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Everything posted by Skybone

  1. Take it he was a "noyce" guy then... I'll get me coat...
  2. Best gigs? Too many to recall, most happened at the aforementioned Planet X in Liverpool. Other notable mentions, Faith No More in a small venue with Chuck singing. GWAR. Mental band, superb gig. Explaining to the Taxi driver why I was covered in fake blood. Black Sabbath 1997 Reunion with Bill Ward. Worst gigs? Metallica Justice for All gig, just seemed to be going through the motions (Danzig were great though), Slayer South of Heaven tour, played my 4 favourite songs first, so I left part way through the 5th.
  3. As much as I'd like to spend more, the budget was stretched at £100 tbh. £25 for the Marshall was brilliant, and more importantly, my son's happy with the amp and playing a bit more. Got to try and stop him from looking at basses on line now though! No hope!
  4. Just got one of those second hand for my son. Surprisingly good little amp. Surprisingly loud too. I just use the POD HD500x I use for rehearsals / gigs, but just with headphones instead of an amp.
  5. Funnily enough, I used to swear by the pink "Max" foam plugs for the bike, but then it used to take ages to put them in and get them sitting right. Some batches I had just wouldn't compress enough, or just wouldn't compress at all, so I stopped using the disposable ones, and got some 3M UltraFit Christmas Tree's, because I was happy with the results from the ER20's. Reusable, and same SNR as the HL Max. /Thread Sidetrack
  6. Saying all that though, it is fun P!ss!ng around with the Multi-FX trying to get the sound right. You're still practicing, and probably practicing for longer as you're sat in front of your computer for longer trying to get the new patches sounding right. That's my excuse anyway.
  7. He's also got to consider a budget for sound-proofing the basement. Assuming that most properties in the UK with basements tend to be in built up areas, and in older properties, so time and money spent soundproofing will pay off when he does come to start hosting jam sessions, as his neighbours won't be complaining about the noise. Humidity / damp in a basement in the UK is also a factor to consider, it'll play havoc with any equipment left in there for any length of time, so maybe a dehumidifier might be worth looking at. Sorry to rain on the parade, but they need to be considered before outlaying on gear. Can't go wrong with an EB 180, or any of the other Ashdown amps. Consider maybe a Vintage brand bass. Though any relatively inexpensive, second hand bass should do the trick. Vocal PA, stands etc., second hand again, though it might be worth looking at getting a new mic or two. Maybe even look at an electronic drum kit, and plug it into the PA.
  8. Another useless reply, but again, been using the Etymotic / Elacin / ACS ER 20's for years and really like them. I think the trick may be to take them out between songs / short breaks. Other than the custom moulded plugs, there doesn't seem to be much choice in this area. Those Flare Audio plugs are supposed to be OK, but that's hear say AFAIK.
  9. Cheers for the manual, and the handy cover tip! Yup, quite pleased with that find. Surprisingly loud.
  10. Ding Dang A Dong - Teach In (Netherlands Eurovision Winner 1975)
  11. Marshall MB 15 in really good nick, sounds good too. One happy teenager (his Mum and his sister aren't too happy though! ).
  12. Funnily enough, just seen a relatively local Marshall MB-15 for a very reasonable price on Gumtree. He'd be chuffed with having a Marshall amp.
  13. Proud Dad moment... my son has joined his first band as the bass player. Thing is, I really ought to get him a decent wee amp for use at home so that he can hear what he's playing when he's practicing. Thing is, what's a decent wee amp these days? Been looking into the options, and there seem to be a few. There's a few options around, but is it worth going for a "name" brand (i.e. Ashdown / Fender / etc.), or one of the many cheaper options? My head says brand name, my wallet says cheap. Who knew looking for a cheap practice amp could be so stressful???
  14. Dopesmoker - Sleep Dopethrone - Electric Wizard
  15. Being the weakest member of the band... You can always get someone to carry your amp up the stairs.
  16. If it's a variety of sounds, like clean / driven / downright dirty, then something like a Sansamp BDDI Deluxe or VT Deluxe would be ideal. If you need other effects from there, you can add them when you want. On the other hand, if you need core sounds and effects right off, then a multi FX may well be a better option. The Zoom B3n is a relatively inexpensive and easy to programme / play with option if you only use a few effects. However, if you want to add more effects / use amp & cab sims etc. then something like the Line6 POD Go or HX Stomp might be worth a look. On saying that, I've been using a Line6 POD HD500x for the last few years, which you can pick up second hand for about £200-250. You do have to register & buy the add on the HD Bass pack (about £20), but it does sound great IMO. Has all the effects & connectivity that you might need, and still costs less than the Helix variants.
  17. Why would anyone want to fake an Encore? They were never that great instruments in the first place...
  18. That and what @Woodinblack said about "music being valueless". It also seems that genres are more rigidly defined, bands have to "fit into a category", rather than just doing their own thing. Thanks to Myspace & Facebook for distilling what already seemed to be happening in music.
  19. You also need to factor in the decimation of Venues that put on Live Music. 20 years or so ago, there were far more venues operating than there are now, and a lot of them actively put on and promoted new & upcoming bands, playing original music. It seems that fewer venues are willing to take the risk of putting on bands, and those that do, want bands that'll play known music (popular covers) in order to get the punters through the door.
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