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Everything posted by noelk27

  1. [quote name='wombatboter' timestamp='1342954537' post='1743036']How much I love Pino I can't understand what he's doing in the Who.. You need someone with a bit of frustration, agression or wit in that bass chair (you play what you are) and Pino is far too sweet to deliver the thing Entwistle supplied.. Not that he has to copy Entwistle but it takes a certain kind of egoistic over-self confident bass playing which still blends with the rest of the band. It's more than putting a leather jacket on, like someone said "cleverness is no substitute for true awareness"[/quote] Probably not someone Townshend would have thought of asking, but think Bruce Foxton would have fitted The Who sound perfectly.
  2. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1342911838' post='1742776']I like the way it has carrying handles built into the body, more things should be designed like that![/quote] Well, Ibanez did it with the JEM series, back in '87. Hmm, anyone else know if any other guitar designs incorporated "handles" before then?
  3. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1342912891' post='1742793']Kenny Jones is an 'OK' drummer, but... he was a disaster for The Who! It's well documented that as time went on Moon was becoming a bigger liability... but Kenny Jones??? [/quote] His tenure with The Who correspondent with a time Townshend was writing by numbers, but you can't blame Jones for being with The Who at a time when The Who had gotten stale as a creative force. As for Moon, even if he'd not died, Townshend was likely to replace him. Moon had been forced to redo and redo his parts on "By Numbers" and, even more so, "Who Are You", and had to endure the indignity of having Jones redo those parts he couldn't cope with. Sure, the flair, the energy, and the power, that characterised Moon's playing had come to represent erratic timing, unconstructed fills, and chaotic solos. After Townshend had used Jones on "Tommy" the writing was on the wall.
  4. [quote name='apa' timestamp='1342888339' post='1742452']As for the 'I never rated Moon as a drummer' bit. Any Who fan knows that all through his career he has talk an awefull load of [email="cr@p"]cr@p[/email] in regular intervals. Dont take that comment at all seriously!![/quote] Oh, I don't know about that. Townsend became disillusioned with Moon's limitations as a drummer. Why Townsend had Kenney Jones replay some of Moon's parts on both the "By Numbers" and "Who Are You" albums.
  5. [quote name='paul_5' timestamp='1342854272' post='1741830']I think he might get in trouble over that "stingray".[/quote] Unless he styles it "StingRay" seems unlikely.
  6. [quote name='Bucket Head' timestamp='1342872285' post='1742124']i thought Brazilian rosewood was illegal?[/quote] No, it can legally be used, most commonly from stock that was harvested from before the embargo was imposed, or from reclaimed timbers. But the paperwork required to use it is extreme, even if it is from reclaimed sources. The change of use mean that the date applied to the timbers has to be the date it was reworked, which can cause cross-border issues. But, leaving aside the appearance, my question would be why describe the carcass of the neck as "Brazilian Rosewood" but the touchboard as "Exotic Rosewood"? A bit odd.
  7. Maybe it's specific comments, to your Precision and choice of J pickup, because I'm just not understanding this "you never use the J in a P/J set because it sounds wrong" argument. As someone who has used BB2000 and BB3000 among my main studio and live instruments since the '80s, and probably 90 per cent of the time has these set in the mid position, between P and J pickups, I think it's a much more colourful sound than a solo P. That said, I'm not one for modifying an instrument that works for me as is. I'd be more likely to buy another instrument to have a choice.
  8. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1342828998' post='1741773']Transparent Polycarbonate?[/quote] aka clear plastic
  9. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1342820429' post='1741646']Is it just me or is the bridge at a funny angle? Up at the front?[/quote] If I'm understanding what he's done, that because he's rammed a bit of wood behind the bridge assembly. Too big a bit of wood, hence the jaunty angle of the bridge plate, and the ski jump saddles.
  10. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1342792845' post='1741051']Never - I repeat, NEVER - store your bass in the same room you use to change your baby's nappies.[/quote] Keep them under lock and key. I'll leave you to decide which "them".
  11. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1342740259' post='1740427']if it were that much of a problem, on all strings... wouldn't it be easier if you take [the nut] off and sand the bottom down?[/quote] You'd have thought. But where's the fun in doing a job right?
  12. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1342735433' post='1740352']kawaaaiiiiiiiiii[/quote] Used to build Strat-alikes for Fernandes, until Tokai took over the contract. Did I go off topic again? Back to Zingy. Where are the Zingy tuners? Here starts the campaign for a Zingy tuner! http://www.facebook.com/ILoveZingyTheEdfEnergyOrangeBlob
  13. It's not worth getting into a tizz, David. I read your add and knew exactly what you intended. Other, possibly, than start by saying "Up for sale on eBay is my [X]" you couldn't really have been clearer. Edit: Some free bumps though!
  14. Yes, first point it all got a bit confused was '92, when FujiGen sub-contracted work to Dyna Gakki, as FujiGen had closed one of its old facilities for refurbishment/expansion, and didn't have capacity. Dyna Gakki used a different methodology for serial numbers, and also used the first version of the Crafted in Japan mark. When FujiGen was back to full capacity the sub-contract with Dyna Gakki ended, and the CIJ mark disappeared. In '96, when FujiGen had the opportunity to renew the Fender Japan/Kanda Shokai contract it didn't, as it had acquired a massive contract from Gibson. Thereafter Kanda Shokai engaged Dyna Gakki and Tokai, and the CIJ mark returned. At that time Kanda introduced a revised serial numbering system, also attempting to standardise the serial numbering of Squier product. Jump forward to 2007, when the next contract renewal time arrived again, and FujiGen again acquired a share of the production, the MIJ mark returned.
  15. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1342727238' post='1740174']"I dropped the string action artificially low to avoid cutting any string grooves too low when I re cut the grooves to drop the nut action for easy fingering in the lowest frets." ....Huh? [/quote] This is even better: "In the neck/string set up I start by ensuring the strings pass as low across the first fret wire as is [b]safely impossible[/b]". Guess the strings are on the underside of the touchboard then.
  16. The purple was a standard colour for a while. And sneaky suspicion it's this one http://basschat.co.uk/topic/52796-yamaha-trb5-fretless-bass-case-sold/page__p__524585__hl__trb5%20fretless__fromsearch__1#entry524585 both defrets with what looks like refinished touchboards.
  17. He has his own thread here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/177038-mark-d-phillips-guitar-improvermaster-bodger-this-guy-cracks-me-up/
  18. [quote name='dunnymod' timestamp='1342700728' post='1739526']So was there ever a P series CIJ?[/quote] Yes. Tokai (CIJ) is known to have produced serial numbers commencing "P". MIJ is used, under contract, by FujiGen and CIJ is used by the other factories, Dyna Gakki and Tokai, producing for Fender Japan. As far as I'm aware the online dating resourcing for Fender Japan are not definitive, as not all the batching of serial numbers has been included. Remember, there have been times when all three factories have been producing concurrently, using not dissimilar serial number formulations. That throws up some rogues. No doubt a Fender Japan expert can give you more definitive guidance.
  19. [quote name='AndThenSome1' timestamp='1342715209' post='1739905']Ahh sorry, I missed it was an eBay link - there's a seperate forum for those, I think in here it's just straight sales with set prices[/quote] Nope, the eBay thread is for the discussion of eBay listings, not promoting an eBay listing you've posted. The sales threads are the correct place, but it's expected that you'll make clear your post is a link to your eBay listing.
  20. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1342647402' post='1738827']Thanks for the knowledge. It's good to have some background info about ye olde 900.[/quote] If you want to see what an SB looks like with gold hardware, take a look at a standard R150 (these had gold effect bridges, tuners, truss rod cover, and jack sockets), or black hardware, a 1000JT (these had black bridges, tuners, and truss rod cover).
  21. [quote name='SidVicious1978' timestamp='1342639306' post='1738557']yes my iphone was set up for that account which now has been changed and i have asked a mod if its possibly to delete that account[/quote] As they say in my old profession, asked and answered. Worth adding that I think an offer to meet half of the repair costs is reasonable (possibly more than reasonable), given the passage of time in this situation. Hopefully, as this is BC, things can be resolved amicably.
  22. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1342640168' post='1738581']Gorgeous! Is this an SB-900? I know that there were two different control configurations with the 900's.[/quote] In fact there were three different layouts. This is a '79, bought in April '80 from McCormack's Music, Glasgow, complete with it's APII branded rectangular, fitted, red-lined hardcase. (Although when I asked if there was a hardcase I didn't expect that they try to charge me for it!) At one time I owned this, an '80 (which was identical), and another '79 finished in natural (sometimes referred to as light oak - as opposed to the more readily recognisable golden oak). Sold the '80. The other '79 is fitted with Alembic AXY pickups and A/E-1 circuit, as one of the original pickups died. But this one - my first one - sounds the same as the day I first played it in the little sound booths at the back of McCormack's store. Yours is the second version of the 900 (identical to the R80 - except that yours is the 45/16 "A" version, the "R" version being 40/18), so you have stacked volume and tone controls, whereas I have two volume controls and a master tone control. The position and mini toggle switches have the same purpose.
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