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Everything posted by benebass

  1. Hi Wayne - I'd go for a refund if I were you. How much would the petrol be? I did a transaction on here a while ago that didn't go too well & the bass wasn't as described. Thankfully everything turned out OK, but I decided to take the hit on the postage to make sure there was no excuse not to give me my £500 back. By the way, have you seen [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ibanez-EDA-905-Piezo-ELECTRIC-5-String-Bass-/120684196047"]this one on eBay[/url]? No bids yet... Cheers, B.
  2. This is the first one I heard: - Recorded in his bedroom with a few bits of old MIDI gear & a sampler - genius! Cheers, B.
  3. [quote name='Jacqueslemac' post='1117913' date='Feb 6 2011, 05:41 PM']Red with block markers and matching red headstock? If so, I'll hang on![/quote] Unfortunately not - pretty much everything but... [url="http://www.squierguitars.com/products/search.php?section=basses&cat=jaguarbass"]http://www.squierguitars.com/products/sear...;cat=jaguarbass[/url] Cheers, B.
  4. Shame they've gone for the black plate on the Classic J - the prototype with the pearloid plate looked much classier... Cheers, B.
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  13. Bought a Novation keyboard from Tony recently - really straightforward deal & it turned up at my door within a few days. Cheers! B.
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  15. [quote name='BassBod' post='1040226' date='Nov 28 2010, 06:23 PM']The pair in my five string were made by Kent, probably 12 years ago now, before he moved back to the States. I just had a chat with him on the phone, and he sent me something to do the job. I wasn't a fussy customer! Sound wise, the nearest description I can give is a "Ken Smith" type sound....clear, with strong mids. Not as honky as a Music Man. In series they are very dark and powerful (a bit Wal?), in parallel they have a lot more top end but less power. My bass is passive...but I should just wire them to parallel only and put in something like the Aguilar circuit to give the low end some extra weight. Back in the early 80s Kent's handmade pickups looked identical to Ken Smith's humbuckers, with allen key poles...so I'd guess they are a related design. I'm sure Kent will tell you all if you send him an email? His son Aaron is still making pickups in the UK, but he didn't have a web site last time I looked.[/quote] Thanks BassBod - I'm wanting to keep a passive set up so that's really useful. There's so little out there on his non-custome pickups that it is probably worth firing off a mail to him. Cheers, B.
  16. [quote name='BassBod' post='1037791' date='Nov 26 2010, 02:04 PM']I've used Kent Armstrongs in a few basses, but the handmade versions. Very good pickups, and I remember Kent saying that the WD Korean versions weren't very different. Have a look at Carl Thompson basses and you'll normally see them (Korean imports from WD, not made by Kent). Its worth trying them out in both series and parallel wiring, as they sound quite different.[/quote] Hi BassBod - thanks for the info. Did you buy a custom wind made to your spec, or a more 'stock' wind? Thing is, I'm really struggling to find a description of how the KAs shape the sound - how did you find them? I've heard wiring them with a series/parallel switch really opens the tone up - defnitely one to consider... Cheers, B.
  17. Hi - I've always wondered if the Sonuus B2M is any good - no special pickup needed & £79 RRP (ex VAT): - [url="http://www.sonuus.com/products_b2m.html"]http://www.sonuus.com/products_b2m.html[/url] Cheers, B.
  18. Mmmm - guess these pickups aren't as common / popular as I thought!?! Cheers, B.
  19. [quote name='Delberthot' post='1032081' date='Nov 21 2010, 11:26 PM']I got a Wilkinson one which looks identical from Ebay for £17 delivered Still to install it. Funnily enough it also looks identical to the EMG 35HZ that its going to be going with in my Thunderbird[/quote] Hi Delberthot - think they're all a standard size, but very different on the inside... Cheers, B.
  20. Hi - I've been looking for a pair of passive closed-cover pickups for a build project & the Kent Armstrong soapbars sold by WD Music caught my eye - the [url="http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/product/SOAPBAR_BASS_PU_4_STRING_NECK_HB4E3N"]neck[/url] and [url="http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/product/SOAPBAR_BASS_PU_4_STRING_BRIDGE_HB4E3B"]bridge[/url] soapbars come in at £45 each, which seems like a great price. I know these are mass produced & totally different to the custom winds, but there seems to be very little online in terms of reviews etc., so I was wondering if anyone on here is using them & could tell me a bit more about them please? My plan is for a passive set up with a couple of pickups. I tend to string my basses with flats & I suppose soundwise I'd like to have the option of deep neck pickup boom & tight Andy Fraser-esque honk from the bridge. Cheers, B.
  21. [quote name='Count Bassy' post='1014170' date='Nov 6 2010, 12:33 PM']IMO the main problem with Later is Jules Holland - what a twat.[/quote] Totally see where you are coming from - he does a good interview & I used to love him on the Tube, but he needs to put the ego back in the box & keep away from the piano. I'm sure he said he's putting his own band on next week - looks like the fast forward button will be busy again... Cheers, B.
  22. [quote name='2pods' post='1015134' date='Nov 7 2010, 12:01 PM']You're probably righr re the BB-VIs. I ended up swapping it for a Korg synth expander, solidiering on with the TSB fretless, then buying a 34" scale Aria RSB Deluxe II. Metallic red sparkle, um....[/quote] Well, considering it was the '80s, I think that was relatively tasteful! Cheers, B.
  23. Interesting replies. 2pods - I think the Yamaha might have been the BB-VIs, which wasn't very common by the look of it. Looks pretty solid though. By the way, does anyone know where to get decent medium scale flats? Cheers, B.
  24. Didn't know that Yamaha did a 32" BB, 2pods - any idea what the model number was? That 5 string King Bass looks great Crez! A lot of people reckon you need 35" for a 5 so have you found any drawbacks to the B string on a smaller scale? Cheers, B.
  25. You're right that the strings/wood/construction/electronics make a massive difference, but I've found that 30" is defintely more bassy than 34" & 32" seems to add a lot of mids to the acoustic tone... Count Bassy - I think Crafter do a semi-acoustic (i.e. acoustic bass with electronics rather than Gibson EB-2 style) 32" five string with a RRP of less than £500, but that's the only one I've heard of. It's way over budget, but Birdsong do a 31" five string with something called DST that adds tension to the B string. More info [url="http://www.birdsongguitars.com/instruments.htm"]here[/url]. If you ever think of selling one of those Urge basses, give me a shout! Cheers, B.
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