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1357918801' post='1930624'] It won't be long before you see Musicman rotating the machine heads to a clearly more comfortable angle facing the player. [/quote] {ahem} edit: just tried to upload a photo of a Thumb but my computer went MENTAL...
  16. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/183870-eminence-big-cat/
  17. Or, in English: http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_powerplant.htm are they isolated though?
  18. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1357895788' post='1930064'] Amazingly, someone (apparently) bought this mess; [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Kay-P-bass-thought-perhaps-1968-with-ebony-fingerboard-/190759708552?nma=true&si=POeFpyban8dy%2FojB0rz%2BRLsTK7s%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=p2047675.l2557[/url] [/quote] ewww! What's with the E tuner? 139 quid! plywood body and all.
  19. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1357734600' post='1927378'] Can't seem to upload pictures but for me it's actually one that was mentioned in the ugliest bass thread. [/quote] I predict that every bass nominated on the 'ugliest' thread will, eventually, also get a mention here, and vice-versa.
  20. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1357671723' post='1926480'] This isn't what musicman20 has been waiting 7 months for is it? [/quote]
  21. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1357660594' post='1926208'] People still reference with auratones (Behringer make a cheap version of the auratone even!) They allow you to concentrate on the mids on a small box with no port and pretty even though limited requency response. Often people will mix on a single auratone in mono, to get levels, check how transients are reacting together, ensure there is enough space in the mids for vocals etc. Of course then you have to recheck everythig on the bigger monitors to get any idea of what is going on in the bass, and get soem panning sorted in the mix, theoretically when you get as far as the panning suddenly everything has its own space and the whole mix sounds really defined with a space for everything and everything in its place. NS10s on the other hand, they just plain suck [/quote] I've never enjoyed the sound of Horrortones, but recognise the necessity of their evil. Wonder what these would sound like in a small box: http://www.tymphany.com/files/PLS-P830987%20Rev1_0.pdf
  22. bremen

    Not for sale.

    I never knew what it was, but I want it now I know I can't have it
  23. bremen

    Not for sale.

    Is this still for sale?
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