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Everything posted by PaulWarning

  1. so if they're stored offline is it like having them on your hard drive and do you lose them if you stop paying?
  2. it all depends on how you play, if you play hard with a pick like I do you need a higher action, mines about 3mm at the 12 fret E string, I get some fret buzz playing acoustically but none comes through the amp, strangely I get the least amount of buzz with no neck relief. I do think there's to much macho posturing going on with the "my action is lower than your action" business.
  3. going off on a bit of a tangent here (especially as this is a bass forum) but with under the saddle pickups the type or age of strings make next to no difference to the amplified sound, as I have just found out after replacing my 6 month old strings.
  4. I've had a couple of Yamaha's and a Takamine, I've settled on a Yamaha APX700, thin bodied, and everybody says how nice it sounds at open mic, I got it off ebay for £250, mind you I'm cack handed so my choice is limited
  5. cheers for the advice guys, all good, had no replies from my ads so far, but I'm only testing the water really as we're covered till June, think I'll announce it on our FB page next. The Lemrock site only seems to cover the south is there an equivalent for the Midland area?
  6. anybody got any advice on finding new band members, (and auditioning them) after 10 years our guitarist and drummer have decided to call it a day but me and the Singer have decided to try and carry on, having decided to try for a guitarist first, reasoning that it would take him longer to learn 40 odd songs for our set, I have placed the following ad on partysounds, join my band and Gumtree, Guitarist required for established Punk covers/originals band, our current guitarist is leaving in June, a deep love of Classic punk rock is needed i.e. Clash Ramones etc, most of gigs are 2 hours, mostly covers with a sprinkling of our songs. Gigs already booked for the second half of the year anything else I could be doing?
  7. I'm on Firefox and chrome it's the same on both, go to manage your wanted ads, and there's no check boxes, to quote the Small Faces, it's all or nothing :-(
  8. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1421403898' post='2660738'] You just click on the individual boxes next to the type of musician. Can you not see the boxes? [/quote]No, it just gives the option of check all or uncheck all, think you may need to pay for the premium service
  9. been pratting around with band mix, doesn't seem very intuitive, when I click on the 'now seeking' page all it offers is 'check all' 'uncheck all' and submit any idea how I check the boxes I want or is this a premium feature?
  10. we always finish with Nellie the Elephant, I don't particularly like playing it but it always goes down a storm
  11. all keyboard players should be like Def Leopards drummer
  12. ah, the old electricians trick, did it myself this very morning, what a twat
  13. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1420713331' post='2652356'] There are practical reasons why the other drummer can't bring his kit, so we're supplying the drum kit for the whole night. We're not swapping the kit for one band. [/quote]Oh right, I see, well if your drummer's letting everyone else use his kit I think he's entitled to have it set up how he wants but maybe if it was explained to him that his kick drum might not be as loud as it could be because of microphone bleed and feedback issues he might have a rethink.
  14. almost all the multi band bills I've played on there's one kit and the drummers bring their breakables except maybe the headliners, changing a drum kit for every band would be a nightmare. If your drummer insisting on using his own kit I think he's being a bit of an arse, if I've got the wrong end of the stick except my apologies
  15. if he doesn't like a hole, don't mic it up, it only invades our frequency space anyway, I bloody hate over loud kick drums
  16. maybe I'm teaching my Granny to suck eggs, but the best way I've found of checking if a tab correct is to use audacity to move the song up an octave or even 2 octaves certainly makes the bass line stand out and you can slow it down, I've found it invaluable
  17. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1420451198' post='2649372'] The singer is the key focal point between you and the audience so there is no point having them do a song they murder... Having said that, they may have good chemistry with a crowd and that can get you so far, but it is unlikely to have a great singer and a great frontman..they are like hen's teeth, IME. Personally, I go for the best singer and put a good band round them and that can be enough to connect if the singer hasn't got that.. You definitely need one of the two, IMO. [/quote]yep, our band wouldn't be nearly the same without the singer, lets face it we can all learn almost any song if we practice at it (even if we cheat a little) but if the singer can't sing it that's it, we've ditched one or two songs because we had to alter the key that much they just didn't work, Communication Breakdown and Offsprings the Kids Aren't Alright. spring to mind, both very high key, although we did pull off Slade's Merry Christmas in spite of having to lower it 5 semitones, so you never can tell
  18. if one member doesn't really want to do a song then it doesn't get done, but it's usually by consensus, as someone said earlier there's no point in doing obscure album tracks you might as well do your own stuff, and IMO try to stick to a certain genre more or less, by trying to please everyone nobody is totally satisfied, there are songs I really love playing but for any of the above reasons I know they wouldn't work.
  19. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1420233739' post='2647089'] File under 'things no-one should ever have said in the history of mankind' [/quote]fixed
  20. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1420233253' post='2647075'] A bit of a punk, enough said. [/quote]so you weren't joking? oh well one mans meat etc
  21. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1420212297' post='2646719'] Wilco was awful - I think a bit of boogie-woogie piano would have improved his set though. [/quote]I really hope you were joking Just watching now, I always record it so I can skip the bits I don't like (note, I said the bits I don't like, not the crap bits, I'm not keen on people slagging other peoples music off) and I skipped through very little, liked Wilco, being a bit of a punk I like my live music with a few rough edges, nice to see the old farts had still got their voices, unlike a certain ex Beatle I could mention, Private Number had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. I didn't even mind Jools muscling on nearly everybody's set, but why does he have to have equal prominence to guests? what a narcissist, and oh yeah I could do without the often toe curling guest interviews
  22. [quote name='Chrismanbass' timestamp='1420118593' post='2645713'] Its not live but anyone else watch Queen + Adam Lambert last night and think the mix for broadcast was very good bass sound was excellent classic P Bass tone and everything sounded crisp and tight [/quote]I thought the mix was good, and they avoided the modern fashion of having the bloody bass drum too loud, very refreshing
  23. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1420103567' post='2645504'] Personally I much prefer the simplicity of a passive bass, put an active bass in my hands and I'm forever twiddling with knobs and never happy, bass up, mid cut, treble boost, bass boost, mid boost, no cut, no boost, no cut, neck pick up, brigde pick up, balanced, neck bridge, neck, bridge, mid cut, bass cut, boost, cut, boost cut, neck, bridge, neck, bridge, mid, bass, treble, boost this, cut that, no, boost, cut, boost, cut...............aaaaaaaggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh That's why I currently have two Precisions and I'm very happy �� [/quote] ^ this, I had a stingray and also spent all my time twiddling without success to get the tone I wanted, now I've got P I just play it.
  24. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1328997434' post='1535958'] My fave JJ moment: When the bass comes in on Hanging Around. It really sounds like the bass amp is actually in your room, playing along to the track. Fantastic bass moment that. [/quote] [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1329123531' post='1537269'] This. The greatest bass guitar moment, ever. [/quote]I only have to think about it to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. One of the reasons we love JJ's playing of course is the fact he's high in the mix, it's just so refreshing to hear a bass that's not buried below drums and guitar
  25. yeah I understand the problems with using other amps when doing a multi band gig but I've got an FX pedal for that and I think they cover all the arguments for using an active bass, plus you can change your settings mid song with your foot. And I do apologise for the spelling error in the title of the thread doh!
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