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Nail Soup

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Everything posted by Nail Soup

  1. I’m sure they can blame the whole thing on autocorrect.
  2. It's difficult to see what the point of these awards are really. The only valid reason for me is if they recognise people who are not being otherwise recognised for their good work. Musicians are obviously recognised already - so why the gong? On the other hand, who are one of the most unrecognised and unappreciated groups? Bass players. Paul is a bassist. Ergo gong deserved. QED.
  3. I only caught part of his set. Good stuff for an 80year old even if I’m not a particular Paul fan. Liked his drummer…. Good on drums, BVs and had good stage presence.
  4. Or according to that very reliable source, Urban Dictionary: Sound engineer Somebody who wrongfully uses the title "sound engineer" for their job when they really belong to a group called "sound technicians". Their job is to facilitate the production of sound during recordings and events using technology that an actual engineer has designed. "So what do you do you for a living?" "I'm a sound engineer" "Ah so you must be quite good with electronics then" "No, I just sit in a recording studio and press buttons" "Ah right, I think you mean you are a sound technician" by Frankxk April 21, 2021
  5. Skunk Anansie are not really my thing... but they are good at what they do and I'm sure I'd enjoy a gig if I found myself at one. But Skin is a great frontwoman, and all the members seem like good people.
  6. Watching Little Simz right now. Good stuff, and some cracking basslines from the live band.
  7. Amen to that. I think MK is the guy non-bass players imagine is the bass player to aspire to.
  8. They have added a sax player for most of the set.... not sure if that's a recent thing, but works really well.
  9. Really enjoyed Amyl and the Sniffers. Great band - in particular Amy is a great lyricist. Now there a band who know to drop the "C" word in true Aussie style! It features a lot in Amy's lyrics and between song banter. The bass player pitched in with a few in a heartfelt attack on the US supreme court too.
  10. Three bands whose records I've enjoyed over the years: Jesus and Mary Chain, Primal Scream, Supergrass. PS and JAMC did competent but somehow boring sets. However, Supergrass really hit home to me..... supertight band with a much better back-catalogue than I thought.
  11. Last night I watched the set by Black Midi......... totally amazing. Although they in the alternative/indie landscape the music is more informed by experimental jazz. Not normally a fan of jazzy music, but in this case it works really well.
  12. I think we are imagining that on joining the band you also acquire the required skills and equipment. Not sure about looks though..... otherwise I'd go Paul Simenon instead (No offense to Steve Hanley 😀)!
  13. If the idea was to improve the music, then I'll copy previous answer - replace Sid in the Pistols. Otherwise I'd take place of Steve Hanley in the Fall. Or even Marc Riley who played bass on the first fall album before switching to guitar to make way for Steve. Steve has one of the best bass sounds out there, and whose bass led the band's sound.
  14. As others have said, Iplayer. But bear in mind it is available for one month only.
  15. MIA - Kala album. This is the best known, and maybe best, song Paper planes
  16. Yeah, makes sense if you are that kind of player.
  17. Just trying to think of the applications..... Bands who swap instruments between players maybe?
  18. The Kills - Midnight Boom album. They were one of my favorite bands at that time.
  19. Sounds like the ideal 'front' band for this kind of thing. Book the night out to a band with no fans, with full promotion and ticket sales etc. Looks just like a normal gig. Then swap McCartney (or other superstar) in at the last minute. Not too many people disappointed.
  20. Card arrived last night. Fitted it after work today. Went OK 👍! remove 'lid' of laptop case Remove CD/DVD drive (wasn't expecting that, but it was easy enough) Remove a panel sitting above the card (wasn't expecting that, took a while to figure out how, but then it was easy enough) Swap the card PC is still working - writing this post on it. Just opened the DAW and played a track with typical number of tracks, plug-ins etc. Yes, it's got the 16gb and plenty of headroom. Thanks everybody!
  21. Not sure that many people really like the bass drum thump we are talking of here. Probably a small enough number of people that there would be room for them to just stick their heads directly into the bass drum.
  22. I move around on stage - a lot. But it cannot be classed in any way as moving to help keep the groove. If anything it's detrimental to my playing. I move to give the audience something to watch. I have on occasion simplified a part to maximise posing potential 😊.
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