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Everything posted by longtimefred

  1. they would come at me with pitchforks n torches wouldnt they
  2. [quote name='yorks5stringer' timestamp='1347635945' post='1803431'] This isn't you is it?:http://basschat.co.uk/topic/186774-the-hardest-working-bass-in-rock/ [/quote] my word! that is ++++AWESOME+++++ haha i think i would be the biggest hypocryt going if that were me and i was complaining about my strings thats some good effort right there. makes my shiny 'berg look unused. DIG IN SON!
  3. lol i do play rather hard but the standard slinkys usually lasted 3/5 months before going off so i know compared to a lot of you guys they dont last me very long but this was a joke! right pain in the arse when trying to tour on a budget!
  4. cheers guys, i have sent a winging letter to EB, i would like to hear something back before i sod them off for good and change brands as i have used slinkys for years.
  5. cheers man i think i will. I have never had a pack die as quickly as these have.
  6. like the title says really! I spent out £30 on a pack of these after hearing some good reports as i really like the standard slinkys. I am 2 dates into my band's autumn tour and they are dead! I have played them for no longer than 2 hours and they sound as dead as a very dead person. These things sounded great out the pack, had a good amount of girth on them but that lasted 30 minutes. I do wipe clean my strings after playing as i do go through them rather quickly but nothing like this. Totally gutted as i have another 10 dates to do and very limited budget that i dont want to waste on rip off marketing crap stings. Absolutely useless!!!!
  7. [quote name='bigsmokebass' timestamp='1347369423' post='1799856'] Oh mahn! £200 or so? ("(-.-) BSB [/quote] yup, and that was just the power valves.
  8. i loved my VBA400, it was a pure beast! I would have kept it but i couldnt afford to re valve the bugger. 8 x 6550's was just too much man! lol.
  9. pay double that for a new un! another reason why i wouldnt! or would buy for that reason lol
  10. Please take them off before I get my inheritance through. A jazz bass of this calibre and born 2 months after me would be hard to pass up!
  11. i wouldnt! far too nice that is. [quote name='Bassulike66' timestamp='1347282624' post='1798767'] Thank you sir.... Im still not convinced i should part with it.. [/quote]
  12. Sandberg use Delano as stock pups as far as i remember. I opted for Haussel pickups when i ordered my bass as they are a bit more "vintage" voiced. bit more growl.
  13. yeah i waited 4 months for mine. was worth it! Unless you can find one that a dealer has that you like the look of. There are usually a few knocking around.
  14. just to add to the crowd, my PM4 (TM4) is incredible. I will never sell mine as i know it was hand made just for me. Everything on the bass just works perfectly. buy one!
  15. and me! just ordered a Protec gig bag from Mark and within the hour i had an e mail saying thanks for the order and this will be shipped today. I could have bought the same bag for £20 cheaper on Thomann but id rather give my money to independent British businesses. Wish i could afford to buy more stuff lol.
  16. yup, i use the para driver DI as a pre - preamp as well. (prefer this to the bassdriver as its got the mid range dial). Just gives me more options before the signal hits my amp.
  17. [quote name='drthirkenstein' timestamp='1345559797' post='1778837'] hi nerds! Just so you know I still have my 810 for sale. I am in Leeds and I have a van, let me know if anyone wants it. [email protected] bye PS my matamp 412 + 215 bass rig is better than yours [/quote] i love it that your van company is called Far Beyond Driven. nicely named after such a baddass album
  18. i used to have a holoflash one. it was freaking awesome!!! really miss that bass. the necks on these are soooo easy to play.
  19. get a clear perspex guard! that would look cool and protect some of the painting.
  20. doh have just seen this! will get a pic of mine uploaded tonight cant not share the love.
  21. these Matamp green 4x10s are just the best aint they! I proper want another one.
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