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Cosmo Valdemar

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Everything posted by Cosmo Valdemar

  1. A friend once asked me to join his cover band a few years ago. Rock versions of old pop songs, I was told, and given a CD of Me First songs to get the idea. Not really my teacup but I gave it a go anyway. Turned out to be a Me First cover band, which I found sweetly ironic but not enough for me to stick around!
  2. Evelyn The Quietest Moments - Supertramp
  3. I know you've got that Eros, please stop reminding me 😭 If I remember correctly, the Gibson reissue (bizarrely called the SG) had modern Thunderbird pickups underneath the old-fashioned covers, but I could be wrong. The ones I tried didn't sound like an old EB to me.
  4. I reckon if they could find a singer with a decent gimmick they might be on to something!
  5. I'm normally opposed to the bridge pickup on most basses but on these old EBs the bridge pickup alone works perfectly for me. Instant Jack Bruce, Slade, Free etc. They're not nasally thin pickups at all.
  6. That's one of my absolute favourite songs.
  7. Blimey. Maybe try Talkbass, I hear they're a lot friendlier there.
  8. There's a lot more where that came from! Terribly underrated player.
  9. Fantastic! I've always loved these. Back pickup on full, a bit of drive, instant Slade!
  10. The Tell-Tale Heart - Alan Parsons Project
  11. Having played this very bass I can confirm the DRs work remarkably well. They last a very long time too so they're worth paying a bit more for.
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