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Paul Cooke

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Everything posted by Paul Cooke

  1. you're supposed to set the level of the pedal so there is no difference in volume with the pedal switched in or out...
  2. shhhhhhh I has a bidding limit, but I don't want to go straight for it... I'm waiting for the fun on Saturday when the timer starts running right down...
  3. [quote name='Viajero' post='234403' date='Jul 7 2008, 07:13 PM']Excellent. I shall look at car batteries etc immediately. Cheers guys.[/quote] you really want to look at Leisure batteries, not car batteries... car batteries are only good for short discharges like starting cars... leisure batteries are designed to discharge more slowly and have deeper cycles... ie, you can draw them down to about 15% charge left before having to think about recharging them. I have a 120 Amp Hour one for my boat which I keep topped up over the week using a solar panel kit... It's the one I use with the canverter for running my laptop with and also powering my practice amp when aboard. I also cart a 35 amp hour one about to use with my electric trolling motor. I use the trolling motor on my sailing cruiser for close-in maneouvering around my mooring... far safer than crashing into the mooring while trying to take the power out of the sails... leisure battery capacities mean that a 120 amp hour one will supply 1 amp for 120 hours, 2 amps for 60 hours and so on... Don't forget they're heavy... There are standalone battery powered combo solutions out there... take a look at the Pignose Hog 30: [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Pignose-Hog-30-Amp?sku=489056&src=3SOSWXXA"]http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Pig...mp;src=3SOSWXXA[/url] I think you can get them in the UK as well. [url="http://www.guitar-spares.com/index.html?lang=en-uk&target=d473.html"]http://www.guitar-spares.com/index.html?la...arget=d473.html[/url] oh look... yet another dollar-pound rip-off... $160 against £135
  4. depends how many amps your amp needs... I picked up a E:Can+ canverter from Tesco's car section the other week for £30. Plugs into a cigar lighter socket and provides up to 200 watts of 240 volt ac. I use it in conjunction with a large car "jump-start" battery-set I got given for my birthday... the ones you recharge using the mains and has a tyre inflater pump, lights and 12 volt sockets on it in addition to jump leads. I wouldn't like to try driving more than a 50 watt combo with it though... as a 50 watt combo also wastes 50 watts just to produce 50 watts.
  5. I was always of the impression that Jaco set things back acceptance wise for Electric bass and Jazz... he effectively got us relegated to Fusion.
  6. I was lucky... mine was already the right size...
  7. I'd bid on it just for the bits... come on, there's four fine speakers and a cab there you could rescue from it... then flog the Behringer head off... If you do it right, you could be ahead on the deal...
  8. [quote name='cheddatom' post='231316' date='Jul 2 2008, 01:50 PM']I've tried the behringer clone and it's perfect (but plastic) and miles cheaper![/quote] oh yes... I can second that...
  9. oh stuff it... I'll put my oar in for £160 I'll be eating beans on toast for a month if I win it though...
  10. I have no experience of the cubase LE as I use Linux and cubase don't support Linux The USB interface is purely an audio interface so the Zoom appears as a selectable audio source and you can also send audio to the zoom for outboard processing through the currently selected patch. Switches on the back of the zoom allow you to select if the USB output is pre- or post-processing so you can record the dry input if you desire... feature wise: The zoom desperately needs an auxiliary audio input from CD or MP3. Lacking this makes it awkward to use as a self contained practice box using the headphone out. I currently have to run my zoom into my practice amp and my cd player into the aux in on the practice amp in order to jam along with backing tracks. durability wise: I've had mine 18 months now and the two footswitches are getting dicky... sometimes pressing one results in nothing happening, sometimes the zoom jumps two patches instead... very frustrating. I'm out of warranty now rather unfortunate as the switches only manifested this just after the warranty expired... anyroad, I'm looking into taking mine apart and seeing what I can do... someone else has already wired up external footswitches on his.
  11. cute, but not cute enough... needs bar lines and notes drawn with correct duration to match a selected rhythm... and a greater choice of rhythms... I'm currently printing it off, and drawing in bar lines myself setting things to just quarter notes... ie 4:4 cos that's what they are...
  12. et moi aussi although it'll have to be a fiver in the post...
  13. 1978 is "precious"??? I sanded back my sunburst '68 P my cousin had handed down to me in '77 and hand painted it gloss white so's it looked like Sid's bass... I then sold it in 85 to go towards a car and nursery furniture as my eldest was on the way and I hadn't played it for a few years... (I also sold my Honda 400-4 motorbike and Bond Bug the same time). I think I got £300 for it...
  14. [quote name='hughcanbefound' post='229279' date='Jun 29 2008, 09:19 PM']P.S. Just read through the thread again. Paul Cooke made the two suggestions about the [b]Peavey MAX[/b] pair: the [b]126[/b] and the [b]158[/b]. I saw the difference of 5W and 2" speaker. Ahh?[/quote] bigger speaker, handles the bottom end better... also has more watts, so can handle sudden demands better... the 126 can sound upset when you go loud... the 126 is fine for bedroom level practicing or in my case practicing in an upstairs flat... wearing headphones can get rather tedious as there's two leads involved and it's all to easy to accidentally pull the headphone squint or get tangled up while playing... I switch into headphone mode round about now... and then I have to sit or stand relatively still and resist the temptation to rock out...
  15. Hey Sarah, the bass looks ace... does it cut the mustard soundwise as well?
  16. I really do not like that split pickguard... yet another place that'll be awkward to clean... first thing I'd do would be to use the existing ones as a pattern for a single piece job... otherwise the bass looks great... the chambered S-1004 looks absolutely fantastic... ./me want now!!!!!!! the club bass... not so sure... the flamed maple top looks good though...
  17. my dad had a Stereo turntable back then so we splashed the extra cash for the stereo version of the disc... and promptly transferred it onto our 1/2 inch reel-to-reel to avoid scratching the disc. Gosh we were rich... first on our street to get a colour telly as well... cost an absolute arm and a leg in today's money terms... I'm trying to find the 12 inch LP to see if the original price tag is on it...
  18. My old LP copy got badly scratched a long time ago so I hadn't listened to it for ages. I found a CD in the bargain bin the other day and pounced on it... oh wow... I'd completely forgotten how good the songs (and the bass lines) are... anyone know of any good transcriptions? And who actually played the bass? I've seen some rumours that Carol Kaye did some of the heavy lifting.. ooh, Wikipedia credits her with quite a few of the songs.
  19. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='227164' date='Jun 26 2008, 10:37 AM']Its like Punk never happened. :wacko: [/quote] of course not... it's because punk is angry music and you can't dance to it... well, there's only two dances, the Pogo and the other "dance" consisted of running full tilt into the center of the crowd... people don't want punk at functions... punk is for the kids in sweaty little dives that stink of pee... where they can go and be "different"... and escape from the "normals".
  20. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  21. the new Squier Classic Vibe series have appeared priced in pounds... [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/76811"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/76811[/url] [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/76812"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/76812[/url] [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/76972"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/76972[/url] strangely enough, the Jazz is cheaper than the P's
  22. ah, the old "My late Fathers' Chinese Fender P-Bass" routine... Think he picked all four up cheap at CackConvertors and is trying to make a profit...
  23. slight problem with your image host... I can only see an image of the travel bass... and to peruse your album, apparently, I'm expected to create a snapfish account...
  24. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='222718' date='Jun 20 2008, 10:29 AM']I have had alot of soundmen plugging there DI boxes into my FX loop output totally ignoring the XLR output next to it when i see that i know its going to be a fun night.[/quote] hmmm... they know their DI works... and they know what level the output is.
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