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Nail Soup

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Everything posted by Nail Soup

  1. Sorry for your loss, our thoughts are with you. Not many members here go by their real name.... I did a search of members with name "Kinsey", but only got yourself. As others have said if you share details like possible user name, what bands he was in then someone may recognise Peter.
  2. Gigs - sober. Casual public performance like a folk session or fun open mic - couple of drinks but not drunk. Home playing and recording- sober.
  3. Yeah, it’s more of a modelling decision wether to go plane, solid, go to fibre-level and so on.
  4. Sounds like a good approach. Good luck with the channel.
  5. Looks like Elvis is OK to criticise others though: ( OK Rod’s performance was not great!)
  6. Whether we model the sock as a planar surface or as a 3D object, the initial point remains correct even the doughnut comparison does not. The bit you push your foot through is not a hole.
  7. I presume the story was told by Carol herself 😉
  8. In my last band, if we never said the whole rule out loud. If we had a bad practice, we'd say "Bad Practice , Good Gig". If we had a good practice we'd all say a few words tantamount to "Good Practice, Good Gig". As we never said the whole rule out loud we didn't have to admit to any contradiction therein.
  9. If you are mind-numbingly pedantic and tedious, you are not alone. It was my immediate thought when I read the sock/hole post. I saw your post before I had decided whether to succumb to the temptation to post a comment similar (but less eloquent) comment.
  10. Time to pull out my topology joke: Q: Why did the topology student get fired from the cafe? A: kept mixing up the coffee cups and doughnuts.
  11. Mini folk-roots festival at a (800 year old) local church. Nice venue to hear some good music. Real ale and wine was served in addition to tea, coffee and snacks. Interesting to see pint glasses etc on the pew shelves.
  12. I don't adjust the truss rod seasonally, in fact seldom adjust them on any of my instruments. There is one effect. I recently started going to a monthly 'folk session' at a local pub where each person takes turn to lead a song. In summer it's outside, winter inside. When it's outside the acoustics aren't so good......... difficult to hear quiet elements of people's playing, can't hear some vocals very well if the person is not near you. So I tend to choose loud songs in the summer (heavy strumming and projected vocals) and save the subtler songs (yes I have got some!) for the indoor sessions.
  13. Had a pretty empty gig diary, then noticed at the last minute that a local village is having a small 'festival'... folk/roots music, taking place in the old church. Last night and tonight, 3 bands/artists per night. Folk is one of the few genres Mrs Soup will come to... so we picked tonight out of the two nights. The Dicemen (they claim a bit of post-punk as an influence...... don't tell Mrs Soup!), Danni Nichols (A bit country for my tastes, but i'll keep an open mind) The Magpies (Yay - banjo and fiddle!)
  14. Were the whole audience noticing the poor sound, or more noticed by fellow musicians?
  15. Pretty good IMO. Getting any radio play? Italian shoegaze eh? I guess if you are stuck looking at your shoes, then Italian is best right?
  16. According to Wikipedia: Snob is a pejorative term for a person who believes there is a correlation between social status (including physical appearance) and human worth. Bass snobbery would therefore (IMO) translate as a correlation between (perceived) quality of an instrument and the worth of the owner as a musician. An inverted snob would see the correlation as negative, perhaps embodied best in the phrase 'all the gear and no idea'.
  17. I didn't know about that version (or had forgotten it).... I think there was at least one other update after the original?
  18. Suggesting that someone else acquire a different bit of gear could be driven by genuine helpfulness (whether misguided or not). For example one may say to a beginner bassist who is struggling to play a very badly constructed bass that they would benefit from an upgrade to a cheap Squier or Harley Benton.
  19. Honestly, I've never encountered a gear-snob who passes comment on someone else's gear. They maybe exercise their snobbery with their wallet, but not their voice.
  20. If I left any of my instruments in the living room as a decorative item, it would only start one conversation. A fairly one sided one about how quickly it should be removed!
  21. The 64ft organ pipes reminded me of the extreme-down tuning in metal which sometimes gets discussed on BC.
  22. Getting into a band early, and being able to tell people I liked them before they were well known and that I prefer their early stuff. 😉
  23. Didn't know about Matlock's basses getting nicked. With the Pistols, equipment theft normally went in the opposite direction!
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