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Everything posted by steve-soar

  1. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='151366' date='Mar 4 2008, 09:49 PM']I used meths and some kitchen roll, stinks up less than some things, fine on the cheap guitar finish (poly).[/quote]A band I was once in got some money from a publishing deal to buy new gear and stable up our touring budget. I got a bought a brand new SVT2 PRO and one of our guitarists got a brand new Gibson 335. We were backstage at the Moels club in Bath(anyone remember it?) and we had a bit of time to tinker with our new toys. We were all cleaning our guitars and such when the guitarist reached into the road crews box of tricks and pulled out a bottle of meths, unbeknown to the rest of us. About thirty seconds later he showed us what had happened as he tied to polish the 335, most of the finish on the front of it had softened and started to rub away, half a dozen wipes of the cloth and the guitar was worth about £500 less. No thats what I call intense relicing.
  2. [quote name='Hamster' post='150965' date='Mar 4 2008, 11:32 AM']Both of the above suggestions have merit. The TVX 4x10 and HA3500 is quite a good call IMHO, although you might find the cab a bit on the large side to begin with. You can pick up quite a decent Markbass amp for £220 ish secondhand e.g: - [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Markbass-Little-Mark-250-Bass-Amplifier-Head_W0QQitemZ230226724486QQihZ013QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Markbass-Little-Mark...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url] which is not a bad price. The Markbass would be again, IMHO an improvement on the HA3500 but with slightly less power and slightly over budget. Having said that, I don't think you would be disappointed with the HA3500. Have some tea and cake and think about it Hamster[/quote]I like my tea strong, with a piece of lemon drizzle or walnut cake. The cab is large and loud. I played through one that I hired for £1.00, yes £1.00 (Vulcan Rehearsal Studios Liverpool, WE LOVE YOU!) last night at rehearsals, as I couldn't get my cabs over to Liverpool, we only had one car last night to transport the gear. It must be at least 10 years old and half the bassists in Mersyside must have ragged it nearly every night for the last ten years. The speakers sound like the needed retiring and the tweeter was dead but it still made a good sound and filled the room and kept up with a drummer who isn't exactly gentle with his touch, unless he is using his brushes. Any way, £115 for a 4 ohm Peavey cab, smashing.
  3. Hi mewsie, sounds like a lovely bass you are getting. Just a quick heads up. casapete on this forum is selling a Peavey TVX 4X10" speaker cab, 350 watts power handling at 4 ohms, which means you will get the full output of an amp through this, for only £115 and he's in Yorkshire. That would leave you £175 for an amp and you could get a Hartke HA3500, 350 watts at 4 ohms for this price, second hand and in good nick. The two would be perfect together as I've owned both makes I can vouche for their brilliant power and sound for the money. With a setup like this you will probably knock any shelves down in a bedroom, so it will be plenty loud for most gigs. Good luck. Steve.
  4. [quote name='andyonbass' post='150555' date='Mar 3 2008, 06:41 PM']Try some of your missus' nail polish remover.[/quote] Noooooooooooo, nail polish remover is acetone which removes plastics, which in effect ='s the finish on your guitar. The only safe way I've found to remove stickers from modern finishes is to moisten the paper with warm water and carefully scrape off. Then remove the glue with panel wipe (virgin thinners). You can get this from any car spray shop. Do not use meths and don't scrape with a credit card as you will probably scuff your finish. I hope I'm not too late.
  5. I love that rig and those basses. Bespoke, Saville Row and British (in me best Al Murray voice) except the ACG's
  6. [quote name='jacko' post='150396' date='Mar 3 2008, 03:30 PM']Are you sure that's bridged? Sounds more like you're running 2 cabs in parallel presenting the amp with a 2 ohm load. With the QSC, you need a 'special' 1+/2+ speakon cable (and a switch thrown)[/quote] Hi Jacko, the cabs are 8 ohms, each so that gives the amp a 4 ohm load to power.I've tried running the amp in stereo, so that each cab gets 500w each but to my ears it sounds more distorted and makes the amp go into clipping a lot sooner. If anyone has a more effective way I can hook it all up then get in touch but I know Kev(6stringbassist)run the amp and cabs like this when they used to belong to him and I don't think he had any problems. Cheers Steve.
  7. Have a good time away and while you're there think about the Crown XTi 1000, 1400watts @ 4 ohms. I run mine out of channel one into my first cab, then daisy chained into the second cab, this is in bridge mode at 4 ohms and gives me 1400w, ie loads of headroom. The best part is that they are made in the USA, weigh 17 lbs and you can pick them up for as little as £300. Having said that, I'd still pay the extra for Niceguyhomers amp.
  8. After puting the early pics on different threads, here is the new stuff with the SVP PRO, bought from Dood, complete with new Harma Diamond and Phillips Cryo valves....all five of them. I used to play through an SVT 2 PRO and 70's 8x10 cab but the amp, cased, weighed 110lbs and the cab, cased, must have weighed nearly 200lbs! Now, this rack is only 35lbs and the cabs are 38lbs each. The sound is so deep and three dimensional, crystal clear and the response across all frequencies is pure SVT, superb for finger style, slap, strums, pops and has that crystaline definition that only valves can produce. Through the Accugrooves, every sound you make on the bass is slammed out of the cabs in a totally truthful manner, so you better not let your playing tell any lies or eveyone will know. Just a quick thank you to Kev and Dan for these great pieces of kit......Ampeg tone but super light and super manageable
  9. This is a bargain price. I use mine mainly for the core effects, chorus, flange, wah, compression (the dbx 160 is brilliant), octaver, phaser, distotions but I don't use the preamps much and the eq doesn't get a lookin now the SVP PRO is my front end. This is a great sounding, highly useful and low noise piece of gear. I wouldn't sell mine for such a low price. Have a big fat Sunday evening, roast chicken with all the trimmings bump. P.S. I'll let you know how this all sounds after tomorrows rehearsal, the GT6B sounds punchy and crystal clear with the right input and output.....I'll stop now as I'm getting far too excited.
  10. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='149623' date='Mar 1 2008, 09:09 PM']You can carry one in each hand with out to much difficulty[/quote] Hi Tayste, I'd like to see the gig bag that could hold one of those f**kers.
  11. What would be nice would be to get some speakon sockets fitted to the amp and cab then use one of oobm's speakon cables. Abig high power valve beast like that needs a solid connection. E mail obbm for any help, as I did, and he'll tell you the best solution.
  12. Hi Alex, I don't know about how the amp will sound but I like what I hear from my cabs. I know what you mean about, "Hey buddy..." what do they say on the home page, Audio...on steroids, I love the sound from my cabs and they are dead light.
  13. Hi Mods can somebody put this on Show us your Rig, please. Doh! Cheers Steve.
  14. Thanks Kev (6stringbassist) Better than my old SVT 2 and 8x10"!
  15. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='139164' date='Feb 12 2008, 11:10 PM']My new rig, thanks to Mark at Bassdirect, a really fantastic guy to deal with. This is the best that I've ever played through, and I mean the best.[/quote]Hi Kev, I really glad you are happy with your new rig. I played through the Crown and the Tri 112's last night at rehearsals while auditioning a guitarist and I could hear myself like never before. And they were dead loud. Going up 3 flights of stairs has never been easier
  16. [quote name='Grand Puba' post='93230' date='Nov 23 2007, 11:01 AM']Dear all I apologise in advance if I have posted this message in the wrong place. First time poster and a novice in the world of the bass guitar. I have always wanted to play and now have found the time and budget. The Basschat membership has started me on the correct path. A work collegue has agreed to assist me in navigating the ocean that is purchasing my first bass and the site membership have provided me a short list for starter basses. (The Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Bass, maybe The Squier Vintage Modified Precision Bass but I will be trying others). The one step that all members seem to agree on is that you [i]must try before you buy.[/i] So I am looking for a dealer big enough to have a good selection of low end basses, but small enought to give me the personal service and time, I will need to get the package I will be satified with. The dealer should love and be knowledgable about all things bass. So who is the best bass dealer in London, for a novice just starting out.[/quote]Have you got a bass? Have you played with other musicians?
  17. Bought these great cabs and amp off 6stringbassist, best sound I've ever heard. The clarity is amazing I am hearing things I have never heard before. I have had some great rigs in the past but this is the best ever (to date!!!!)
  18. Just cover it with black gaffer tape, no one will notice in the crowd.
  19. Hi Frank I can send them to you?
  20. [quote name='BassDad' post='136049' date='Feb 7 2008, 08:33 PM']Did that, now the little trolley is just another thing I have to find space for in the back of my estate car, and his gear is getting more and more. Can't wait for him to be old enough to drive, i can then just turn up and watch the show instead of being chief roadie and bottle washer........no just joking I love every minute of it [/quote]Hi Frank, I should have remembered that I have 2 sets of castors that were ready to put on the cabs.
  21. Oh Fu*k me, what a beautiful peice of right handed sexyness.
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