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Everything posted by PaulWarning

  1. I can see how different ways of playing would alter the tone, even pick players like myself can alter the tone depending on where we hit the strings, nearer the bridge will give a different tone to playing near the neck, but it's only one tool we use to get a different tone, to say you can get any tone you want just by changing the way you use your fingers is, as Cosmo Valdemar says, bollocks
  2. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1424536397' post='2697452'] What he's trying to say (I think), is that if you play a song using a Stingray, then swap and play the same song on a Jazz. You'll sound like you, playing either a Jazz or a Stingray. Either way, you'll sound like you. There's a lot more to getting someone's sound, than just going out and buying the same gear. You need to look at how they played, and what. You can (and lots of guys have), go out and buy exactly the same gear as someone you like, and still not sound anything like the person you were trying to emulate. See my earlier post where I stay that 2 guys can play exactly the same bass, and sound completely different. Try it next time at a gig or rehearsal, give your bass to another play, and have them play something on it. If I wanted to emulate someones sound, then I'd sit down and maybe watch them play on Youtube, see where they play, and how hard they attack, finger style or pick etc. Then use what I've got to try and get close. I've just actually taken on a new student, he's really into The Stranglers, so I need to check out some of Burnell's playing over the weekend, so I've got something to work on with him. [/quote]right, if that's what he meant fair enough, perhaps something was lost in the translation from our American cousin lol, if you substitute 'playing style' for 'tone' it would make more sense, i.e. my playing style will be the same whatever bass I play. as for Burnell's 'tone' you need to play with a nice thick pick as a starting point IMO
  3. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1424391281' post='2695969'] Ok, I'm officially an old fuddy duddy. I have listened to the Strangler's track. No disrespect to the OP. I am concerned over the recent discussions around tone.Where it comes from and how to achieve the tone you want. I'm taking a hard stance that it does not come from the bass guitar. It has more to do with what you do with your fingers, your style, how you execute, attack and deliver your lines.For example, to me the tone of a pick user is a lot different from guys that use their fingers. If you don't make any connection in your playing between your attack, your control of finger muscles, your dexterity or aggression I think you need to re-examine your whole concept or philosophy on tone. My tone will be the same with any bass I play. I think or I hope this will probably resonate with the more senior players. Now processing and amplification is another discussion. edit, btw we're going way of topic here Blue [/quote]so we're wasting our money by buying say an MIA precision over a Squire affinity or there's no difference in sound between a precision and a Jazz or a Stingray? or have I misunderstood your post? edit, btw we're going way off topic here
  4. listening to music is all about ambiance for me, if I just to sit there listening to vinyl or CD's through my Hi Fi (rega planar 3/Nad 3130/Arcam Alpha plus/ Mission 760i) I soon get bored, but cycling home from the pub listening to my mp3 player (hopefully on a cycle track) is marvellous, or in the car whilst driving is great to.
  5. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1424421862' post='2696066'] Oasis are stil current in the sense that I can't get through a single gig without one drunken chavvy bloke agressively demanding them all night, or host one open mic without one guy pretending to be them. :-/ Drives me nuts, which is why I finally 'relented' and arranged a completely different 'rock' version of the most requested song 'wonderwall' just to shut them up and to date a sense of mischief (Which I demo'd up on GarageBand on my iPad if anyone's interested) [url="https://soundcloud.com/gafbass02/wonderwall-rock-ipad-demo"]https://soundcloud.c...-rock-ipad-demo[/url] [/quote]nice arrangement, but in a way it goes to prove that the melody line is the main part of this and most songs
  6. I got this using MIA P, 1mm pick and a zoom 506II on the dr setting at the half way point, and recorded straight into my computer using audacity
  7. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1424184651' post='2693569'] To get a clicky "modern metal" bass drum, you need to cut all the mids out, which would leave plenty of room for bass guitar IME the kick drum sound they [u]should[/u] go for is to cut everything between 200Hz and 5KHz, then boost sharply at 10KHz This isn't necessarily a bad approach, as it should leave plenty of room for bass. I've definitely experienced the phenomena, and we had another quite lengthy thread on the subject only a few weeks ago. What causes it is way beyond me! [/quote]fixed, and only when it's a modern metal band
  8. been getting on my tits for a while now, there's a current fashion for having the bass drum loud in the mix, usually quite clicky which is the frequency the bass sits in, so to give the sound bottom end they EQ the bass right down the result being it's a muddy mess. It really pissed me off when I went to see the Quo reunion gigs, I wanted them to sound like the did in the early 70's not hear the thum thum of the bass drum all night. edit, I know sod all about mixing either, but I do like to hear what the bass players doing
  9. I do a bit of home recording, just demos for the band really and being a tight arse I do it on the cheap, I use audacity and record one thing at a time, start with the drum track, I use Hydrogen,then just by pluging the mic/bass/guitar into the mic socket on my computer just record one track at a time, the only cost is a lead to convert a 6.3mm jack to a mini jack, if you get one with two 6.3mm jacks into one mini jack you can record 2 tracks at once, one track to the left channel and one to the right, like I said a super cheap option but good enough for demos
  10. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1424086952' post='2692350'] Potentially leaky monitors could do the trick to do the ambient thing - but monitors are all about control (you put what you want to hear down them with nothing from the outside world to harm the mix) - so if you go down that route, remember that each gig could be different in terms of volume (for example the guitar amp could be right behind the singer one gig and not the next). I've said it many times in this thread and I'll say it again, you can't really do an IEM solution on the cheap and it be good. If you compromise on aux send (e.g. desk), transmissions (e.g. the wired cable or wireless unit) or in ear monitors, you are already losing the game. I hear many people that have said they have tried IEMs and they are rubbish... but usually its because they have skimped on 1 (or usually all) of the 3 parts. I would suggest some moulded ear plugs and a wedge over IEMs if the cash is tight. As for the monitoring system you posted, I have no experience of that system so can't comment on it's particular performance... but what I will say, my experience of cheaper systems is that they are noisy, lacking in bass, prone to drop outs and produce a generally harsh and fatiguing sound. Even some of the more expensive systems (e.g. the PSM200) - I think are very poor. It may be worth a punt... but be mindful that you would be lucky to get the same sort of quality out of a 60 quid system vs something like an EW300. [/quote]cheers for the comment, we're not really after good quality, (within reason) the singer just wants to hear himself without the rest of us having really loud vocals through the monitor, as I said I don't want to go down the mic everything up route, I want to keep it as simple as possible
  11. I don't really see the point in slagging off another band, one man's meat and all that, any band that's sold a few records must have some people that like their music, we supported a Kasabian tribute band at the weekend, not my cup of tea at all but some folk liked them
  12. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1424003947' post='2691361'] Using one monitor in your ear is bad idea - its a surefire way to get hearing damage very quickly as you over compensate the monitor ear and end up blasting your ears. Ideally you should be routing everything you want to hear through IEMs. Have you tried the wedge route or one of those on micstand monitors. I've said it numerous times in the thread, you can't do good IEM on the cheap. Woodinblack - Drop tonyf a line. He uses LD systems stuff (not entirely sure which one) that is a lot cheaper than the Shure and Sennheiser monitoring systems mentioned. Maybe for a little more money you can stretch to the MEI 1. Anyway, ask Tony, I've never heard one - we keen meaning to have a shoot out but various situations have prevented so far! You can always put am ambient mic pointing at the band and send that only through the aux and not fog if the singer needs to hear more of the band. Depends how good the inears are at blocking out the sound. Wireless mics and inears can be run simultaneously as long as there is enough space in the spectrum in which they are operating to run without running into intermodulation problems. In band 70 you can expect to run 3 or 4 wireless devices. In channel 38, (paid band), you can typically run to 8 devices and maybe 9 if you are willing to risk a little robustness (of course, there are now devices that can be run on very low transmission levels and you can cram many of those into a very small piece of the spectrum... but they tend to be very, very pricey). [/quote]so if you use 2, but ones that haven't got very good isolation that should do the trick? I'm trying to find the easiest way to solve the monitoring problem for our singer without spending a load of cash and making setting up a pain in the arse. for instance what's wrong with this? http://www.gear4music.com/PA-DJ-and-Lighting/Wireless-In-Ear-Monitor-System-by-Gear4music/OUE
  13. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1424002783' post='2691334'] not sure whether this question has been asked already, apologies if it has, we do mostly small pub gigs where the only thing we mic up are vocals, our singer is moaning about not being able to hear his vocals despite the fact the rest of us can hear him ok, is it possible just have IEM for his vocals but him still hear the rest of the band? maybe use just one IEM or am I being silly [/quote]Oh yeah forgot to mention he uses a wireless mic, can the 2 things be combined?
  14. not sure whether this question has been asked already, apologies if it has, we do mostly small pub gigs where the only thing we mic up are vocals, our singer is moaning about not being able to hear his vocals despite the fact the rest of us can hear him ok, is it possible just have IEM for his vocals but him still hear the rest of the band? maybe use just one IEM or am I being silly
  15. similar thread here http://basschat.co.uk/topic/254427-the-everlasting-bass-drive-quest/page__fromsearch__1
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1422973451' post='2679008'] I don't really get this - you only notice the bass when it isn't there. I would imagine most of us play in bands with guitar drums vocals and perhaps one other instrument (probably second guitar or keyboards). In bands like this if the the arrangements are properly orchestrated and the sounds have been chosen appropriately so that each instrument has its own sonic space, then all the instruments are of equal importance and any one instrument dropping out when it shouldn't would be massively noticeable. [/quote]that's a bloody big if
  17. cheers Guys great stuff, can't understand why a google search didn't find this stuff
  18. I've recently been transferring some tracks I recorded off the Radio from cassette onto my computer, I came across this little gem I recorded off John Peel in 1992, I've tried to find out some more info about the band and can't find a thing, can anybody help me out? as far as I know it's called 'Us, the only Ones' by a band called the Songs [attachment=182787:Songs - Us, The Only Ones.mp3]
  19. for years I was playing I fought the Law with mostly root notes, then I went to the trouble of learning it properly at band practice I played it properly then said to the rest of the band "Was that better with the correct bass line?" blank looks all round I think it's the same with drums TBH nobody notices, mind you I don't think you'd get away with playing just root notes on the intro to Peaches
  20. enjoyed the first 2, not so the last one except for the Nirvana bit, then again I'm afraid I just don't get rap, music with no melody line? no thank you edit, the Cher bit was ok too
  21. JJ Burnell on Hanging around, but any rock bass that's sits in the mix so I can actually hear it, it's so often buried so deep the only way I can figure out what they're doing is to raise it 2 octaves, the upside being you can just does bash away on the root and get away with it
  22. I've been using an old Zoom 506II for years, I've never managed to get the subtle overdrive effect I get from it from another pedal, adds thick sustain without being fuzzy, I bumped into another bass player and he was using one and he said exactly the same thing, you'll have to buy one second hand, there's some on ebay
  23. full on for volume and tone, I use the much better amp or FX controls to alter the sound, lets face it the signal from a passive pick is weedy enough without making it weaker IMO obviously, once read some where that Mike Dirnt bypassed his controls for this reason. As for turning the volume down between songs, our guitarist does this, I've lost count of the number of times he's forgot to turn it back up again.
  24. it is a tricky one, but we've turned gigs down if gigs in one town are too close together, apart from anything else your regular fans will get pissed off with seeing you, went to see a band in the main music venue in my home town and there was hardly anybody there, then found out they'd played the pub over the road a fortnight before, in my book that's unprofessional behaviour and something I wouldn't do
  25. yeah, I use them, I don't have any trouble getting them in or out, but I have got big lugs, as with all other ear plugs I've tried they do knock out the top end frequencies more, fine if you're a bass player, not so good if you're a sound man
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