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Everything posted by TheRev

  1. I quite like it.... What's with all the new signature models this year? Is the Fender marketing team having a quiet month or something? And why Dennis Dunaway, I'd be surprised if any bassist under 30 even knew who he was.
  2. [quote name='fatback' post='1253251' date='Jun 1 2011, 10:26 PM']Nice gismo. Looks well worth a try. As for keyboard stands, I always imagined them to be less than head high at max extension, though maybe I'm wrong there. Hoping my Kent Armstrong / Full Circle combination (being fitted atm) will help as well.[/quote] My X stand was described as a keyboard/amp stand and easily goes up to head height. Having said that, I'm a total shortarse so it doesn't have to reach very far.
  3. [quote name='bassfan' post='1253148' date='Jun 1 2011, 08:51 PM']Evening all, Is there much difference between a 3/4 & a 4/4 bass?[/quote] About 1/4. I'll get me coat.
  4. I use a folding 'X' style keyboard stand to lift my BFM Omni 10.5 up to head height. It was about £15 from Digital Village.
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  6. I always like the intro to Rotten Apple by Alice in Chains -it's my music shop riff.
  7. Hmm. I still have occasional GAS episodes, but I've learnt to be rational about it. I'd love a cheap ply double bass set up for slap that I can take to dodgy cider pubs in Devon and not worry about it getting damaged, but I really don't have the room for it in my flat. I'd also like a Jazz in Olympic white with a tortie scratchplate, but as I don't play electric bass live at the moment (and rearly at home) I can't really justify it. I'd also have to move on my MM Sterling to make room for it, and I don't think I'm quite ready to do that yet.
  8. [quote name='Bilbo' post='1234121' date='May 17 2011, 11:35 AM']We jazzers never rehearse and don't know hal the tunes we are going to play until the chart appears in front of us. As we all know how to make sense of charts, this is not a problem.[/quote] Charts? Charts?? You lucky b@stard! I dream of a gig that comes with charts! At least you know what key you're going to be in and the sax player isn't going to drop the key by semitone on the night cos 'my throat's a bit sore today'. Mind you, some of them jazz singers can get a bit uppity.
  9. I've had Rotosound and TI flats on my Sterling - definitley preferred the sound and feel of the TI flats but it was just personal preference. The Rotos didn't sound bad, the TIs just sounded better. I can't think of a reason why heavier flats would be 'wrong'.
  10. [quote name='Pete Academy' post='1233462' date='May 16 2011, 07:11 PM']What are your experiences of stand-in gigs? Did you ever do one at last minute and had to busk it? Did the band supply you with a set list beforehand, then didn't stick to it? Did they spring different and unfamiliar songs on you, that were hard to busk and made you feel uncomfortable? Did they change the keys of the songs you had learned for the gig?[/quote] All of the above and I'll raise you a duo that forgot to tell the soundman that they were adding a bassist for the evening... I ended up playing the gig with no backline and next to no monitoring. Most of the bass sound that I could hear was reflecting off the back wall of the venue AND the singer/guitarist changed the song keys without so much as a nod. I spent 90% of the gig doing 2 root notes per bar.
  11. In a similar vein, I've often why, given that most of us use an outboard preamp with our piezo pickups, no-one does powered cabs for double bass. I run my fishman Platinum Pro straight into the FX return on a LMII, without using any of the EQ on the amp so really, I could get away with running the signal from the fishman into a power amp. I'd have thought that something like an Acoustic Image contra cab with a built in power amp, which allows you to use whichever pre rock your boat, would be rather popular.
  12. [quote name='Wooks79' post='1224570' date='May 8 2011, 09:51 PM']Probably Laurence O'Keefe who played bass in Darkstar. Probably one of my fave all time bands, and in my opinion seriously under-rated... I would ask him for a copy of the unreleased second album! Saw them live loads, loved the new stuff, then they split up [/quote] I saw Laurence and drummer David Francolini having a pint in a bar in Bristol around the time Darkstar split up. I was a bit pissed but as a big Darkstar fan, I had to go say hello and gush for five minutes. The subject of the second album was not a popular one.... Even now, David Francolini apparently gets narky if people go on about it. A mate of a mate plays with David Francolini in Dragons and every time I see him, I ask if he can get one of the rough mixes off Dave -everytime he says it's 'too soon' to ask.
  13. [quote name='Norm' post='1226558' date='May 10 2011, 06:34 PM']Last gig of my old covers band (that convinced us to start doing originals) was a sunday lunchtime late summer 2009, outdoors in a beer garden with a small covered stage, first set went down ok with a reasonable size crowd. Second set with a bigger crowd was met with almost silent indifference until last but one song, during (i kid you not) "I predict a riot" which sparked a dog fight between 2 staffie bull terrier types, which spiralled into a confrontation between respective owners & a barney which almost all of the beer garden joined in! Fortunately it was just chesty stand off row stuff with not many punches thrown (or connected) but we 3 just looked at each other, nodded and just quietly packed the kit down. Nobody paid any attention to us just carried on the arguments. Got paid though. T'was Bristol & maybe the reason for the silence during the second set was they were dogging each other up. "You doggin I up?" quaint Bristolian expression, the equivalent of You looking at my Pint/Bird/sister/mum etc. Cheers, Norm.[/quote] This sounds suspiciously like the Farriers' Arms in Fishponds.....
  14. Hmm, the last gig (I walked after it..) with my old originals band at the Louisanna in Bristol, sometime in 2009. It was a sort of acoustic/folky/grunge influenced type thing. The singer/guitarist was used to playing with himself so his timing & listening skills weren't the best. I'd added a drummer 6 months before the gig to try to bring the guitarist into line but his sense of rhythm wasn't much better - I found out later that he'd never actually played in a band before. I'd booked the gig in the first place to try to give the guitarist some direction & focus instead of rambling about during rehearsals and thinking that everything we did was amazing. It didn't work. The songs involved a lot of open and altered tunings which the guitarist did without the aid of a tuner, just tuning the guitar to istelf. I was using a fretless either dropped a semitone or tuned in fiths with a slide and basically spent the longest 40 minutes of my life desperately trying to adjust to the guitarists tuning and hold the drummer's timing together. Before the third song (bass to be tuned in fiths), the singer said we'd 'need a minute for Dave to retune his bass' out of the darkness came 'I wouldn't bother mate, it won't help you'. After that I just wanted to give up and die. Apparently we managed to recover a bit with the last two songs but for me the damage was done. I haven't spoken to the singer since.
  15. Danny Thompson. I chatted with him for about ten minutes at a festival a couple of years ago. The bloke has so much experience and wisdom that an hour in his company would make you a better bassist, even if neither of you touched a bass in that hour.
  16. Had a storming gig at the Blue Lagoon in Bristol last night. It was our first gig in about 4 months after taking time out to re-jig our sound and the hard work really paid off. We were heading towards one of those 'is it worth carrying on?' Type conversations, so it was great to do a gig and find that the magic is still there. People danced, sang along (even with the 3 originals in the set), the groove was happening all night and we got attention from some very pleasant Russian ladies. Everything feels good today.
  17. I went to see Get the Blessing at the lovely St. George's in Bristol last night. They did two sets - the first set was an homage to John Coltrane, the second was mostly taken from their soon to be released new album. I was pretty much completely blown away by Clive Deamer's drumming (better known for his day job in Portishead), even Mrs Rev enjoyed herself and she thinks that Micheal Bubble is 'jazzy'... [url="http://www.theblessing.co.uk/#awp::"]Get The Blessing[/url]
  18. The Fishman works really well, especially the phase reversal switch for cancelling feedback. The eq is versatile and the depth control helps to replace any bottom end lost when eqing out those pesky feedback frequencies. It only has one input though, so you won't be able to use it for doubling. Having said that, on my doubling gigs, I run the Fishman-EUB into the effects return and the electric bass into the regular input on my LMII.
  19. I got married just over a month ago and was actually replaced by one of my bands while I was on honeymoon (band leader got annoyed that I couldn't make a rehearsal, even though I'd told him I'd be on holiday). My main band's kinda lost it's focus as I wasn't booking gigs or pushing rehearsals during the build up to the wedding - net result is that I'm at my lowest level of musical activity since 2006. So no, it's nothing to do with getting married.
  20. [quote name='drewk_ie' post='1205314' date='Apr 19 2011, 10:47 PM']Back up you go... is there no love for an original Azola Bass?[/quote] Buckets of love mate, just no money....
  21. I thought the AI was designed to work without an outboard preamp? Does seem a pointless to have two lots of preamping going on. I run my Eminence into a Fishman Platinum and then into the FX return of a LMII into a BFM Omni 10.5. Works fine for me. The compact may not be the best cab choice though - you could have a chat with Barefaced about their acoustic cab?
  22. Back in '98 when I was looking for my first fretless, I found an Aria SB800 in a local second hand shop for £180. I passed on that and bought a new Yammy RBX250 for £250 cos Arias were all naff and 80s. Numpty
  23. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='1189378' date='Apr 5 2011, 05:52 PM']*ding ding* [url="http://replay.waybackmachine.org/20060426190514/http://www.bassworld.co.uk/pn/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewforum&f=1"]Next stop, Memory Lane....[/url][/quote] Aww, it's nice to see the old girl again. I have a Bassworld T shirt and a bassworld sticker on my flightcase. Can I put them on Ebay with 'RARE!!!' and a ridiculous number of eclamation marks in the description?
  24. [quote name='Davetbass' post='1198946' date='Apr 14 2011, 12:17 AM']The back pup is a dummy. Had two humbuckers in but didn't like them so went with active pbass mec. Filled the space with a highly polished piece of black granite. Handy to sit your thumb on for a different tone.[/quote] Shame - I like the idea of the big humbucker by the bridge. I'm sure it reminds me of the Fingerbone Fastback bases from the early 90s. Buggered if I can find a picture of one though.
  25. And yet there's more.. Quote: 'Adding to the already extraordinary clarity and timing experienced with the Funnel-web and the sweet top end and balanced enhancements added by the Scorpion but now adds massive improvement in complete power and authority, increased natural detail, increased stabilty to the already impressive sound stage and the real character of all Dragon products which is a simply sublime bass response. Seriously, WTF is an 'improvement in complete power and authority'?? How would one go about measuring sonic 'authority'? It gets worse... "The invividually coated and insulated conductors are then arranged in twin opposing helical spirals to drasitcally reduce Radio Frequency and Electro Magnetic interferences which along with our thick copper foil screening helps to stop any unwanted interference getting into the cable." Now, in my post at the top of the page, I made all that sh1te about helical braiding and magnetic interference up on the spot -but apparently it's true! This is the musical equivalent of homeopathy - all pseudobabble and subjectivity.
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