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Everything posted by bobbass4k

  1. Yeah September was the first. Lovely pic urb, got an unnecessarily complicated idea forming already.
  2. They're not a terrible band by any means, but like you I always feel a bit teased by their music, there's hints of great stuff that I love but it's always fleeting.
  3. They're at the apex of this wave of "new folk" stuff that they do, which is why the band is popular. As for why the "stuff" itself is popular, I have nary a clue. For some reason people got bored of electric guitars and now find the specific combination of vaguely esoteric stringed instruments, dull superfluous vocal harmonies and tweed waistcoats to be utterly captivating. Matters of social class are irrelevant in music, or at least they should be, so I don't really care that they look like the kind of insulated, naive public school boys who might accidentally kill a high class prostitute in a Chelsea nightclub, art should stand on its own subjective merit. It just so happens that their art, subjectively speaking, is utterly risible s**t.
  4. Been a good year thus far: Amplifier - Echo Street Tanner Merrit - Doubt The Joy Formidable - Wolf's Law Humanfly - Awesome Science Cult of Luna - Vertikal Palms - S/T Mogwai - Les Revenants Clutch - Earth Rocker Autechre - Exai QOTSA - ...Like Clockwork And probably some others, I've found most people are being a bit tepid about Like Clockwork too, but I love it, it's a [i]huge[/i] step up from Era Vulgaris. The rest of the year looks just as good too, new O'brother, new Future Of The Left, new Losers, new stuff I don't even realize is coming out yet.
  5. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1372258473' post='2123507'] And I don't know which combination of two of the above three are least or most disturbing Nige - re your comment on the page before, bless you sweetheart ((hugs)) x [/quote] Despite my best efforts, only the first and third things are true, and they happened simultaneously, and I wasn't actually programming drums at the time. SO IT WAS ALL LIES, well mostly lies: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in9Qdzxc1HM#t=0m11s[/media]
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1372251119' post='2123359'] I recorded my track in my underpants, if that helps..? [/quote] I programmed the drums for mine while nude, slathered in thousand island dressing and being walked on by a belligerent Chinese woman* *unfortunatley, only two of these things are true.
  7. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1372245973' post='2123263'] Damn! Should've added a backbeat! [/quote] And what exactly is wrong with backbeats? (he said, sheepishly...)
  8. EZ Drummer is what I use, it's pretty involved, and programming realistic sounding acoustic drum tracks from the ground up is an extremely difficult art I hope to master one day. All my composition comp entries except the drunk Santa one use it if you fancy a listen.
  9. [url="https://soundcloud.com/bobbass4k/luna-desertis-tenebris"]https://soundcloud.c...sertis-tenebris[/url] Contrary to how it normally is I actually finished writing within a week but it's taken ages to get it sounding even halfway decent. Not everyone's cup of tea but it came together quite nicely, although I think I may have overdone it slightly on the first bit, there's too much going on so it never really locks into a groove like I'd intended. Also please forgive me the pretentious latin title, I was a bit stuck.
  10. Recognisable might be a bit of a stretch but I love this: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBDVKJRXmGQ[/media]
  11. http://www.spin.com/articles/stream-palms-debut-chino-moreno-isis-deftones/ It's pretty great, maybe a bit... aimless, but good stuff nonetheless.
  12. I was going to have a bash this month, but it seems unnecessary now, my composition competition entry has been an absolute bugger to mix, I just can't seem to get a decent sound out of the VST's and I've had to do a lot of rescue jobs, you should see the EQ on one of the ambient tracks...
  13. Has anyone floated the idea of a remix competition yet? Could be kind of cool although I suspect it would attract the same crowd as the composition and mix competitions and 3 things a month is probably too much even for the die-hard. Might be kind of cool as a one off for the composition competition? We all remix one of the previous winners, if they're happy to part with the stems. Just a thought.
  14. They'll do a demo video pretty soon I imagine, does sound interesting, depends how well it handles actives though, the impedance buffer on the Mastotron is probably the greatest control ever put on a pedal. I've been interested in the loop gate for a while too, that could open up a whole new world of options.
  15. Justin Chancellor Jeff Caxide Neil Mahony Steven Hodson Jon Ellis Troy Sanders Jesse F. Keeler Dominic Aitchison Scott Reeder Chris Wolstenholme
  16. [quote name='Myke' timestamp='1371068100' post='2109521'] I really love it! [/quote] Then you sir, are in for a treat. If you also like 3/4, power chords and 7 different time signatures in the space of 5 minutes you might want to sit down before listening to mine.
  17. Final pointless update from me: I've decided to track and mix mine after all, the technical problem appears to not be debilitating as i first thought and it's proving a nice distraction from giant black cloud hanging over my foreseeable future. Unfortunately I've reached that inevitable point where I've written a pretty good riff, but after listening to it over and over again I'm convinced I've subconsciously stolen it from somewhere. Oh well, hope you all like B minor...
  18. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1370989312' post='2108471'] This is all academic, surely..? It's GREEN, ffs. [/quote] This. Why you'd take a lovely streamer and cover it green paint is beyond me.
  19. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1370976085' post='2108227'] I have nothing against the use of capo's per se. It's when I'm being told, insistently, that x chord is being played when it clearly isn't. Piss and boil etc etc. [/quote] All that fiddly music theory stuff annoys me, it just seems so unnecessary. Cb and Fb? Oh, you mean B and E? What do you mean they're not the same? Show me the Cb key on a piano that isn't also the B key, then I'll believe they're not the same.
  20. I use a capo on bass fairly often, does that make me some sort of malevolent goblin?
  21. There is, sounds perfect for me, but geography has conspired against us. Hope you find someone.
  22. Losers are streaming their new album for today only, I figured some of you may be interested: [url="http://www.rocksound.tv/features/article/losers?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=rocksound"]http://www.rocksound...paign=rocksound[/url] Losers is one of the guys from Cooper Temple Clause, one of the guys from yourcodenameis:milo (and young legionnaire) and a DJ fellow, and it pretty much sounds like you'd expect those 3 things together to. Excellent stuff.
  23. Finished writing mine, but an unfortunate confluence of events means I won't get it all tracked and mixed. I might record the gp5 (it's how I write them) and put it up if I can muster the time and inclination.
  24. [quote name='SpaceChick' timestamp='1370499239' post='2101767'] "You can't sing, your singing is out of tune and you sound welshy.... Do you know I really don't like your singing voice. The mix is all over the place, it may sound better if you sort that out, but ultimately if you do, don't play it to me again as hearing it once was enough. It really is a depressing song you know. You aren't really going to enter it are you?" you sure you are ready for a female entry boys [/quote] Don't worry, mines going to be pretty gloomy too, and instrumentals are the way forward. Mine might sound interesting, provided you've never listened to ISIS....
  25. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1370347134' post='2099379'] I'm in for this one! It's been a while as I've been busy with my band but I've put something down that just needs tidied up. I think it was in me and was desperate to get out for a while as I got it down in a day It's snuck past the 5 min mark though and is 5:26 so far. How strict are we with this? I think I could cut it down... (if I remove all the bum notes I'd have it down to 0:26 hehe). And it has some Miroslav in it (As an aside, I need to fix a weird bug with Miroslav in Reaper. The Miroslav track sometimes cuts out the sound or leaves a note playing all through the track. It changes each time I play it... weird!) [/quote] One of mine was 6 minutes and I didn't even realize there was a time limit until I actually read the first post of next months thread properly, we're quite a laid back lot, I'd say you're fine. I had a bug with one of my VST's last month, it would occasionally, and completely at random, slip into horrendous feedback, or suddenly introduce a really piercing constant high note, but it was called "Element of Surprise" so I suppose I had it coming...
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