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Everything posted by Bunion

  1. If it’s not on a goodly amount then it’s not needed
  2. I liked the Ida Nielsen download best but there were a lot of good choices to be had for sure, glad it’s worked for you. You can’t get an easier pedal to use once the TonePrint is set
  3. I usually work on my bass on a bed and use a pillow 👍🏻
  4. Myself and three friends were once “recognised” at a large venue gig in London by a couple of guys, quite soon a large crowd had gathered for autographs on their programmes. I’m still not sure what band they thought we were from but I signed someone else’s name for a goodly while before we managed to escape…
  5. I love Dennis bovells style, he’s done so much with so many people.
  6. You know I love a bit of dub 🍻
  7. Was reminded of this In The song title thread so deserves a play, great album too
  8. Emulates the feel of playing over a pickup or fretboard and keeps the touch light. A lot of players use the pickups as a thumb rest which can limit the positions they play, the ramp is like an extended thumb rest too.
  9. It does what it says on the tin in the simplest way (one knob) I prefer the control I have on a manual compressor but there are some good downloads for it. Your other option maybe a Thumpinator
  10. Go to one rehearsal get someone to take a photo of the singer with you in the background. Frame and put on wall. job done!
  11. Purchased a power amp from Mike. Top guy, did everything to make the transaction go well and a great piece of gear. Thank you 🍻
  12. That’s why I love the poweramp/preamp options they’re so cheap to get a wide variety of sounds and tastes
  13. The other trick is with them when your using it as a preamp with a power amp, plug a speaker into the 5w outlet at the same time, it’s a game changer
  14. Fantastic bit of kit if you don’t get the pedals with it I use an ernie ball volume pedal with a stereo jack lead plugged into both sides of the pedal, full control over the amount of drive you get
  15. banter was the word, some of things I’ve seen and done would be classed as horrifying now but back then it was good times, different times but looked back on fondly
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