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Everything posted by spongebob

  1. Ditto what's already been said.....if Leo hadn't been such a visionary, what this site be? Or even exist? Uprightbasschat?
  2. Album of the year so far for me (alongside the new R.Kelly one) - rewards repeated listens, there's a lot going on.
  3. Our first video - all good fun! [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cFEcuO0F84[/media] We have a website if anyone wants further info - www.cubikzicoma.com
  4. Have they reduced the price accordingly? I'm guessing not....!
  5. I've had a few Mexican P's and they were, nice instruments. However, I've now got a USA one - and the difference, to me, felt outstanding. Not a nice instrument, but an totally amazing one in feel and tone. It's rapidly becoming the bass I can't put down! It's away for a few days for a full set-up - missing it already!!
  6. That looks lovely, congrats on a wonderful looking bass! Just checked out Thomann - crazy prices! American Jazz standard for under £900!
  7. I can get a JJB-ish sound from my US P, with lots of treble on!
  8. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1343824909' post='1755796'] Nice [/quote] +100!!
  9. Cool! Same gauge and brand I always use, so just leave the current ones on!
  10. Silly question alert, but I've just got to ask! I'm about to drop my P-bass into a local luthier later this week for a full set-up, I bought the bass 2nd hand, and I don't think it's been touched since new. He's a good guy and does great work. However, when I hand it over, is it beneficial in any way to put a fresh set of strings in to be fitted at the same time? The ones I put on have only been on there about 4 or 5 weeks. I was just thinking about the tension, etc, when all the truss rods, etc, get changes and bedded in - would this be better with a new set against leaving the 'used' ones on to continue with, and simply re-fitted after the adjustments? Though I'd ask before I hand it in!
  11. [quote name='bassman344' timestamp='1343505773' post='1751603'] A Ric looks real cool, but you can't get away from the point in the first post and you might not want to acknowledge this but - there ain't a lot of people playing them anywhere. Warwick, Fender, Musicman and Ibanez are stealing the show. [/quote] I'm a die-hard Rickie but I do agree with this. The last new record I can audibly hear a Ric (for me) was 'The Holy Bible' from the Manic Street Preachers in 1994 - besides my band's recent recording I'm on, I've not heard a real up-front Ric on an album since then! However, I would say that basses on record - in general - have declined in tone since then anyway. But I like to hear a bass sound crisp and natural - and I can't think of a Ric tone since THB that's as big, or a bass tone in general for me as up front and uncluttered. ....and I should add, since I first bought it on the day of release, became my no.1. I couldn't believe an album like this in my lifetime - and it's not happened since. The lyrics alone are a masterpiece - and put the package together....I'm speechless. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DC-9GA6RBMc[/media]
  12. So your avatar isn't a real photo.....!! Great to see the USA P still with you - great decision.
  13. [quote name='philwood' timestamp='1343401998' post='1750257'] Ok like most people I've suffered my fair share of GAS (mainly through immaturity) over the last 15 years I've been playing. I've owned custom this and that, just about every major brand out there, tried every combination of woods electronics pickups bla bla bla. And what do I settle on? A cracking USA Fender precision. I've never ever been settled on a bass as long as this one. Original and best now IMHO! Anyone else with similar experience? [/quote] Amen! I've got a USA P, and I must admit, it's an awesome bass. I don't think I've ever heard myself so well in the mix.
  14. I love Joy Division. Another massive influence on me....not so much in style, but in getting the bass audible and upfront. Part of the reason I own a Ric - I was gutted when I found out Hooky's was a copy!! New Order, I can take or leave a lot of it - just too 80's for me. First two albums - agree - great stuff on there, but after that, good bits less and less for me! JD remain great for me because of the lack of rules - it was unique....and Martin Hannett was a total genius. Without him? Unthinkable. Here's a great piece of JD for y'all.... [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYQoXqsPd7Y"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYQoXqsPd7Y[/url]
  15. I always keep to just two basses anyway, so if I was you, I'd sell a few Ray! It's great to have loads of gear, but I always think if it's not being used, sell it. Any more than two basses, and I tend to neglect one, or only pick it up because I feel I have to.....so have what you feel comfy with.
  16. Love this, and the album....timeless. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c9g7Gzg9Ew"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7c9g7Gzg9Ew[/url]
  17. [quote name='bassfunk' timestamp='1343219515' post='1747197'] It's funny the OP mentions Steve Hanley, I do a bit of driving and backline teching for bands and I've worked with Steve loads. He's a great guy and a really great, solid player. Not many many people mention him on here but he was the longest serving Fall member (after Mark E of course) but then people son't seem to rate Punk players as much on here. [/quote] Steve is indeed in my top 5, if not top 3 players as put up top! I did briefly exchange a couple of emails with him once - asked him a couple of tech questions, and he was really helpful and glad to have been asked! I know he's not a full-time player now (works as a school caretaker!) total travesty. His playing is such an influence on mine, and I always fully admit it!
  18. Good call Del! Forgot about Chris Squire - I should have had a top 6. Saw him on the Yes 'Union' tour...'91?? Revolving stage, and a very long 'Yours Is No Disgrace' to open!
  19. I'm really excited - booked my tickets yesterday to see Rush at the o2 in May 2013! Never seen them before, even though I've been a fan for well over 20 years, since I was about 14 (38 now, groan...!) It's just been that I've always been in the wrong place, or resisted the 'arena' type-gig. However, I've realised that if I don't go to a place like the o2, I'll never see them. It got me thinking - Geddy is the last bass player that I'm desperate to see. Whilst my list not engage everybody, I've managed - 1. Steve Hanley (saw him in '97 not long before he left The Fall....with Karl Burns on drums - my no. 1 gig ever). 2. Lemmy (saw him 3 times in the late 80's, really want to see him once more). 3. Jean-Jaques Burnel (Saw him last year - still awesome). 4. Lou Barlow (with Dinosaur Jr. in 2009) I've always said that's my top 5 influences (with Ged). Nearly all done! Anybody managed to see [b][i]all[/i][/b] of their biggest influences?
  20. I've tried various Jazz's, and never been too happy how they sit in the mix. Maybe if I was Geddy Lee with great PA, techs, etc, I would have sounded more prominent! I own a P for the reason I think it's a 'sledgehammer' bass - plug in anytime, anyplace, anywhere, and you can always cut through whatever mix. Had an interesting chat with a bespoke bass retailer recently. He was saying how people come to him with a Jazz bass in a rock setting and complain they can't be heard. He said - 'it even says it on the headstock - Jazz bass!!'. Made me laugh anyway!
  21. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1342880172' post='1742312'] He used a Precision as well...the one he cut into a teardrop shape. P [/quote] I know he played a P on the first album - and from I've read, also on 'Lakeside Park' and elements of 'By-Tor' as well!
  22. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1342862677' post='1741922'] .To be honest, all my playing life I wanted Geddy Lee's tone, only to discover many years ago that he used a Jazz on a lot of the early recordings. I get a similar tone out of my existing set up (Thunderbird/Sansamp), so I'm happy. P [/quote] Geddy only started recording with the Jazz on 'Moving Pictures' - maybe (I've read also) a track or two on 'Permanent Waves'. Classic Ged tone? Ric all the way, but add studio trickery, compression....and Ged's technique!
  23. I'm going to link this to Rickresouce and you're all gonna get flamed!! (joking by the way!) Love 'em to bits, so I'm always on the plus side, despite some bad experiences! As for the tone, I love my Ric to sound like a Ric - clangy, toppy, middy, and cutting - not for everyone, and I don't use it in both my bands (P-bass for the R'n'B trio, need more floor-shake and bottom). But I've never recorded with anything else, and never will. I don't get 'modern' basses (anything after about 1970 I suppose, before I even existed!), same as some don't get Rics. Don't fret it, just play what you feel and roll with it. For me, there's only three types of bass player - those who love Rics, and those who haven't played one yet, and those who are in denial!
  24. [quote name='Stag' timestamp='1342716902' post='1739942'] And yeah... Dont say it on RR lol... Seen you on there recently actually Spongebob! [/quote] Guilty! I do frequent the police state that is RR on a regular basis for my brain-washing! Must have seen you over there as well? Geofio is also there - like me, he uses the same name on both forums! In fact, I posted my photo just below his playing the Ric the other day.
  25. Keep it as it is! These USA P's are excellent basses - no need to butcher it!
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