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Everything posted by prowla

  1. I never saw a Ric there, but I still enjoyed it.
  2. There was a clip of her playing the Moog Rogue too.
  3. Well, it was titled "On Bass", not "On Bass Guitar" and the presenter herself used bass synths. I have to say that when I saw the title I (mis)read it as "Drums'n'Bass" anyway, so wasn't surprised at the direction it took. I think it is pretty much impossible to do a show and cover all of the styles, mention all of the greats in every viewers top-ten, make sure you've listed everyone's favourite model of instrument. I think the recent drumming mini-series was excellent, but even that was subjective and quite superficial in parts. For me, I think of Tina Weymouth as the awful playing of Psycho Killer on the OGWT, but some of the stuff on that programme has perhaps made me re-think. The most amusing/ironic thing about the show for me was the ignorance and arrogance of the punks thinking they'd invented something musically, eg. playing lead bass on a Ric copy, whereas really all they did was put safety pins in their clothes and sugar in their hair (and I remember using safety pins to hold on my school blazer top pocket before punk came along).
  4. If it is the generic non-enclosed bendy one (technical description!), don't push it back too far.
  5. Yes - that was my reaction to reading this thread! Wiring a guitar is not hallowed ground, nor rocket science; if you don't know your SPST from your DPDT, then it's not a crime. Me, I used to think I knew something about electronics and UMIST even gave me a piece of paper saying I'm a bachelor in it. (Electronics, that is, not IT, because IT didn't exist then; however, that said, I do now work in IT!) My next wiring will be a 6-way toggle switch configured as 3+3 to do A/A+B/B for a pair of pickups in single-coil and humbucking, plus a couple of push-pull knobs do do things.
  6. One show can’t cover every style and every genre. I found the synth section interesting.
  7. I need to buy some strings for a couple of 5-string basses - any recommendations? I like Rotosounds on my 4-string (40-60-80-100) - do you know if I can get a B (120 or 125) on their own? Ta!
  8. I watched some of it - the video clips of her have got me interested. Some of the stuff said in the commentary and by people interviewed was rubbish though - nobody played lead bass before punk came along, nobody held their thumb and finger together like a plectrum before Bernard Edwards... Huh?
  9. I drove one of those 'round Mallory Park - great fun!
  10. The main issue I had with mine was that it was too big for me. The fact that it doubled up as a free workout was just a bonus; I used to hump two Marshall 4x12 and a Burman valve amp around in those days.
  11. I think we're into the "Is a supercar really worth 10x a Mondeo" territory. I guess there are many factors and I don't know the skill, expertise, product demand, man-hours required, and so-on involved. How many instruments do they make a year? If it's 10, then £15k is not going to furnish a lavish lifestyle, whereas if it's 1000 then they're probably doing very nicely!
  12. I think ebay would take it down, as it's not a genuine auction.
  13. I didn't use it full up on my board (I wasn't after that much distortion!), but the shop did it just to compare.
  14. It was on this tour... The pedals are clear to see at 1:10.
  15. (Actually, I have a Nathan East tone shaper pedal unit thingy somewhere...)
  16. I saw him once - I remember he had some Moog Taurus pedals, but I don't recall what his bass was.
  17. Oh - I hadn't noticed them. 😎
  18. The Ric ones are standard Schaller fit - I have normal Schallers on other guitars too and my strap has Schaller fittings. Beware of the cheap copies - some of them don't push-on (the Schallers have a slight bevel on the locking pin. As far as the button+screw ones, Grover make good ones (branded Quik-Release) and Fender did them for a while. The knurled ones are the older style (and they are the same part as the mute height adjusters!).
  19. I'll update you if that happens...
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