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Everything posted by Bunion

  1. Well, next time I offer you £500 for a bass you really should consider the stress I’d save you… 🤣😂
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  3. Sounds like it would have been cheaper for him to book a flight and collect it 🤣😂
  4. Don’t start whipping up interest in rack mount pre’s you’ll let the secret out and the price will rise 🤣😂
  5. I looked into qsc myself with an SWR IOD (.775v) only way I found around it from searches was have the qsc modified or put a Rane eq in between them
  6. Bunion


    Welcome and enjoy 😊
  7. These things normally got snapped up fast…
  8. And waste the best “birthday present” she’s ever had? You should have been quicker and told her you had a buyer at work then wrapped it up and watched her face as you presented it back to her with the “I know how much you hated selling it” Or you could have just paid for her car 🤣😂
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  10. As with anything you buy it’s all relative to what you can afford. I like fine quality and appreciate the work that’s gone into a well built bass. Plus buying used usually means you won’t lose anything if you do decide to move it on at a later date.
  11. And that’s why we have a “modest” collection of basses to cater for every whim and situation…
  12. Been busy today, chucked this together but I still need a Blackstone mosfet overdrive to squeeze in there, if anyones got one in a drawer 😄
  13. Purchased some strings from Tom. Swift delivery and a great price thank you
  14. Bunion


    Purchased a strap off Dave and it arrived exactly as described and well packed cheers 🍻
  15. Purchased a compressor off Gavin. came swiftly and well packed. great doing business with you, thanks
  16. Marvellous, I love the dtuner. put one on every bass I get.
  17. Try a Sterling 4 with a hipshot dtuner?
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