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Everything posted by Skybone

  1. There's an SVT 4 ini the For Sale section. Though to be fair, it doesn't look much lighter than an all valve SVT. EBS Fafner? EBS HD350? EBS TD650? Handbox R400?
  2. Can't argue with that. 👍
  3. If you play the MM more than the P & the J, then why not sell them to fund another MM. However, it might be worthwhile taking your time finding a new MM, try out a few before buying another one.
  4. Ideascale: POD Go / Helix - More Bass Specific Models Please (ideascale.com)
  5. Ideascale: POD Go / Helix - More Bass Specific Models Please (ideascale.com)
  6. First rehearsal with the POD Go the other night, very pleased with how it sounded, though a lot louder than I thought, had to rein it in somewhat. Made a few tweaks on the fly, dead easy. Overall, very happy with it. Sounds superb.
  7. Another Studio One Artist user. Used Cubase a lot in the past too.
  8. Decent drummers are like rocking horse droppings at the best of times, no matter where you live.
  9. These Boots Are Made for Walking - Nancy Sinatra
  10. The amp will be rated at 500w @ 4 Ohms probably. It'll be kicking out something like 300w @ 8 Ohms with the internal speaker(s).
  11. I bought my Ashdown combo from Musik-Produktiv a while ago (pre-Brexit), and a darn fine amp it is too. The AMP 210-300, which is the old MAG Evo III. Thing is though, now that Brexit has fully kicked in, don't forget that buying from Europe will make you liable for import charges & tax, so they may not be as good a deal as you may think. MP are based in Germany. However... on the plus side, PMT are doing the very same amps at very good prices. The 2x10 is £279 & the 1x15 is £269. Not 500w, but 200+w of Ashdown goodness for a bargain price. Add an extension cab, and you'll have 300+w on tap, which will be more than enough for any situation. Not the lightest combos around, but sound great. The OriginAL 210-300 is £406, and that's a lightweight combo. I'm only using the combo, and it's more than enough to gig with. Shop For Ashdown Bass Combos | PMT Online
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