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Everything posted by Skybone

  1. Skybone

    help needed

    Which is why I think something like a Tech21 Bass Fly Rig v2 would be ideal. However, the OP seems set on the EBS MicroBass III. I have no doubts that it's a fine pedal, and will serve his purposes well.
  2. My second bass was a Westone Raider, in the tasteful red & graphite colour scheme. It was a damn sight better than the Kay P bass boat anchor I had. Wanted a Thunder 1A, but finally managed to get one a good few years later. Brilliant bass, wish I hadn't sold it. Always lusted after a Thunder II or III, because of good old Henry Thomas on Rock School. The Westone and Aria Pro II SB's were THE basses of the 80's.
  3. Yup, TC Polytune Mini sounds like it should fit the bill.
  4. The pedal that stopped me from looking for other solutions, even though there were other solutions available, was the Line6 POD HD500x (OK, probably cheating a wee bit as it's a multi-fx, but I used it for everything for over 5 years). It's only just been replaced by a POD Go, because there was a great deal on them.
  5. Skybone

    help needed

    My point was that the POD Go is £360, has 14 Bass specific preamp/amp models & 7 cab models, an loads of effects. It is possible to build a fabulous sound for stage and studio, and have loads of possibilities to take your sound where you want. It's not bad if you have a guitar as well. Headphone out as well. Like @Al Krow said, the Zoom B1 Four gives you all that for the princely sum of £65. Or there's the Zoom B3n for about £185. Both with headphone out. There's a B3n in the For Sale section for a very reasonable price. Alternatively, the Tech21 Bass Fly Rig v2 has 2 different preamps built in, as well as giving you a compressor, a fuzz/ovtave, chorus and tuner. Loads of flexibility there for about the same price as the EBS. There's a fantastic Tech21 VT Bass Deluxe in the For Sale section, which gives you 6 preamp's in a DI capable pedal. No headphone out though. I was merely suggesting some alternatives that you might want to consider, as they are all very viable solutions in a similar price range. Of course, you are free to make your own mind up, it is after all, your money. Whatever you choose, enjoy it.
  6. Skybone

    help needed

    If you're after a "Do It All" preamp, then why not look at something like a Multi-FX? The MicroBass 3 is around £310-330, the Darkglass pedals are between £280-£500 for the ADAM. You could look at something like the Tech21 Bass Fly Rig v2, which will give you not only 2 flavours of modelling preamp (BDDI & VT Bass), but also include a Compressor, Chorus, Tuner and an Octafilter/Fuzz, in one box, which retails for about the same price as the EBS. Something like a POD Go, or a HX Stomp, which have all the amp/cab/effect models you could want will set you back around £360-500. Caveat, just bought a POD Go, and very pleased with it so far. Guess it boils down to what you want to acheive with the preamp.
  7. Another long term sufferer ringing in... It's a PITA, but it's just a case of trying to manage it. Must admit, I only use the Etymotic plugs, only ever got as far as looking at the custom made plugs. One downside to it is that you need to remember to carry some earplugs with you, as in some "normal" situations, the background noise is just way too loud and it does start to make you cringe. It also makes you realise just how much "background" noise we all "put up with".
  8. Lovely looking bass, always preferred that model to the SB1000. @bassatnight, wonderful slab of 80's nostalgia you have there, though quite what they've done to the bridge is beyond me, always thought the Aria SB bridges were a superb design. GLWTS.
  9. The POD Go is more of a "Helix Lite", has the same model sets (less 3 effects so they say), but has reduced routing. The Helix range has the ability to create parallel signal paths, where you can only have 1 signal path on the POD Go (hence having a "Blend" control on the dirt pedal models is quite important), and only 4 assignable effect blocks of the 6 (one is assigned as the FX Loop, the other is assigned as the EQ). Though saying that, having 3 or 4 effects available, as well as amp & cab models is probably more than enough for most bassists, and if you do have requirements for other effects for different songs, there's nothing stopping you copying one preset into the next slot and assigning different effects. Still haven't got my head around snapshots, but can't see much use for them for bass players. From what I can gather, they allow you to tweak the settings of the signal chain in the preset (i.e. a bit more drive, tweak the EQ, tweak the controls on the effects), but you can't add/amend/change effect blocks. As with most tech, I would assume that there's probably slightly less processing power & memory in the POD Go than any of the Helix range. However, it's still a great piece of kit. The downside is that it's not cheap. If you want a great modelling multi-FX with the ability to add a parallel signal path, and not spend too much, definitely look at the HD500X, and get the HD Bass pack. Definitely keeping mine, even with the POD Go.
  10. Oooh... New discovery. Found & tried the SVT 4 Pro amp. Wow, fabulous sounding sim, very pleased. Had a more in depth play around with some other effects & settings. Really happy with the results, can't wait to get back into the rehearsal room and see how it sounds in a band setting. It'd be nice to have a bit more selection of bass-specific dirt pedals, preferably overdrives rather than distortion or fuzz. It's great that the 3 that are there have the "blend" control. Maybe meka a few suggestions on Ideascale.
  11. I'd agree with these. Learn the songs as per the recordings, however, if you think you can add to the song as well as adding your own touches, ask them what they want you to do while at the audition. If you can show you can add something, then they'll see that you're proactive as well as thinking about what's best for the song. Good luck with the audition!
  12. Greco Zemaitis - MIJ. Beautiful bass. GLWTS.
  13. I know I'm in the minority, but I do like the Dunlop Stainless Steel Roundwounds.
  14. No wonder you're getting fuzziness if you're turning the Gain full on. Big fan of Matamp's though.
  15. The Chase is Better Than the Catch - Motorhead
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