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Cosmo Valdemar

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Everything posted by Cosmo Valdemar

  1. Blimey. Maybe try Talkbass, I hear they're a lot friendlier there.
  2. There's a lot more where that came from! Terribly underrated player.
  3. Fantastic! I've always loved these. Back pickup on full, a bit of drive, instant Slade!
  4. The Tell-Tale Heart - Alan Parsons Project
  5. Having played this very bass I can confirm the DRs work remarkably well. They last a very long time too so they're worth paying a bit more for.
  6. I would LOVE to hear that! Spector and Gallien Krueger are made for each other. Sadly after going through about 10 of them over the years I've realised that I really don't get on with the Spector Euro necks. Still one of my favourite sounding basses though.
  7. I'm not a huge fan of the standard Darkglass sound (although I've always been able to find a decent, usable tone in most of their pedals), but to compare them to "cheap guitar distortion" is a strange comment... have you spent any time playing them or is that based on Youtube clips?
  8. Ha! I was there. I've still got the Soilent Green sticker sonewhere 😆 I seem to remember EHG cutting their set short for some reason, dodgy amp I think.
  9. I do, but only because I don't have a suitable guitar amp at the moment. It's only playing around at home anyway. I saw Eyehategod a few years ago and I'm sure they were all playing through bass amps, although I could be mistaken. It certainly sounded like they were 😆
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