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Everything posted by chris_b

  1. [quote name='garry warrington' timestamp='1412803998' post='2572346'] Can anybody help should i be looking for a better quality neck,it lookes like a reliced cheap copy neck!! [/quote] From what you've said, it sounds like you've reached the limitations of this instrument. You should be looking for a better quality bass.
  2. 2" or 3" is not enough to de-couple the cab from the floor or cause problems with your sound.
  3. Unless you have to worry about weight, listen to as many cabs as you can and decide by the sound.
  4. Why are you worried about what an idiot in the audience is shouting? Why would that make you quit a band?
  5. I've been using ACS ER15's since 2007. These ear plugs are worth every penny. Many of the guys I play with are crazy enough to not be protecting themselves on loud gigs and are showing signs of serious hearing loss.
  6. She's good but I think I'll wait to see who is in the "full band" come March.
  7. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1412249133' post='2567097'] ....Any opinions on this?.... [/quote] Good grown up bass playing. In a different style, also listen to the great Carmine Rojas (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVEnViP4wrs) and almost anything by Nathan East.
  8. I know a couple of guys using DeWalt canvas tool bags, from B&Q.
  9. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1411653100' post='2561583'] Not too sure about the "punters wont know or care" comments. [/quote] +1 I have joined several bands and been given many deps on the strength of my what people in the audience have seen and heard. Never underestimate who is in the audience, and what they know.
  10. Roscoe Beck is bass royalty. As a top bass player in many styles (I believe currently he's musical director for Leonard Cohen) he's someone we should all be listening to and learning from.
  11. Or, if your skills aren't up to it, you could build a Greenboy Fearful cab, [url="http://greenboy.us/"]http://greenboy.us/[/url] . I believe there is a UK supplier who will provide everything pre-cut and you just have to assemble. There has been a thread on here about it in the last 6 months. A thread about it from Talkbass: [url="http://www.talkbass.com/threads/ok-dumb-questions-fearful-fearless-builders-ordering-composite.920886/"]http://www.talkbass....mposite.920886/[/url]
  12. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1411632947' post='2561272'] A cold garage is not a problem but a damp garage is. [/quote] +1 Unless you have heating, all garages, sheds and outbuildings will get damp. The only gear I keep in the shed are the hardcases for my basses. Apart from the lawnmower I keep all electrical equipment in the house.
  13. I don't know TC cabs, but I am currently using a TH500 with a Bergantino CN212 and getting one of the best sounds I've ever had. That amp also worked well with 2 Berg AE112 cabs. I've heard the TH500 and DB112 cabs on YouTube and they sound like a great combination to me. IMO, two 112 cabs always sound much better than one if you are playing at any sort of volume.
  14. [quote name='Russ' timestamp='1411572043' post='2560788'] It was as good as any mid-to-high-end Jazz-type bass out there. . . . I'm thinking of getting one and sticking a J-Retro in it. [/quote] If it's that good . . . . why?
  15. You [i]are[/i] missing the point. Scales are about knowing where the notes are in the chord and on the fretboard. Scales are about fluency and playing without having to plan where the next note is. Scales help muscle memory to make sure the right finger arrives at the right note without having to think about it. Scales are boring but they have a very serious purpose. Of course you can do without them but you will be less of the player that you could have been. At the end of the day, that might not matter in your playing environment. The choice is yours.
  16. I had a Boss TU-2 that couldn't manage the B string. I had to tune to the E on the 5th fret. So another note or harmonic is the way to go. As long as your bass is in tune with itself that will be fine. PS - I don't know this tuner, but are there different modes? Are you switched to the right mode for chromatic tuning? PPS - The web site says it can do drop D. Check your set up.
  17. Just get one. . . . . . from the BC classifieds.
  18. I don't understand why it should follow that playing like this should lead to playing more bum notes that any other way of playing a bass! Plenty of top players have played like this, from Albert King to Jimmy Haslip.
  19. I can think of several numbers where this would work. I'm interested.
  20. I always look at it this way: if I'm humping the gear that means I've done a gig, so it's all worth it.
  21. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1410893134' post='2554460'] ....it was all overloud and messy. Had the feeling that James had taken too much of something. There were false starts, wrong starts and no starts...., [/quote] I saw one of those JB gigs, Hammersmith Odeon, late 70's, it was shambolic.
  22. There was a modded Fender V for sale here a couple of years ago.
  23. I've had 2 Markbass amps, one I loved and one I didn't, and 2 TC amps, loved both. I sold the MB's to get the TC's and sold the TC's to get my Thunderfunk. I've heard players sounding great on gear that I couldn't sound good on in a million years, and there are many who can make great gear sound pretty average, so I wouldn't say any of the makes in this post were better or worse than the other.
  24. I did. . . . . . but I think Jack might have been referring to someone else.
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