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Everything posted by noelk27

  1. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1343588911' post='1752462']I never understand why string manufacturers put silks on the bottom end of the string - it's just a problem waiting to happen.[/quote] It used to be to prevent the welt from fraying. These days, though, there's no need for it, unless Rotosound is saying that it isn't capable of making a sting that's bound to modern standards. Personally, I just see Rotosound's use of windings as a waste of the planets diminishing resources. It would no doubt spout some b*ll*cks about brand identity and marketing.
  2. Well, I'd be careful about mixing in early originals that weren't already in your setlist - there's probably a good reason why early material was left on the shelf. But it's certainly worth taking a second look at early material to see how it can be improved, and brought up to standard. Extending some of the stronger songs currently in your setlist is a good idea - but not every song in your setlist! Look at arranging the songs with an extended break section and a few chorus repeats. Similarly, look at the song in your set where you can do an "introducing the band" section - where you can all take a turn in the limelight. I'd certainly avoid the more freeform, improvisation/jam approach. Finding the right cover versions is also a good idea - if you're particularly fortunate you'll identify some obscure songs that you can look at taking and reworking to give these a new identity in line with your bands, and play these alongside the instantly familiar covers. But, as an originals band, looks like you need to find the time to write some new material. Not your style, perhaps, but take a look at Crowded House. Those guys know how to involve an audience in a gig - extending songs, audience participation, story telling, and covers. Was at a CH gig where the guys played for over two-and-a-half hours before doing half an hour worth of encore.
  3. As has been said, you can delete your "reply" in someone's topic or your topic, but you can't delete your "topic". So, if you opened the thread, it's there unless or until a Mod acts.
  4. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1343399642' post='1750201']"For personal reasons, the Squire [sic] bit on headstock has been grinded [sic] off" What personal reasons might those be? Insecurity? Snobbery?[/quote] Think he means personal gain from the proceeds of crime. You know, passing off.
  5. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1343477538' post='1751266']I love this quote... "This strat is based on an Encore model..." It is a bloody ENCORE you pillock!!![/quote] And, of course, Encore debuted its first "Strat" in 1954. Hmm, or did it? Maybe, and it's just me being pedantic, I know, the Encore is based on a "Fender" Strat.
  6. Well, the standard model can be got for under £1,400, but that doesn't have the edge binding, etc. The issue, whenever you add optional extras, is that your choices don't always align with the expectations of others, and when you come to sell you never got the full value of those extras back. Potential buyers will say to themselves, why should I pay lots more for add-ons I'm not really bothered about when I can get standard/new for less. There's also the fact that, however new, your bass is now used, and that can cause issues for any buyer with respect to warranties, etc. For a smaller number of potential buyers - those who can legitimately write off the VAT element of any purchase - buying new they can do that, but buying from you they can't. Hope that helps you organise your thoughts.
  7. The "X" factor just gets in the way. When I tried a 2024X found the scratchplate was flush with the pickup surround, and I just couldn't get a comfortable playing position. Why my 2024 is "X"-less.
  8. There was a time when it was difficult to find anything other than Roto or Picato on the high street, but that was the '70s. Now, with access to so many quality strings, there's no excuse for using this sh*t. Roto, worst string I've ever played, and that includes the outrageously expensive James Howe Signature Edition in the '90s.
  9. [quote name='the hand of john curley' timestamp='1343409073' post='1750408']It's like the Python "Fish license" sketch "that's not a knopfler, it's an encore with the word encore crossed out and knopfler written on in crayon"!!!!!!!!!!![/quote] No it's not. It's a parrot.
  10. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1343418983' post='1750611']Not really wearing down as such but there are grooves in them already.[/quote] I wouldn't worry about that. You're noticing it because the fret wire was (I'm assuming) new. It's like when you first wear a pair of shoes, and look at the soles after a day. Or first drive on a tyre, and look at the tread after a week. But, why go directly from rounds to flats? For one, you'll find the compliance of flats a very different prospect. Why not take a look at ground/half-round wounds first? Some of the play/wear benefits of flats, more of the sound of rounds.
  11. Yea, it looks okay. Can just about recall there being a series of limited runs for colours such as candy apple red and candy apple blue with matched headstocks. I'd not put a lot of reliance on the "only 200 made" or the "finished to Custom Shop standard" bits though.
  12. [quote name='ryancowell25' timestamp='1326971260' post='1504398']and SOLD[/quote] [quote name='Franner' timestamp='1343320069' post='1748940']Still available?[/quote] Seems unlikely.
  13. Christ on a bike! He must think it's a real Status, not a Washburn Status.
  14. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1342986728' post='1743535']Re-listed as a copy.[/quote] First question (well, only question) is a classic: Why is it a copy? Err, because it wasn't made by Fender, perhaps? Like I said above: Passing off p*sses me off.
  15. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1343254862' post='1748033']heres the link to the filed down floyd rose locking nut [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&item=190695956293&nma=true&rt=nc&si=P0pLGTFaCE7rySQ6p4vhidOEeCw%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc"]http://cgi.ebay.co.u...cvip=true&rt=nc[/url][/quote] Just when you think you've seen everything. That it can't get any worse. Seriously, this guy is to guitar repair f*uck ups what Nadia Comaneci was to gymnastics excellence. So, it's ten out of ten from the Scots judge for his sheer lunacy.
  16. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1343245965' post='1747782']I wonder what on earth led him to believe that was hand built.[/quote] Because he's clueless. First rule in guitar repair club is learn the terminology. It's a nut, not a zero fret. It's relief, not concavity. It's plywood, not mahogany.
  17. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1343122173' post='1745447']what kind of "guitar-improver" can't put a new fret on...[/quote] Maybe he's confused by touchboards? He seems to think all touchboards are concave (curve inwards) and not convex (curve outwards). Possibly difficult to seat fret wire when you don't understand curvature. It really is bewildering that people are convinced by the waffle in his descriptions. Or aren't put off by the fact a repairer doesn't know how to use the word "relief".
  18. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1343074447' post='1744935']Christ on a bike...[/quote] Couldn't have put it better. Maybe he was fitting the nut for a set of bass strings. Bass E looks like it could take a 0.125.
  19. [quote name='chaypup' timestamp='1341482875' post='1719674']Really nice SB-900 here - [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160836045858?_trksid=p5197.c0.m619#ht_1612wt_937"]http://www.ebay.co.u...9#ht_1612wt_937[/url] It may go for cheap as it's collection only. If anyone wants me to pick it up and post it for them (after looking after it for a few days ) then I'd be happy to![/quote] Looks like walnut stain to me, not oak. Also looks like a European distributor's case not an original for that date. And although I agree with the seller, that the 900, and also the R150, are the ultimate versions of the SB design, these aren't as rare as is being suggested. The ones to collect? A '78 with the PowerPlus pickup, or an '81 in tobaccoburst. Now, those are rare.
  20. [quote name='dunnymod' timestamp='1343043156' post='1744099']I now believe that its part of the CIJ series dated 1999-2002. A positive aspect is it appears to be a non export one with the american pickups!!!![/quote] Not a Fender Japan expert, by any measure, but if it's non-export that should mean it was made by Tokai, but aren't the pickups made by Gotoh (that's the Gotoh in Nagano, not the lot that make the hardware), using American moulds and to American standards, but are actually MIJ? By the way, if I'm right that's no bad thing. Gotoh make quality pickups.
  21. Similarly, there still seem to be a lot of drummers around, performing on stage and working in studios, even though high quality drum/percussion software has been out there for some considerable time. That said, I'll happily buy this bass software if it allows me to make a better product in my home studio, although unless I decide I want ever gig to look like a Kraftwerk concert I'd still be taking to stage carrying a guitar or bass.
  22. [quote name='Torben Hedstrøm' timestamp='1342969815' post='1743254']On bit of a sidenote... Anyone actually read a bad remark on the feedback section about anyone ?[/quote] Not much. And given the number of threads like this one, where a buyer clearly has issues with a seller (I put myself in that category, being out of pocket paying for repairs to two instruments, where the sellers agreed to reimburse those repair costs, but never did), I'd question the lack of negative comments therein. Personally, I find the design and construct of the feedback folder to be totally lacking, and place very little value on the comments therein. In the absence of clear rules as to how feedback should be constructed/submitted, the presence of a feedback folder awards a false sense of security/assurance. I've sometimes wondered if there's a not upsetting the applecart mindset.
  23. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1343045081' post='1744147']Sadly there is no agreed standard for descriptive classification. ... Here's US retailer Elderly Instruments' grading table - it seems to fit with the thread consensus:[/quote] Grading tables only work if people understand words/terms in the same way, and if they place the same value/weight on the relative judgments/assessments they are making. I've seen posts from members here on the verge of cardiac arrest if their pride and joy picks up a single mark. I own in excess of 300 guitars and basses, and have long since gone passed the point where single marks register on my heart rate. Being serious, though, as someone who used to trade in rare vinyl my own experiences tell me that, even where an agreed grading system exists (Record Collector in the UK), sellers are often inclined to be economic with descriptions and push the standard of grading, whereas buyers are inclined to have unrealistic and unrealisable expectations.
  24. Amazing condition for its age. Wonder if it's a respray.
  25. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1342955536' post='1743062']Good suggestion....[/quote] And there's the Simon Townshend connection. He and Foxton having worked together with Casbah Club. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1342958683' post='1743106']I have to own up that I can't remember a thing about the drummer ... Jason Bonham maybe?[/quote] Zak Starkey most likely.
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