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Everything posted by BassmanPaul

  1. BassmanPaul


    Brother, a little decorum would be in order!
  2. BassmanPaul


    That means we are free to go bonkers!!~ A mushroom goes into a bar (pub) The barman says 'we don't serve your kind in here!! The mushroom asks 'Why not? I'm a fungi!!
  3. As long as you don't expect 750W actual output.
  4. Contact Ashdown for a service centre near you. Let them repair it.
  5. I wouldn't! Isn't an ant an uncle's wife?
  6. I'd look at something from the Yorkville range including Traynor. Homegrown is easier to get your hands on!
  7. There's an old saying that goes something like: don't fix what ain't broke!
  8. Come on @afterimage are you going to let me get away with that??? LOL
  9. I was worried about a certain president and feared he would engineer a coup. I was right and although the warnings were to administrators in private messages still I was banned.
  10. If the loudness of the 'pop' increases when the volume control is turned up then the problem has nothing to do with the power section and lies in the pre-amp. Possibly a failing tube or a leaky cap.
  11. You guys from Liverpool always were a little crazy!! LOL
  12. I've had my first shot of the Pfizer vaccine, as has my Dorothy. I'm hoping for an earlier second shot than July as at the moment. Yes the GTA is badly hit mainly due to the variants of concern but we are all doing our best. We are locked down yet again. Keep you and yours safe and healthy.
  13. Hi David, I trust all my old friends on Talkbass are well and properly vaccinated. I miss you all even @abarson! LOL
  14. Sometimes a tube/valve can develop a heater/cathode short that will be noisy. Changing out the ECC83/12AX7 will often be the cure.
  15. The old Acoustic brand produced by Acoustic Control Corporation was bought out by the Guitar Centre chain of music stores in the USA. The new versions are made in China and bear little resemblance to the original units. Some folk quite like them others not so much. You'll likely find more about this on an American forum such as Talk Bass.
  16. Rock music plus 300W cries out for an SVT!
  17. Any developments in this story?
  18. Just loading in a different driver is not going to make it suitable for bass. The cabinet has to be designed around the driver used.
  19. I only have experience of the Rumble 350 combo. It was the first Fender bass amp I actually liked.
  20. I played through a Laney......... and I liked it! Pervert!!
  21. Take the amp to an Ampeg Service centre and get it repaired. Do the battery test on the speaker system to see if you actually blew the cabinet and not the amp. If you don't know what the battery test is: connect a speaker cable to the cabinet. Connect the plug on the opposite end across the terminals of a 9V battery. If the cabinet is good you should hear a hearty thump from it. Hey Paula that's a cue for a song! LOL
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