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Everything posted by Pookus

  1. My current rig is an Ashdown ABM900 and 8x10 cab. I run the 810 from one of the channels from the ABM900 - which means I have another channel spare. There are two ways I can go 1) drive the sub bass cab from the other channel possibly with a crossover or 2) get a powered sub and take the signal from the sub out. Ideally I don't want to spend much and also am capable of building my own cabs. Please help me make up my mind!
  2. If money was no object - what would be the finest valve amp around? (And possibly the cab to go with it) Could be vintage or new.
  3. I play in a post-rock / grunge band called Gentle Ben [url="http://myspace.com/gentlebenbandgb"]http://myspace.com/gentlebenbandgb[/url] and contribute to a different kettle of fish in the form of Clever Bunny, where you can hear some double bass [url="http://www.carbonlogic.co.uk/artist/clever-bunny/ud30"]http://www.carbonlogic.co.uk/artist/clever-bunny/ud30[/url]
  4. Funny - I use my sub harmonic quite a lot. It depends largely on the acoustics of where I'm playing. I too use it to thicken the sound. It may not be as effective with smaller cabs, (I have a mighty 8x10!) so it sounds incredible with just a little dialed in. I like it!
  5. I am very pleased with my Ashdown rig. It gets plenty of use and gets knocked about quite a bit with all the loading / unloading. The only bit that has failed in the last 3 years is one of the wheels on the 810! I'm looking to upgrade the casters anyhow as its a bitch to move.
  6. [attachment=19628:BA600210_LG.jpg] Anyone use this - I like the idea of a combo for smaller gigs (my 810 is great but a pain to lug around).
  7. Buy a sack barrow. Its so easy to move gear around.
  8. Could be a problem with the mute button?
  9. My first bass was a sunburst Satellite Jazz copy. I saved up the £85 from my paper round. I was 13 when I got it. It looked like the bass on the cover of a book scales I had. I started playing bass as a development from making my own instruments out of boxes, springs and elastic bands. I used to multi track by using two (cheap) tape recorders! I got into bass because I liked what JJ Burnel was doing.
  10. Top job Al. I have the toaster and SD bridge pickup combo on my Rick which sounds incredible. Good choice! Have you considered making a 3001? I would like to see a straight through neck version of that! (Yeah I know the 3001 had a bolt on) - but a straight through would be cool maybe with the same pickups as a 4001 / 3.
  11. I'm after a different sound for my acoustic bass guitar. I have phosphur bronzes on at the mo but want something tonally softer - flat wounds? Years ago I dabbled with some "ground wounds" but haven't seen these for a while. Advice would be appreciated. Cheers, Jamie
  12. Medeski Martin and Wood got me into jazz. I found a way in. I really got into tracks like Shacklyn Knights (Dropper). Chubb Subb too. Then I worked back through Herbie Hancock and modal stuff by Miles Davies. Years ago I took part in a LMC workshop on improvisation. There were essentially three main groups - Classical / orchestral musicians, jazz musicians, us. We had a great time, listening to each other and responding in suprising ways. Funnily enough some of the more established classical musicians had real problems improvising anything.
  13. [quote name='Buzz' post='393208' date='Jan 27 2009, 09:45 PM']It's fairly common, Fender themselves offer artist models that do just that, the Mark Hoppus is a Jazz body with a P neck.[/quote] True - but the Mark Hoppus bass still has one pick up. (Not the 2 of a jazz bass)
  14. Sorry if obvious / been asked before here! Just wondered if anyone had put a precision neck on a jazz body. (I know it is quite common to put a jazz neck on a precision body). By precision neck I mean the wide one. I don't like jazz necks much they feel a bit crowded.
  15. I'm into that one string bass - bit like a punk version of a tea chest bass. Cool. And mental.
  16. Its like buying a new pair of jeans with rips in. Bogus.
  17. Pookus


    I have had my Rickenbacker 4001 since I was 17 (24 years ago). I have owned and tried some other lovely basses but nothing has come close. Funny thing is I never went to buy the Rick as I had my eye on a Fender Jazz bass. However after playing it and hearing the vintage sound from the toaster pickup I had to have it - cost me £275! Won't let this one go.
  18. I like precisions, weight and rickenbackers - so sounds good to me
  19. Mmmmm lovely!! Anyone got one? Pros and cons? [attachment=18765:3001x1.jpg]
  20. [quote name='jmstone' post='374476' date='Jan 8 2009, 09:36 PM']That's the one![/quote] Don't park in the Hells Angels parking spaces nearby. I nearly did once!
  21. Last night i dreamed I was playing a fretted double bass. It sounded amazing!! Am I right in saying that some of the early viol family were fretted (early music)? Are there examples of fretted double basses around ?
  22. Paul Simenon played with thumb in The Good the Bad and the Queen. Nice dubby feel.
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