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Everything posted by silentbob

  1. Sold to OldG "Does it use a magnet on the bottom, or are they magnetic slugs?" Sorry, but i have no idea what this means.
  2. Got a pair of Duncan Designed Jazz Bass pups here. Bought them for my Squier standard, not realising that the pups on mine are both the same size, whereas these have the bridge pickup slightly larger than the neck pickup. Looking for £20 posted to your door.
  3. [quote name='Darkstrike' post='1341251' date='Aug 15 2011, 10:14 PM']That metallic black pickguard is mighty![/quote] Thanks, i really love it.
  4. [quote name='NancyJohnson' post='1340617' date='Aug 15 2011, 01:13 PM']I'm familiar with the interview with the JEW bassist...interesting concept. Can I throw something in here? I'm drawn to the shot earlier in this thread where you have the neck on the bass. When the strings pass over the nut, will they actually line up with machines or splay downwards slightly (ie like you get on a hockey-stick headstock)? P[/quote] I'm hoping that they will line up ok, but i guess i can't really know for sure until i get the neck and all the other bits on.
  5. Got the strings today. Thanks and a free bump fella.
  6. Right then, after three months of doing nothing to this i thought i'd better do a bit more. I picked up a scrathplate in black from the bay, and although it was a pretty good fit, there was someting about the plain black colour that just didn't sit right with me, so time for plan B. I dug out the original white pickguard, gave it rub over with some wire wool, then applied a coat of Halfords gray plastic primer. While that was drying it was off to Halfords again to pick out some paint for the topcoat. It took about ten seconds to decide on a BMW metallic black then it was straight back home to finish the job. Paint went on ok, with only a few imperfections that can only be seen up close, and more importantly, it looked bloody awesome. Next up was fitting all the new electrics, cge mini pots, switchcraft jack socket, orange drop cap and Kent Armstrong pups. Managed to get through it ok with only one monumental screw up (i'll be keeping that one to myself for fear of being labelled the forum idiot), then it was just a case of fitting the scratchplate and Gotoh bridge, then checking the electrics worked (which they did....phew). So that's the body finished, next job, fitting the neck.
  7. [quote name='Ou7shined' post='1338328' date='Aug 13 2011, 12:39 AM']When I did mine, I sanded it as smooth as a baby's behind before painting. I never wire brushed it or anything. Just by not going through the grain filing process I got the desired effect. You just want to finish the bass as normal (minus the grain filler - tons of stuff on the web about it) except either finish it with matt black paint or normal black with a clear matt/satin lacquer. But to be honest that bass doesn't look like it has enough cross grain and therefore not a great candidate for the job.[/quote] Thanks for the info and the heads up on the grain. Not done this before so don't really know what's what. I guess worst case scenario is that if i try it and it turns out crap, i can always paint over the top of it (or does staining do something to wood that makes it hard to paint over?).
  8. Thanks for the replies, if anybody can point me in the direction of an online step by step guide with some visuals, it would be much appreciated as i've never tackled a body re-finish before. I assume that with the stain, you just keep adding coats until you get to the desired colour level, then seal/wax. Without sounding daft, do you need to use a special sort of wire brush, as the only one i have is the sort you use to brush down iron work, ect before re-painting and looks like it would be a bit harsh on wood. The wood is ash, see here [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220828808298&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...e=STRK:MEWAX:IT[/url] This is the donor bass. I already have one of these that i bought and restored, and it's my favourite bass. Trouble is i'd like one that looks a bit more, erm, metal, so this one is going to be my "none more black" bass.
  9. Right then, it seems that i have a new project bass on the way and i have an exact idea about how i want it to look, just don't know how to go about it. The link below shows the finish i'm after. Any ideas guys? [url="http://www.rondomusic.com/pbg2.html"]http://www.rondomusic.com/pbg2.html[/url]
  10. Interested in the strings, are they tapewound, or taperwound? Do you have a pic?
  11. [quote name='vintage' post='1331464' date='Aug 7 2011, 10:21 PM']Howdy, I wonder if anyone can give me a pointer. I bought this Spector bass [url="http://media.freehostingnoads.net/images/edited%2006.jpg"]front[/url] and [url="http://media.freehostingnoads.net/images/edited%2014.jpg"]back[/url] in 1999. There is no model or serial number to be found. Does anybody know where I can get more information about the instrument? I checked the Spector site but no luck. Many thanks.[/quote] Have a look here, second from bottom, NS-2000B [url="http://www.spectorbass.com/about/model_years_3.html"]http://www.spectorbass.com/about/model_years_3.html[/url]
  12. My sister lives in Monmouth and i'm proper pissed that she never told me about this. Although not as pissed as when i found out my nephew used to play with Mani's nipper when he lived in Monmouth, and that Mani used to stop and have a brew when he came round to pick up his boy
  13. I believe the correct answer is sell the guitars, keep the basses.
  14. Have you looked at the Gotoh GB-4N tuners. I have these on my P and have just bought a second set for my next project. [url="http://www.highlystrung.co.uk/acatalog/Gotoh_Machine_Heads_for_Bass_Guitar.html"]http://www.highlystrung.co.uk/acatalog/Got...ass_Guitar.html[/url]
  15. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='1310728' date='Jul 20 2011, 07:34 PM']Than kyou and silentbob Dont watch csi , so that's why I don't know her[/quote] She's in Chuck, not CSI.
  16. Yvonne Strahovski, or as i like to call her, the future Mrs Silentbob.
  17. Birmingham for me, can't wait. Been waiting 20 years to see them.
  18. I have no natural talent, i don't think that any amount of practicing will make me talented, but does it matter aslong as i'm enjoying myself? Does it hell
  19. Give it time dude. It took me about five months to really click with mine (possibly due to the neck being jazz width and i prefer P necks), but at the moment it's my go-to bass. Infact, i just this week stuck some flats on it and i'm loving it even more.
  20. I think i read somewhere that Mike Mills of REM plays flats with a pick.
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