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Everything posted by bremen

  1. Works for me, too. Still got the controls, but fitted a bypass switch.
  2. Up there with "will I blow the speaker?" a while back
  3. My sister has a 90s 5 string Thumb that she discovered has a stripped truss-rod nut. Apparently in an effort to alleviate the neck-dive they specified an alloy nut, and this is a known issue. I don't know how difficult that would be to fix. If you want to have a go, make an offer.
  4. ...but is it the best bass for metal?
  5. Interchangeable tonewoods, possibly automated, so you don't get the problems associated with playing in C on a maple body or 3/4 with ebony fingerboard.
  6. A smartphone, possibly recessed into the back of the headstock, for checking the Funny Meme thread on BC while the guitarist faffs about with his pedals.
  7. Everything was digital in the 80s, then it was Titanium for a while, now it seems to be Quantum. There's even a housing estate being built near me called Quantum Fields. Whatever next, Quark Gardens?
  8. True, but it doesn't help that the Synq amp pictured above describes itself as 'digital' on its face. Like a pair of headphones I once owned, a panel heater on the wall over there, and probably several of the onions in my fridge.
  9. I was 16 when I borrowed it, seemed huge at the time. Mind you, I was a four stone apology, not the two separate gorillas I am today.
  10. Fender did a 4x12 with angled speakers, as Mr Paul says it was huge.
  11. Fretless with a pick, isn't that illegal? 😅
  12. But... What are the best socks for metal? 😅
  13. I lied about my age to avoid the draft
  14. I defer to Messrs Binky and Reggae. I'd never seen a Precision with the truss rod nut at that end, and the capstans look wrong. Finish is cheap looking too. Apologies.
  15. It's clearly neither a Fender nor a Precision
  16. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/404835356152?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=bogatj92qsk&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=hNc7PDPYRJi&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Edit : I thought this a fake, but am told that some Precisions do have tuners and truss rod nuts that look like that.
  17. I believe Jamerson used a bible in lieu of feeler gauge, credit card or business card... 😂
  18. "Recommending this product is a no-brainer. - Wayne Donnelly" Couldn't agree more 🤣
  19. Just me, or is his choice of pronouns a bit creepy?
  20. Brothers in Liverpool always say that about Manchester 😁
  21. Genuine Neutriks at a decent price here https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/303145726020 I wouldn't trust Chinese copies with anything more than an amp or two 😝
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