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Everything posted by steve-soar

  1. Very misleading and very poor show saying £600 then changing it to £900.
  2. Amen to that. I wouldn't mind if it had any filters to tweek, It takes an age to get any decent wah tones but for what it is and how much you can pick them up for £150-200 they are great.
  3. [quote name='BassManKev' post='153367' date='Mar 7 2008, 08:21 PM']you wont get a amazingly decent one, best tone i got was with the ocatave fuzz on it, eq'd to f***[/quote]Hi Kev, I've got many OD's and distortions set up on the GT6B, the versitility is great and the sounds I can get are very decent for the stuff I like, Fall, Sonic Youth, Squarepusher. A good Muse type one I found tonight is in the Overdrive menu, in the psychadelic setting. I can find most tones in the OD/distortion menu with no eq and sometimes a bit of compresion. I find that the less you have to add the better the tone and you can mix your dry and effected sounds to perfection.
  4. What a load of toss. It looks like the kind of thing someone may have in the corner of their office, along with miniature duke box, Golf club and a Billy the Bass.....did you see what I did there, crap.
  5. I think a Peavey Black Widow 1x15" would sound the dogs. I had one in my Combo 300, which had 210w going into it and it was really load, punchy and smooth. I think you could get one for quite a good price on the bay or maybe on here? Cheers Steve.
  6. This was on my list of preamps when I was looking for one. I have since bought the SVP PRO from Dood, as I wanted the sound of my old SVT 2 but this combined with a nice, lightweight and clean power amp would be incredible. I never thought I would say this but if I had seen this three weeks ago and Dood wasn't selling the SVP, fully revalved, then I would have bought this with no hesitation. If my wife had been born in Stepford, then I would now be sending a cheque for it. 6stringbassist, Kev, has great taste. £300, snap it up.
  7. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' post='153316' date='Mar 7 2008, 07:14 PM']Totally agree but I think most of the damage was done through too many knocks to the head rather than excessive noise. Over the last few years I've been very careful about hearing protection while gigging. I've not used the best plugs going, but I've always used something. The moral? Don't play in the Front Row EVER[/quote] Or the second row, or number 8, or fly half, or......just don't play rugby. One of my best friends died last easter, after a blow to the chest, he had a heart attack a few days latter. We used to play at county level when we were kids but he continued. I broke fingers and collar bones when I used to play, the though of anything like that happening to me now BTW, I've started to use Mack's Ear Seals, I just don't push them right in.
  8. I feel strangely depressed now. That was a lot of bass for a little money, sorry to rub it in. What are you going to do with the money, if you don't mind me asking? Cheers Steve. Just remembered, Monkey Grip!
  9. I'm loking for a preamp solution to fit into my KGB Headless bass. It's a replica of an old Status Series II with four holes for controls, volume, balance, bass and treble. It also has two small holes for toggles and led bulb. The bass has two 1986 EMG pickups, the ones originally fitted to Steinberger L2's. I have the filter basesd preamp in my ACG but I would like something with more mid control for this bass. To that end I'm considering an East U Retro Deluxe or an Audere Classic, however, the Audere is designed for passive pickups and would need caps fitted to make the EMG's suitable. The bass is being refinished at KGB at the moment, I was going get Alan at ACG to do the work but he's snowed under with his own builds. Does anyone have any experience of either preamp or any advice or alternatives? Cheers Steve.
  10. Sorry Kev. I think it's great the way in which you protect the forum from alien invasion.
  11. The Baschat terrier attacks yet another unsuspecting visitor walking up the garden path.
  12. Thank the Lord that I'm left handed and could only see a few pieces. Imagine what customs would charge for the PRS? the money grabbing barstewards.
  13. Indeed. It doesn't work properly, so you should be entitled to a full refund. He is just trying it on with you, so as not to be out of pocket. It sounds like the tea double you ay tea knew what he was selling, so go for your money back and if he won't co operate, then start to play dirty.
  14. Yeah, £350 is a bargain but it handles 400w as opposed to the 6x10's 900w ? It's nearly half the price but I reckon it will sound better because of the mix of speakers and I think it has Electrovoice.
  15. That NAMM Eagle is stunning. I've been looking for an Eagle, lefty, for years, any suggestion? Cheers Steve.
  16. That a Tony Montana of a rig. And some serious eq going on.
  17. ...and some don't. What are you looking to replace it with? Are you still going to use the other one for top end sounds? Is that a blue scratchplate on that lovely precision? Cheers Steve.
  18. I think she's a model, and she's looking good.
  19. Hi Coaster, why don't you get yourself an SVP PRO preamp. You could probably pick one up for £250-300, depending on condition. I've always hankered back to my SVT 2 sound and I've got it pretty much spot on using this trough a good power amp. You could use the balanced out to the FOH, then say put the output into an active cab, Berg, EBS, or just use in-ears or stage monitors, a la Geddy Lee. The SVP PRO is wonderful, the bottom end is unbelievable. I'm using my Precision loaded with EMG's, Precision and Jazz pups and I've got the bass and treble on the pre at 10 o'clock and the bass and treble on the bass at flat or cut. The mid is so strong and defined and the treble is crystal clear. It's got a new set of tubes in it ,Harma Diamond's in positions, 1 2 3 and 5 and a Phillips Cryogenic in position 4. It's quet, for a pre with 5 valves, three dimensioal sounding and I can hear myself at much lower volumes through guitar and load drums. Give me a call if you need any more info. Cheers Steve. p.s., I'm a lefty too. Nice basses.
  20. Lindy Fralins and JHS flat wounds, nice bass.
  21. Oh for crying out loud, give it a rest. It's a public forum and the poor lads only crime was not to say hello to every one. If he was selling an Aguilar DB 750 for £400, or V8 for £300, you would all be his bezzies. BTW, I wouldn't touch it with a barge poll gaffer tapped to a vauling poll.
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