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Everything posted by Bunion

  1. If that was a fender the roadworn would add a grand to the price 😂🤣
  2. Was just about to link that 😂🤣
  3. It will be vague, depending on the kind of gig, the time of year (think Christmas) and also the vocalists (male/female) range and capability. ask for a set list and keys to be played in and learn quickly 😂🤣 As said above scour function band set lists and see what crops up regularly learn those well and if necessary wing the rest
  4. How may wraps around the tuning post has the strings got and how loose or easy are the tuning pegs to turn?
  5. You sir are (say it with me) ‘an addict’ 😂🤣
  6. Have you looked at the Cap value in the bass? Personally I’ve never changed one as I like the the dark flub I get from my 63 (it’s got a .1) A 0.047 will brighten it up apparently, maybe worth exploring.
  7. How to disappear completely- Radiohead
  8. I’ve seen that brand and model somewhere, it will come to me, it’s damn fugly so I passed it by at the time
  9. I’m sure to every other bassist you make them sound like a stingray 😄
  10. Maybe it was a statement rather than an entertainment choice 😂🤣
  11. Always loved these and hankered after one I just have no use for it 😕 GLWTS
  12. Do they still have the green fields with drumming groups you could get involved with or the Bicycle powered dance tent?
  13. Wish they’d recorded the travellers field all those years ago before mean fiddler got involved in Glastonbury and sucked the soul out of it
  14. I used to anchor the thumb on the pickup but have worked to use a floating thumb technique. it really didn’t take long at all to become muscle memory and now the pick up anchor feels odd. it’s also opened up a whole world of tone as I play up and down the plucking area on the fly with ease. The thumb now mutes the strings and noisy droning or ringing has gone completely.
  15. I like it, always loved the tone Trujillo gets since the suicidal days. I’m also a fan of the extended solo in tracks (think ‘reach down’ Temple Of The Dog) so I was fine with this. For me it doesn’t have to be shredding guitar to be cool either. Wilk was always a solid drummer he sounds like he’s on a bigger kit good groove too I’ll keep my eye open to see if they release anything else.
  16. Love the look of that but I’ve just purchased a fretless neck for my MIM jazz we’ll see how that goes 😄 GLWTS
  17. Put some hand cream/moisturiser on before the gig reapply if needed during from a squirt dispenser type bottle
  18. For that you have to go modulus FU
  19. It’s the Flea Active from fender
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