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Everything posted by bumnote

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePIzrFYdKnQ Try this, [it isnt me]
  2. One of my good friends died of this several years ago. To see him go from an active man through to when he was in a wheelchair and could only move his head was awfull, The strain it puts on his family is enourmous, had to be fed like a chilld. Its a disgusting disease.
  3. zilla recovered my bassman amp and cap. Did an absolutely great job. Very good company to deal with
  4. I always buy a cover for amp or cab, although I only load into my car its still very easy to scrape without a cover. Ive tried roqsolid but I prefer the covers from Hotcovers. I like the black leather look material and the service is fantastic. Normally next day,regardless if its a custom or standard. I had a problem with the cover with my phil jones because its an awkward shape. Sent it back for a mod. 24 hour service and no charge. Fabulous
  5. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1423081814' post='2680572'] You need irealb in your life! [/quote] That looks similar to on song which I tried and didnt really get on with Using excel allows me to customise what i read, whole song or just verse/middle eight, written notes like long slow intro or whatever. I also found I couldnt download everything I wanted so i had to use excel for some tunes anyway so it was 2 programs open. Or maybe Im just stuck in my ways
  6. Send an e mail to Ashdown customer service They are very good
  7. i use numbers whhich is apples version of excel. I just write out the chords using the grid lines as bars and then just improvise round that
  8. Mine is pretty much the same, darker and dull [attachment=182786:post-634-0-82027400-1411227078.jpg] A non aged one looks really nice but the colour mark gets is probably more like a 50 year old instrument
  9. My limelight stack knob in the corner
  10. I didnt really intend to go this route, I was looking for a lighter weight cab solution than my Phil Jones 12 b which is fantastic. I ended up with this which givea me a pretty light at 55lbs 4x10 and a head which is heavier than my M500 Sounds pretty good, very nice to have three knobs and a volume to worry about [attachment=182582:IMG_0430.JPG]:IMG_0429.JPG]
  11. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1421878663' post='2666245'] Every night I kick myself for ordering rosewood board. [/quote] Why dont you ask Mark if he can swap the neck? I got mine in the summer last year and its going nowhere
  12. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1420470043' post='2649655'] After years of humping massively heavy 4x10 and 15 inch cabs around....(remember Peavey and Trace gear from the80's..) I now really do believe small speakers are the answer, as long as you have got plenty of them...a little bit of work for each individual speaker, but add them together.... [/quote] Works very well for PJB. I am a fan
  13. [quote name='chuck_stones' timestamp='1420816062' post='2653822'] God I would love one of these! Don't be fooled people, the smaller cones en mass give amazing response for clear and defined reproduction as well as punchy and loud delivery. Wish I had the cash! GLWTS. [/quote] Thank you very much
  14. or buy some fender tilt back legs http://www.hotroxuk.com/fender-tilt-back-amp-legs.html?utm_source=GoogleBase&utm_medium=organic&gclid=CKPIyvX7ocMCFW3MtAodERAAZw
  15. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1420562723' post='2650676'] Close your eyes, turn the knobs, wherever they sound best is where they should be. The numbers don't mean a thing. [/quote] spot on
  16. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1420490876' post='2650022'] I have also had no problems from DHL, but i am hardly prolific in dealing with couriers [/quote] I use variety of couriers on a daily basis for UK, USA and Europe. I use UPS,TNT, DHL and Fedex and all give great service. Yes sometimes something goes wrong, but its usually down to a driver or someone in a hub somewhere. Its a very competitive business and if a courier was crap at delivering they wouldnt be around. My personal favourite for UK is Interlink as they have real time tracking, and I get great service from them, or Fedex where my local driver is a bass player, how cool is that..
  17. [quote name='Shaggy' timestamp='1420376507' post='2648514'] Been a few good music programmes on BBC4 this Xmas / New Year - particularly enjoyed The Clash 1977 New Year gig documentary (being the year I started on bass as a young punk.......) One of my "guilty pleasures" has always been the Carpenters, so caught "Carpenters at the BBC" [/quote] No Guilt Absolutely fabuloua, what a voice and harmonies to die for
  18. These guys are great, we have had a number of jackets and stuff, union jack jackets, long shiny drape jackets, just be carefull of the material you choose, the drape jackets were really hot, made me realises how the Turkey feels in their baco foil at christmas He can suggest fabrics or find your local fabric land http://stagewearunlimited.com/
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