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Everything posted by PaulThePlug

  1. Unfortunately the Caline 5 had the dimensions down wrong... 35 instead of 30 so it's had to go on top, which is an 4rs3...
  2. Looks real nice, thru neck etc. I like the compact headstock, nice straight string runs and stripes on the back... does it really deserve to loose its head? Might be stuck for replacement pups due to size, plain Quality Jazz 5's?
  3. @Velarian time for your pic again...
  4. @TheGreek apologies if this goes t!tsup... Was posted in good faith... hope just a delayed response...
  5. Racman, where are you located? Might be a fellow Basschatter local who may take a look...
  6. Very Nice... For info, The Mk1 Barts are a Reverse P in a Soap Bar, if not already known.
  7. Bargain... Body... £50, Neck... £50, Tuners... £15, Pickup... £20 Pre... £15 or convert to passive... I did an Aria Jazz to PJ a while back... quality body 'n neck.
  8. Loverly Slab P w/MM Black n Bound... Maple n Pearl Block, How sweet would this look with a tele-ed head? Aria. Worth a cheeky offer £100 offer... luckily to far away from me, and i'd get told off... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/194207115662?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=JHjWxJ3IR9e&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=daj_hJ6fSo-&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  9. ^TUNE! I remember buying the single... Army & Navy in Bromley... used to have a little bridge.
  10. CRUMPET!... Always reminds me of the D!ck Emmery vicar sketch...
  11. Nice... Can you bend over the end of the strings... no not you, the string ends... you could have some ones eye out!
  12. Don't get it? So what bit wasn't ...Built to original specs... that, recreates our iconic Fender electric guitar and bass models from the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s... those same, legendary classics that have transcended genre and generation to inspire the greatest artists of all time... , Last time? I thought a Vintage Re-do was a permanent range?
  13. Yeah, did a bit wiring up, leads, circuit boards and all that... previous life... Wired up my guitar yesterday... Don't think my solder is lead free it's all leftovers from 30 odd years ago. Dunno about USB irons, can't see 'em getting warm enough with the power available. There was a 'which soldering iron' thread... Someone is bound to be local, Real simple 5 min job that...
  14. Early Days... Bound to be someone more local, but the offer is there... 3 hr, 50 mile Round Trip by google maps. Post is £3.50 each way 2nd class small parcel
  15. London... Whereabouts mate? What side of the river? I'm Orpington BR6...
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