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Everything posted by BarnacleBob

  1. Yeah, Go for it! I think we have a couple of drum only shops in Glasgow so why not bass? Agree on the selection of s/h basses and certainly prefer hands on to online purchase (unless the returns policy is good) I cant see a business model financially supporting the stocking of the real high end stuff- if the 'big boys' dont do it, it may be difficult for a true independant - but this may simply be due to the availability of esoteric items Certainly spend 4 figures a year at least And yes i am a terrible for impulse buying Best of luck mate BB
  2. [quote name='Veils' post='573874' date='Aug 19 2009, 10:18 AM']I very much like that hat. It compliments your facial hair configuration very nicely.[/quote] The beard is the closest I will get to getting a 'brazilian' anywhere near my chin at my age..... BB
  3. This is the one from the Hat thread - This is me in Botswana in May this year enjoying a cigar and a fly game of pocket billiards apparantly BB
  4. I have noticed a disturbing tendoncy ( gettit?) for some basses to have a bit of wood taped in betwen the pickups effectively filling the gap completely - it has a name but it completely escapes me at the moment (too much hash when i was younger but lets not go there again!) Is it called a ramp? what's the deal with that. then? BB
  5. Glad to hear it. Always wanted to have a dog but I am way to irresponsible and lazy. I dont think I had even heard of this model til I saw this one. I am intrigued by short scale basses as I am relatively titchy but never really played any - always fancied an Alembic SC. but the weight would have killed me. Do u get plenty of bottom end with the short scale? BB
  6. Went and hid in my little studio, closed my eyes,stuck my fingers in my ears and went LA,LA,LA,LA,LA,LA* while this finished!! £511 - someone got a bendy shaped blue bargain but it wasn't me! BB * and no that is not my usual method of composing!
  7. Good point, mate, you asked for advice in all good faith on how to do something and all we did (almost all of us) was try and talk you out it. Never had much to do with them so i would be no help on that score - sounds very tricky with click tracks etc and there is no room for error or improvisation.......bloody hell there i go again..Sorry, Sorry.. Best of luck whatever you do BB
  8. I surprise myself that I've never owned a Ric as the Going for the One Album got me into bassplaying and subsequently also listened to a lot of Rush. but as the man says silly money for these 4001CSs BB
  9. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='573159' date='Aug 18 2009, 04:48 PM']If you can't play a song without using a backing track, choose another song.[/quote] With you 100% on that one Jacky boy! Any song worth playing live should be totally acceptable with one instrument (piano /guitar) and one vocal - that is how most are written. Add bass, drums, extra vocals to it and your onto a weiner! BB
  10. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='573137' date='Aug 18 2009, 04:35 PM'].......we use them in the panto band....[/quote] Panto Band??? Does that mean they're BEHIND YOU? BB
  11. Holy Sh*t! That is one cool trio if Rics! Is the Chris Squire model actually smaller or is it an illusion cos it has no binding? BB
  12. I wouldn't bother - just adapt the songs to suit your sound (really use all lthe vocal talent u have)- or as the man says get a keyboard player if u just want to try and sound like the original tracks then bump two people and replace them with backing tracks. I know someone in a duo (bass/kboard and guitarist + self recorded backing tracks) does weddings 750 clams a time!! If its the music that matters do the former, if its the money do the latter. BB
  13. [quote name='Stacker' post='572967' date='Aug 18 2009, 02:56 PM']No, but I've just had a look at that! never ever heard of a silver one before. I have an XL2A, though. The bass I was after was a 20th Anniv Stingray fretless. I sat there and watched it tick down to zero without bidding. Later on in the evening I decided that I would rob the savings after all so I emailed the guy asking if was going to relist and I haven't heard anything back. Moral: He who hesitates is bassless![/quote] Bummer, mate! Hope he gets back to you! Mebbe he is waiting for an offer to save on relisting fees? I've been looking for a nice complete (original) XL2A for ages and this pops up! No likey the silver at all! BB
  14. [quote name='Stacker' post='571788' date='Aug 17 2009, 05:04 PM']I want it very much - it's a tad rare but non-vintage - but I can't bear to shift anything. It's end ing soon on evilbay and I may jsut let it pass, for now. Thnx to all.[/quote] I think it's the silver XL2.......... BB
  15. [quote name='JanSpeeltBas' post='572123' date='Aug 17 2009, 09:17 PM']By the way: congrats on the Zoot, BB! Now if I only I could get you to trade my Overwater for your Wal... [/quote] No problem Jan, that'll be fin.........oh no! wait a minute! I'm not falling for that old one! I think two Overwater is quite enough, thank you. And I really need the cash anyway as my dream bass is on eBay right now - a graphite necked Status t-bass - and i get the feeling i aint gonna get it. I have 4 great basses up for sale and not a sniff!!! Anyway, you haven't gone off the old girl already have you? BB
  16. Just got myself a nice Zoot Chaser - eBay impulse buy £360 - seems very nice, Bartolinis and Aguilar 3 band Eq which i cant figure out - spending a few days setting the neck profile (quite bowed but nothing that cant be fixed with a few tweaks and mebbe lighter strings - I hope) BB
  17. [quote name='BarnacleBob' post='567183' date='Aug 12 2009, 07:20 PM']SH*T!!! Alarm bells now ringing - came acrsos the Zoot with literally 30 seconds to go and just jumped in. Just now checked the eBay thread on BC and this allegedly sold on the 8 july for £351. been in touch with guy this afternoon via ebay and paid by paypal as he had 0 feedback but not happy til I see it. BB[/quote] Panic over - Zoot bass arrived safely and a cracker it is too - Bartolinis and Aguilar 3 band EQ! Luvverly! BB
  18. The Basone looks almost 60ish in style to me I think then manufacturers wanted to use the fender shape cos it was the ideal shape really but tried to do a twist on it, so to speak, so that A ) their bass wouldn't be just a 'copy' but an original instrument without being too outlandish and B ) they wouldn't leave themselves open to lawsuits So there was a lot of the 'same but different' type bodys that didnt always work visually. Did Fender actually have copyright over the precision and jazz bass shape? BB
  19. [quote name='Weird War' post='571369' date='Aug 17 2009, 09:39 AM']That's stunning.[/quote] Oh my. oh my! Yes indeed. That one and a nice new Fender TV combo would make a nice 'retro' set up for someone! BB
  20. Dont mind whether a neck has a C or a D profile. I play a Dolphin NT and alternate with much slimmer necked basses - i find the width of the board and string spacing much more important than the depth or profile. IMHO BB
  21. +1 That is beeeooootttifullll!!!! If I was a 5 string type of guy i'd have that!! BB
  22. [url="http://http://www.zither-banjo.org/pages/roadshow.htm"]This[/url] BB Benedetto - Strange to list it under Bass but the price is about right........
  23. The majority of people i know would be hard pushed to distinguish a bass never mind the bass player.....'why has yours got less strings than his then? mind if i put my pint on this black box? BB
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