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Everything posted by Downunderwonder

  1. The last bass I got from the US came via DHL Expedited service. Hell pricey but they were true to their word in handling end to end with no additional charges aside from what I owed NZ Customs. As sender you always have to fill in a Customs form for the shipment. Very straightforward. Always give the actual sale price in your local currency.
  2. The big problem is dimensions. It would be a lot more viable to ship with the neck off and forget the hard case. If going that route you can post it either Royal Mail direct to NZ or via NZ Post YouShop scheme out of UK. I hope you know who you are dealing with. Scamming has been on the rise here lately when it used to be rare.
  3. I wouldn't be overly concerned. If another failure is going to lose you a gig then at 106 slappers a pop you could just replace the 2nd one and call it money well spent. Definitely look into the high passing situation. Doof doof kick doesn't have to be loud to give vocal speakers the heebie jeebies.
  4. Under rating combined with not listening carefully enough. A heavy drop can shift magnets on older style drivers. Most likely you need a HPF to take away LF transients from kick drum and mic drops or just stupid bassy guitar. Usually there's a low shelving button on each mixing channel of a mixing desk these days. Make sure they are always on. Guitards like to turn them off.
  5. I haven't played any amp that didn't sound better for my HPF, and moreso with EUBs that seem to have prodigious lows. Generally speaking a HPF gives a far better tailoring to the low end because the bass EQ is free from needing cutting. You might find your bass knob winds up at 12 or even 1pm with a far more even tone than you could ever get without HPF.
  6. I would never take a new cab to a gig without testing it at gig level.
  7. It would be a case of suckitnsee. It might work or it might not. There was a YT of one from the forum on other side of the big pond. It was "keeping up" with a 212 iirc, but the only tonal option was very not clean. Ime also, 50 tube watts not enough welly. Sounded great at rehearsals but got lost. 200w is the sweet spot with a 215 if you ask me. A lot depends on what cab you intend to use. 3dB of sensitivity fully makes up for an extra 50 watts at the weenie end of the power range. And everyone plays with a loud guitarist and a louder drummer than nearly everyone else. Obviously there is wiggle room for a 50w'er in some bands.
  8. The only way that gets any better is someone pays you to rehearse at your house and brings the beers.
  9. Markbass are known for oddball parallel fx loops so really luckily this one is an exception!
  10. Try the two together for giggles. Should have enough low end and might sound good enough for rehearsal purposes.
  11. Before doing anything else get a high pass filter on the case. That'll let you get a heap of 60hz on your low B without breaking it, by not having to cut bass on the EQ. Night and day difference with vintage gear ime.
  12. Boosting level flattens out our hearing relative deficit in the lows. See Fletcher Munson curves. An EQ pedal that you kick in for solos which has a level control will let you boost as subtle as you like. Or you could pluck harder closer to the bridge and that might be enough.
  13. Same as plywood has advantages over a plank, chiefly much more stable.
  14. Two reasons. Ducks float. Worms come to the surface to avoid drowning underground. Some get washed into streams making for good duck food.
  15. Must be highly 'progressive' metal if you can get away with a single 210 cab. The reprobate meatheads I am used to would point and laugh at the weenie bass amp.
  16. I have a bow which is a piece of junk. Add to that it is mind blowing counterintuitive when a clockwise shift gets you a lower string instead of a higher one, being the violinist from way back. I suppose I should bite the bullet and order a "cheap" carbon one.
  17. If making it big in Norway while singing in Maori is sign....Alien Weaponry. They went on a metal festival tour of Scandinavia and found the audiences singing back to them. Te internet for the win.
  18. Won't matter. The old Trace used XLR speaker cables which were specific because of the male and female connectors, but the 1/4 didn't actually matter.
  19. Fun fact. Titanic had a sister ship that sunk a UBoat by ramming it when it had to come up for air.
  20. Approximately 4dB worth would be missing in the push comes to shove condition if your cab could take it all. Dunno what the Mesa does into 8 ohm but peak probably enough to stretch it? Say it's the whole 600. 120 tube watts is 120w with extra harmonics relative to lows.
  21. Deadpool, except I think the avatar might be SpiderMan doing poncy moves.
  22. Post the pics anyway, some of us are locked up at home with a nasty virus, too weak to leave the couch, and too cheap to pay for Netfix so scouring photos of amp gizzards counts as entertainment.
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