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Everything posted by shoulderpet

  1. Am selling my Harley Benton PB-50 single coil p bass -PRICE DROP TO £50 FOR QUICK SALE- or will trade for a Jazz bass of some description, collection from Croydon or if within London area can meet halfway, I have swapped the pots for 500k for a brighter tone, the wiring looks interesting but works absolutely fine and the bass has a nice tone, is plenty bright and aggressive with rounds and the tone on full but mellows nicely with the tone rolled off a little if you prefer a warmer tone and has a lot of attack to each note so would be an absolute thump monster with flats, I have taken off the white pickguard but will include it with the bass, the pickguard can be seen in the 2nd picture, is in decent condition but am really wanting a jazz bass
  2. Yeah, the way I look at it is that I know what I want tonally and my go-to pickups provide that 'baked in' tone with a minimum of tweaking amp eq, in short I know that whether I play at a gig or an open mic/jam night/other my bass will for the most part sound pretty much the same
  3. I like the natural finish of the body but I HATE satin finish maple necks especially when they are that awful pale shade like on this bass, just looks cheap to me and on a bass that costs over 2k that is the last thing I would want. Oh and the volume knobs and the pickups are hideous Also the 250k volume pots are a bit baffling to me, they claim "there are no tone controls to color the sound; therefore, the tone is manipulated solely by the user's technique and finesse" but then they colour the sound by using the lowest value volume pots, really if they wanted an uncoloured sound they should have gone with 2x 500k pots with a treble bleed circuit
  4. To be honest most p pickups I have tried have sounded very similar, some may have been a little brighter or darker or had more definition in the lows but the basic tone has been pretty much the same and for this reason I think of pickup swaps as fine tuning your tone rather than radically changing it, this is why pickup comparisons on YouTube are usually useless because the subtle differences between pickups are usually lost in the recording and then even more so once YouTube compresses the audio. That being said I am not saying that pickup swaps are a waste of time, just that the differences are often subtle, in fact first mod I usually do with p basses is swap out the pickups for some Seymour Duncan SPB-2
  5. Would you could do is raise the pole pieces, I would unscrew them completely and then put a couple of washers under them to raise them a little
  6. My god that sounds f@!king awful, what a racket
  7. Exactly, to expect people to remove the neck to adjust the truss rod on a bass that is produced nowadays is ridiculous
  8. Oh band dramas, the sh!@ has really hit the fan with this one, honestly I sometimes wonder why we put ourselves through this

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Marc S

      Marc S

      Oh dear - band "troubles". I'm in several outfits myself. It can take quite a bit of planning ahead, to make sure there are no clashes. But generally, I let everyone know when I'm playing with other bands / duos. Most of them have met each other, and seemed to get on pretty well. But I've had this sort of thing with other bands in the past.
      Hope it gets sorted - but it sounds like guitarist #2 was either not informed, or is unhappy with the 2 of you having another project.

    3. shoulderpet


      @prowla I think part of the issue was that the guitarist who was whizzed about it felt like we had stolen the gig from the rest of the band, also probably doesn't help that he is friendly with the people we did the gig for, I am guessing there is a bit of wounded pride/ego going on there

    4. shoulderpet


      Anyway,  I had a phone call from the drummer yesterday saying that the guitarist had phoned him and was ranting about it, the other guitarist is now saying that he has now admitted he was told about the gig but now claims that this was all part of a plan to steal the gig from him, on Saturday I was like omg this is awful and now I am just sick of hearing about it and am thinking that this situation is just pathetic and sad now

  9. I get what you are saying but people dont always buy because because they want a carbon copy of something, people are often attracted to an instrument primarily by looks and then if they play it and they like the way it sounds and feels they might buy it, also on mine it does not say anywhere on the headstock that it is a 50s precision bass so if I had not looked up the serial number online afterwards I would not have even known, no labels in the shop declaring it as such either.
  10. Yeah it's just sad that Fender have gone so far in trying to stay faithful to there old designs that they have made it so that you have to remove the neck to adjust the truss rod, then if you find the first adjustment was too much or not enough once you have the strings back on you have to take the neck off again
  11. I could do with that feature on my 50s p bass, I mean who thought it would be a good idea to have to remove the neck to adjust the truss rod
  12. Not tried them but they sound interesting, I have always been intrigued by(but never pulled the trigger due to them being US based) the GFS hot precision pickup, is wound to 16k so should sound nice and beefy. https://www.guitarfetish.com/GFS-Pro-Series-HOT-P-Bass-Pickup-Pickup-OUR-BEST_p_10978.html
  13. Damn that's a shame, I love The Mission, such a shame to hear Wayne is still overdoing it on the booze. I totally get what you are saying about large venues, for some reason the sound person always seems to think that bass should just be a subsonic mush that no one can actually hear properly, I think in the past few years I have been to about a dozen gigs, probably 2 of those gigs actually had a decent bass sound
  14. If the pickups on the jazz are precision pickups then yes
  15. P bass: Bass with one pickup either split p pickup or single coil p pickup Bass with 2 or more pickups that are split p or single coil p pickups Not a p bass: Any bass that does not have p pickup(s) Pj basses
  16. Yes no problem, The first one was aesthetic, the neck was a lovely amber tone until you went further up the neck where it was pillar box red were someone had gone mad applying the finish. Even my wife thought it looked dreadful. The second one the frets were completely knackered, no amount of adjustment would get rid of the buzz and I think they realised this in the factory as the action was jacked up sky high It was a shame the first one was so aesthetically jarring with its dayglo neck as it played well
  17. I have one of these in honey blonde and with a slightly different neck(mine is a vintage tint yellow-ish kind of tint and yours looks more like a roasted maple) and they are great basses. I actually nearly took it back, I brought it used from a local shop and didn't spot in the shop that there was a crack in the finish running along the bass side horn. Anyway I went to the shop to take it back and change it for something else and after playing a bunch of other Mim p basses and jazz basses I realised that this bass was in a completely different league to them,I returned home with the bass I had intended to return Btw those anodised pickguards look great but they are lethal, I took the pickguard off mine to change the pickup and sliced my thumb open...ouch!
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  19. Anyone have any experience of this pedal? For just under £25.00 it has to be worth a try SubZero Swollen Thumb Bass Compressor Pedal
  20. Honestly I think a tuner upgrade is one of the most worthwhile upgrades, if you play entry level Fender or Squier basses the tuners on those basses will do the job but that is the best I can say for them. Having used those type of cheaper tuners they go out of tune more easily, I would find when tuning I needed to approach the note very slowly otherwise it would be very easy to overshoot and tune the note sharp or flat. Using higher quality, higher ratio 27:1 tuners they are much more precise, no more overshooting and tuning sharp and they stay in tune for longer, I can pick up a bass I haven't played in days and it will still be in tune
  21. I haven't owned a compressor in eons but the place my band rehearses in has an Ashdown rm-500-evo ii and whilst the general tone of that amp is a little wooly for my tastes the compressor on that amp is a game changer for me, last rehearsal I had the compressor maxed and whilst it might have sounded a bit squashed on its own as soon as the rest of the band started playing my bass tone was really punchy and the more staccato bass parts sounded fantastic, there is literally only the one knob for the compression but whatever preset settings they used sound great Probably worth noting though is that I didnt have the input section of the amp turned up that high and it was not going into the red but still high enough that the compressor was triggered with whatever I played I know a lot of people say that you should not be able to hear compression, is there anyone else here who finds they like a lot of compression?
  22. Thanks, so if I was to use the below diagram as a reference I am guessing the red wire takes the place of the short wire linking the volume pot to the tone (except in this case this would be linking the volume pot to the varitone) and then the black goes to the ground on the output jack?
  23. Am interested in one of these but my electronics and soldering skills are limited, I am a bit of a wiring simpleton and I can't see how this would connect in a normal two control p bass, obviously this would replace the tone pot, has anyone fitted a varitone that can advise me as to how these are wired, thanks
  24. Ohhh 48:1 ratio on the E string!!! The tuners that came on my P bass are 28:1 and honestly going from 20:1 to 28:1 was a revelation, no more overshooting when tuning and accidentally tuning a quarter step sharp
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