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Everything posted by scojack

  1. Looks fantastic Owen . Much love for the 33" scale..hmmmm comfy.
  2. I can only see a ground on the jack - bridge. You could/should maybe ground the back of all the pots and make sure they all have a path to the ground on the jack. PS You could also add some copper tape (or shielding paint) to the cavities and ground it too this might help to eliminate any hum.
  3. I've done one around this thickness as I wanted it to be light ..... just call it 'slimline' You will need shorter neck screws or bolts too. Ian
  4. Some cracking work there Andy, that Yew is stunning especially with all the carving, looking forward to seeing this progress. Wonder what the 'other' project is hmmmm ........ Ian
  5. Never seen these before, love that ! ....off to investimagate Cheers alyctes
  6. Have the same dilemma, always wanted to do a 'homage' to a certain british bass luthier (I played one of his basses for 20+ years and stupidly sold it ). Figured that as long as i wasn't selling it or trying to market a 'copy' then it would be fine, especially as you could say these basses themselves bare more than a passing nod to something else . Never ventured to do it though as i know for a fact he wouldn't be happy but it's always tempting cause i really miss that bass. I would just go for it ! Betsy ...(The bass that is)
  7. Aaahh but they were grand days... Learned my first chops on a pre CBS Precision. Taken on a box brownie ..... My brother still has that old lady. (the bass that is)
  8. I've Just sussed out the [b]creek[/b] in Shuk-creek. DOH !! Caught up now..... Dave --- brilliant job, that neck fit looks tighter than a midgies chuff.
  9. Time for a full frontal (with knobs on)
  10. Jings dunno where they went ......found one in photobucket. This was my first attempt at an upright, its a bit fugly but i learned a huge amount building it. It's a 3/4 so it's hard work to play for me, subsequently went to 1/2 scale, weighs a lot, the scroll carving was good though. Had to wind a custom pickup too, great fun That was a blast from the past Owen ! Weber ..my Inspiration for this project.....
  11. Few hours today.... Got the back carved and managed to prep a new neck blank, tigerwood/satinwood/tigerwood. Fiddled with the top horn, the outside curve had become a little flat in the middle (over enthusiastic sanding). Ian
  12. What an eejit, i was looking at the price for a set of [b]all[/b] their templates ! Neither wonder they were a tad expensive lol Need new glasses ! Well maybe not .....only need them for fiddly stuff ... like making pup templates. Eagle Eyes Ian McScrooge
  13. I saw those Bruce..... but 40+ of Her Majesties finest Sterlings for a couple of wee bits of plastic just aint going to happen. Was hoping that maybe someone in the UK was doing 'em (at a reasonable price). I could probably get them cnc'd myself much cheaper. Ach i'll probably just get the files out and do it myself ... old school. Ian
  14. Anybody in the UK sell routing templates? Looking for a JB set (pickups only), save me a bit of time/bother. Just the pickups ..not a full set! Ian
  15. Looks fantastic ! The knobs will finish it off nicely
  16. Very nice, i do like your choice of woods .. class
  17. Can't believe your selling this m8 Probably my all time fav bass i've seen on here.
  18. Cheers Plunger ----just don't hold your breath waiting
  19. Cheers Cameron glad you like it Thanks Rubis, not really got as far as lectrics yet, i did like the EMG HZ's passive humbuckers i used the last time though, i was thinking about using them again but with coil tap switches, i do like their sound but found them mibbies a bit 'bassey' so using a single coil might extend the range a wee bit. -- need to do a little research but there's no rush (thoughts/suggestions/comments/recommendations welcome ) , quite fancy a 'proper' active set of EMG's too (save the bother) but this could all change Ian
  20. Maybe a long shot but are both pups the right way up and or wired properly ....sounds like a phase issue when you have the two pups together ?
  21. I should have said ..It's flamed eucalyptus on the top, satinwood body.
  22. Bout time i did something for myself . Eventually found a nice facing i like (that didn't need a kidney sale) bagged it and got started. Made a good few mods to the last design but hopefully kept the overall look & feel .... 33" Scale length again cause i loves it This was a back n side set so i jointed the sides together and used them for the speed stripe .. And the back ... Tigerwood board + Satinwood binding I have a one piece Tigerwood neck blank ready (left) to use but kinda fancy doing a satinwood stripe up the middle now, just to complete the look. Could be while though ..arctic conditions on cabbage patch pass (well the path to the shed). Ian
  23. [quote name='owen' timestamp='1420798003' post='2653449'] I hasten to add that this is not my neck. I was just pointing out a bit more cracking wood from Mr Alpha. [/quote] Right ....that's me lost !
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