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Everything posted by Bunion

  1. Always take a small bag with spare leads and strap the guitarist always forgets his
  2. It was designed originally for old passive alembics so they don’t need to be modified to active but I’m reliably told they work well with any bass. Are they expensive? Maybe, but look at the cost of a Hazlab preamp for a Spector or better still imagine if Wal put a preamp in a cable, I couldn’t see them being far off that price and I’m sure people would snap them up
  3. Looks like you have the same problem as me with the stuff just multiplying on its own 🤣😂
  4. I’m an old fashioned guy I don’t mind a bit of a maul. 😄 I do have a couple off 115 and 212 Bag Ends too so the variety and choice is ample. Although the 210 on top there sounds great on its own. They are not to plentiful in the UK to get hold of so I grab what I can when I can 😊
  5. Plenty of juicy tube goodness in this set up with power and punch to spare A passive MM cutlass with Ti flats and it’s sublime.
  6. I had some on order from bass direct but they were out of stock for so long I changed to the old trusty Ti jazz flats . I’ve heard good things about them though
  7. I use DR fat beams on my stingrays keep the flats for my passive basses
  8. I really want this bass… but I love my modulus too 🤣😂
  9. It was the £200 of jewellery you left in the drawer…
  10. As long as the ohms on the cab are equal then yes, it gets funky when the ohms are different, say an 8 ohm and a 4 ohm cab (2.67ohm) the 4 ohm gets twice the wattage of the 8 ohm so that’s 2/3 of power to the 4ohm and 1/3 to the 8 ohm. ohms are the factor
  11. Anyone who can make lil ole lil ole lil ole sound cool in a song is ok by me
  12. Did I mention that crispy £5 note has a goodly number of brother land sisters that come with it??
  13. Well I have a crispy £5 note if it’s not and yours selling 🤣😂
  14. The only things I’ll never sell are my bag end cabs but the rest of the stuff I have is just so needed… 🤔
  15. 🤣😂 your as bad as me…
  16. Of course you do, we play for the love of it not for politics go have fun
  17. FI_Ick sake stop it, I’ve cured my gas but have been interested in one of these for so long… @AndyTravisill take it when you sell it!! You B@stards have gotten me again!!
  18. Sounds like they were trying to let you down gently
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