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Everything posted by Munurmunuh

  1. Is someone going to start an Were You A Dog, Which Guitar Would You Prefer To Slash Against? thread?
  2. We've a, er, recently refreshed selection of sites available for the intrepid retailer 😔
  3. When I got my 604, to get the tone closest to what I wanted, I fitted flats, played passive on neck pickup. Now I've a BB to satisfy that need, I'm able to be a bit more relaxed with the TRBX, letting it find the noises it wants to make. I can't now remember where I read this advice but it's been good: with the TRBX 500/600 3 band eq, boost the mids and cut both the highs and lows. I've found that works especially well with the pickup blend 50/50. However the Chromes are now wrong for this sound (too bassy, and their husky quality is fighting the tighter focus the eq is trying to create) so I'll try a 45-105 set of Rotosounds next, either Roto Bass RB45 or Swing Bass RS66.
  4. What's the name for the poor deluded fools who think they just want a nice pair of basses to settle down with, and are just sorting out exactly what it is they need? 😒
  5. Yes, and if you go back in time and travel to Australia you can have it red, too:
  6. Jim Lindsay of Oranger - Keith Moon reincarnated as the Pink Panther
  7. Perhaps a group of friendly but persuasive Pocklington bassists need to organise some kind of picket line. @ped? I pass through Pock fairly often, it lies on the path to my support bubble. I hadn' never imagined there was much of anything there....very wrong, clearly!
  8. I was thinking the other day, if Yamaha continue the slightly different style of BB sound, then that will mean the 2024 will remain unsuperceded. Unsuperceded, impeccable quality, and zero fresh supply....does this mean that 2024s will never be as modestly priced as this again....?
  9. Vow Wow filmed a gig in Newcastle in the mid 80s. I saw a clip or two of it on YouTube a few years ago, and was jealous of everyone who was there, the atmosphere looked fantastic.
  10. The one time I had the pleasure of a proper car journey in 2021 I found myself travelling alongside a van with PJD GUITARS written on the side. PJD Guitars, I learnt, started in 2010, relocated to York in 2017, and offer three basic styles of six-string guitar in a variety of versions. No sign of the word 'bass' on the website. Some reading: PJD Guitars website Music Radar review with quotes Does anyone know anything about them? Especially future intentions....
  11. I've only just spotted this helpful little paragraph in the OP. By this, my very fresh-looking BB424 is Jan 2012, which fits with the years of production. And by it, my TRBX604FM is Nov 2017, 2 months before the instrument was announced, and 2½ years before I bought it. I guess the Yamaha Music Shop don't bother with stock rotation in their storeroom. (And why would you bother? Instruments weigh a lot, don't like being thrown around for the sake of it, and don't go off)
  12. This is going to hurt me more than you
  13. Bourbon or Custard Cream for your prize?
  14. There was a band whose album I bought when I was 15 under the impression they were part of something called West Yorkshire Hardcore Thrash. Much later in life Wikipedia told me that they were in fact thrashcore/protogrindcore/crust punk (a biscuit to anyone who can work out which band it was from this wordrubble)
  15. My head was getting fed up of my going back and forth between mm and inch, so I sat down with my calculator to make myself chart, so I don't need to think anymore. Once I had done it, I realised that Yamaha's frequent sizes of 40mm and 43mm lie almost exactly in the middle of the gaps between 1½" and 1⅝" and 1¾" (40mm: 100.8% of 1 & 9/16" ; 43mm: 100.3% of 1 & 11/16") My head is so pleased to learn that it'll never have to think about this again 😅
  16. His wikipedia entry mentions an A-level in music. If that's synonymous with Young Musician Of The Year then my CV is about to look a whole lot more impressive 😬
  17. The corner of my brain which is taking this lockdown especially badly decided to confuse the contents of this State Of Mercury YouTube channel with what got posted on the Covers of Jolene thread, and I've now got Enter Sandman as covered by Norah Jones going round my head 🥵
  18. I've been waiting for this thread to reach its Clive Burr Appreciation moment 🥰 Di'Anno Murray Smith Harris Burr, my favourite line up (ps love that Di'Anno plays air guitar left handed)
  19. I found listening to Hysteria an increasingly unsettling experience, as I began to doubt that I was actually hearing anything real and natural: not the drums, not the bass, not the guitars, just this metal-flavoured mousse of overproduced noise.
  20. Play a tune of three notes on the piano several times in a row, then lift your hand half a foot above the keyboard and play the tune again, moving your fingers through empty space. In the silence, listen to the tune playing in your mind. Now pick another set of three notes. Etc. Repeat for half a decade 😬
  21. It's just dawned on me that the preference for basses which visually capture the nature of wood at its most unfettered usually goes hand in hand with a desire for a bass which makes as smooth and even a sound as possible. The appearance is nature unbound; tone is highly polished and focused right across a wide range. Meanwhile, instruments that sound like someone whipping a rusty car with a chain usually look very sleek.
  22. Trying to picture the balance of influence in that discussion
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