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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. Same same but for the impedance switching.
  2. Slap a couple of battens on top of the amp and it will hold up a couple of midgets and sound even better.
  3. Not a plectrum player myself but it's obvious that an anchor point for the uninvolved fingers would make hitting the strings with the pick much more accurate than doing it from the wrist.
  4. The risk of damage is serious if you don't get with the reading. Serious.
  5. Depends on what tax bracket you fall in with your last $ earned. Struggling musician would be 17.5% taxed. Lawyer weekend warrior 39% if he's a really good lawyer. 30 or 33% for most working people.
  6. I hope your bass doesn't have a flat battery.
  7. I wouldn't put octave and subtle in the same sentence. Chorus is pretty not clean also. Maybe you can clean blend your way to something you like. Beware that chorus returns a negatively phased signal from the input so tends to mush up when blended externally. My idea of a little pep up of clean that isn't obviously effected is some very mild overdrive just enough to give a little bite to it.
  8. Ashdown repair vintage Trace very well by all accounts. If you're dead set on doing it yourself they might supply parts or let you know where to find suitable ones. Afaik the chips that run the compressors have been unobtainium for years now.
  9. Same concern here with the proposed 1mm spare for G.
  10. It puts you at a reach disadvantage with the fingers and you're making work for yourself to reposition your form when available reach is insufficient. Probably too late to do anything about it now.
  11. Only with the combo amp disconnected!!!
  12. One stray button or one cable inserted in the wrong place will ruin your fun very quickly. If it was me I'd start with Agedhorse's advice 1st and all that other jazz in the back removed apart from 1 cab.
  13. Floating thumb felt wrong for a lot more than a few hours but it's just so damn handy that I persevered.
  14. Not what I said. You made a leap from cure of dubious symptom to cause. Let it go.
  15. No. It's the just the lows that drop out and only mathematically. The result is the low notes have no oomph while the speakers move like crazy. That causes distortion best case and mechanical damage if not careful. "Buzz" + "no lows" is entirely consistent with miswired speaker. Could be there's a dud speaker there that caused the replacing in the first place? Do a battery test on them for a start. A blown speaker has a similar effect to one that is miswired, moving opposite to the working one in the lows, and good potential for buzzing too.
  16. The buzz was described as occurring when trying to get some lows. Any amount of turning up is liable to cause driver conniptions when one is pushing while the other pulls in the same cabinet. The tuning is shot to hell with overexcursion happening at a fraction of the nominal power handling. Instead of the power being applied to making lows it goes instead to making its cab mate fly in the opposite direction, and vice versa, while the combined audio output in front sums to zero.
  17. Stop you from cranking it up endlessly to no good effect. +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 = zero but also +6 -6 JB kept going to 11.
  18. I believe the UK term is "chancer". Good job getting him to "bog off", must have been before eBay went full "buyer is king, private sellers not our thing".
  19. Methinks you have not experienced premium 3/8" plywood artfully braced cabinets.
  20. Overkill bass isn't possible in a punk trio. You just become the arbiter of the allowable.amount of overkill if you manage to force the other two to ask you to turn down. Being that a BF610 has a goodly amount of sensitivity along with a goodly amount of power handling you might well ascend.
  21. A very dodgy assertion. It depends on the band and the gig. A rock band with real drums would drown it out but playing with unamplified acoustic stringed instruments you would be barely cracking it open. My 50w amp was lusciously fine at rehearsals but lost it at gigs. Goldilocks is a fickle little so and so.
  22. It sounds like you haven't caught the gist of the suck and blow warning. Swapping the leads on the one speaker will very likely it will cure it. Having one speaker pushing lows while the other is pulling lows kills the low end dead. The effect is much less noticeable on the highs.
  23. Getting the full fee back isn't at issue, it's losing the low fee deal on the listing, or possibly having it refreshed.
  24. Or rip guts from RH case and put back cut and bodged with the lid as the bottom?
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