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Everything posted by prowla

  1. I used to have one in the 80s when I was in a club band; we wore black & red for one set, so I had a black one with a red strap... As for the bass itself, it was OK; I replaced it with a Washburn Status and then I replaced that with a real Status. I'd say £200 is probably top-end for one of them.
  2. The finish is crazed along the entire length of the neck.
  3. £1600 for a Squier - now that is optimistic!
  4. There are also two versions of Yes doing the rounds at the moment; apparently Steve Howe owns the name and logo, so Jon Anderson's one is something else. I only saw Yes once, on the Going For The Bum tour, so I missed the classic line-up. It seems there are quite a few of us who think that red line exists.
  5. What's your logo? I have a spaghetti font "Prowla" waterslide logo waiting to be put on the headstock of the MM which was previously on the above bass.
  6. I picked it up painted (someone else's abandoned project); I think it was probably a rattle-can Capri Orange.
  7. FYI, here's my orange Precision. Fender neck, Squier body, Badass bridge II, Shadow pickups, Schaller Straplocks, wiring loom I made. I also plan to get a Hipshot eXtender/D-tuner for it at some point. I previously had a Mighty Mite fretless neck on it, but I swapped it over for the fretted Fender one. I might pick up a black Fender body and reinstate the fretless; if I do, I'll make it all Fender, including a Fender Hi-Mass bridge on it and a Fender Precision pickup (both of which I have in my parts box).
  8. Thanks - I couldn't find any info, but I may be going to check a v1 one out this evening... I've got a Boss SYB-5, which I didn't really connect with, and an EH Synth 9, which has some great preset sounds (especially the Oberheim), but I fancy something more synthy. I've also got an Aguilar octave pedal, but it sometimes loses track, so I'm interested in trying out the octave function too. The seller has it posted at £150, but I think that's a bit steep.
  9. ("etc" should have a full stop, ie. "etc.")
  10. Is there a difference, other than the physical box itself, between the pre- and post- 2015 models of the Markbass Super Synth?
  11. Squire and Anderson formed the band - they are (were) the core and they are in your list there. However, the classic lineup was with Bruford on drums. :-)
  12. Well, I think that my flippant comments were received in good nature! :-)
  13. That said, if Steve Howe turned up at my door and asked if I fancied playing bass in his new band and he was going to call it "Yes", I'd be in there!
  14. I've got a couple of Status Graphite necks; one on a Jazz and one awaiting a body - they are just plain bloody good!
  15. Without Squire and Anderson there is no Yes; it's just a tribute act, albeit a very good one.
  16. (Correction to my previous comment - it was on ebay I saw it.) I contacted him last week because I was wondering if the body would fit a neck I have and he responded to say no it wouldn't. The descriptions says that the bridge pickup is routed for a Bart. Seems straight-up to me.
  17. Wasn't that advertised on here (or maybe the fretboard)?
  18. If you are certain that it's a wrong-un, then report it!
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