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Pea Turgh

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Everything posted by Pea Turgh

  1. The neck is on, and straight too! Just got to wait for the scratch plate and buy some new strings.
  2. You can have it! The new one arrived today - I only ordered it yesterday! Looks lush. Will try to fit it later after domestic duties are complete.
  3. Just bought one of these... https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F332666821217 Lovely bit of wood from the piccies, I hope it looks like this when it turns up!
  4. I thought a twist was Game Over? How do you do it?
  5. Pay day! New neck on its way. I was going to go maple fretboard, but the binding here is alluring, and I love a slight flame. Black pickguard also en route, though maybe tort would sit better?
  6. Damn, I thought you were back then.
  7. Hey cool - it’s torzal!I think i’ll stick with the original plan of putting a maple fretboard neck on instead - those twisty necks are too exotic for me!
  8. Will do - once the Tasmanian devil (or son, as some people say) is asleep.
  9. Yo yo yo. Just popped in to mate’s on the way home from work, where he offered me his Squire for free! The reason for the freeness is the neck is warped. You could drive a bus under that action! Now I read this site every day, any bass is a ‘project’. This one only needs a new neck, so here we are! I feel bad not giving my mate some sort of financial redress though. How much would you give your mate for something like this? It’s from Indonesia. I’m feeling black plate, maple board.
  10. Slightly OT (sorry Jim) but I would LOVE to see a bass with a body in Vantablack and smokey chrome hardware!
  11. Microphones are low output, so would need a mic level input on your amp. Phantom power is for capacitor mics, but is not needed for dynamic mics. The Superlux will require phantom. Plugging a mic in to an instrument level input will sound weak, so that could be what you are describing above, so I don’t think a separate phantom unit is the way to go here, as it’s still a mic level output.
  12. Good on John, and the unnamed thumb rest provider!
  13. Down the rehearsal space/gig venue this morning - I swear the new finish makes it sound better! The Marshall has decided it - white piping coming soon.
  14. Think I might go with matte black so it looks like cloth, and put some (off) white piping on.
  15. And a nice tapestry cushion to go on top! I’ll have a chance to get it side by side with the Peterson on Saturday (left it down the rehearsal space).
  16. Exactly! Unfortunately the grill I have will ruin the vibe. Will have to have a think about that...
  17. So anyone know if the Ampeg pf350 has a HPF fitted?! I’m assuming it’s just the higher end stuff though.
  18. I’m normally a bit more traditional in my bass tastes, but I really like the look of this!
  19. Just about done! It’s a bit late, so I am losing the ability to put the right screw in the right place, but here we are so far...
  20. You should see that fella’s left hand though - dude looks like a fiddler crab.
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