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Everything posted by bobbass4k

  1. Worryingly, I've already got the bones of an idea laid out, it usually takes longer...
  2. Hmm, I was planning on going heavy this month as my last two have been kind of quiet, it'll probably be kind of gloomy too for depressing reasons. I did decide I was going to do nice simple drums for once, no shifting poly-rhythms, no fancy snare stuff that takes 3 hours to program, and no 30 unique fills, unfortunately the idea I'm currently nursing probably involves a complex drum part, oh well.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1370199210' post='2097529'] Er... ha, ha. [/quote] Entropy, it's just not what it used to be.
  4. Quite liked this weeks actually, the poet chap was excellent, more of that please. That is why Jools Holland is still worth watching. I honestly struggle to think of another TV show, or indeed any media outlet where you could see a young poet reciting intelligent, well crafted verse in a lovely lyrical drawl, and then cut to Liam Gallagher, a man whose entire musical career could be ended at any time by over the counter sinus medication. Re: Deap Vally, they are quite possibly the most important band in the world at the moment. Not for the music, good god no, bland, insipid mulch every single song, but somebody has managed to extract Quentin Tarantino's thoughts and manifest them physically as a female generic rock duo. I for one find that spectacular.
  5. I don't use loops but I've got a few sample libraries that don't seem to be up anymore, all my electronic/glitch drum stuff comes from there, I can host them somewhere if anyone's interested?
  6. Excellent crop this month, although no surprise at the eventual winner...
  7. I'm embarrassed to say I got all of them (that means I know who the bassist in McFly is, hence the embarrassment). I actually guessed Chris Wolstenholme would be the lowest, I watch a fair bit of Pointless (yea I know...) and from a lot of the questions it's clear the sample is generally more middle-aged, on music questions that span a few decades the 70's 80's stuff is always more popular. And I remember there was a question about Prime Ministers and Harold Wilson and James Callaghan scored more than Tony Blair.
  8. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1369873334' post='2093906'] I'm also wondering if you feel the bands you are a fan of owe you something. And what they owe you. I saw an interview with Deftones yesterday and they have had a couple of difficult, slightly dodgy albums, and I'm a huge fan and didn't like the albums they had problems with, which was due to their own evolution and personal problems. Do they owe me something for supporting them through their journey? I personally don't, not in the slightest. But I know people who feel otherwise. [/quote] Nah, I'd much prefer a band to make the album they want to make rather than tailor it to fans expectations, because lets face it, fans, while capable individually of being intelligent, reasonable people, are, en masse, raving idiotic morons who just want band to remake the album they like the most for the rest of their career. Bands have a basic obligation of respect towards fans sure, showing up to gigs on time etc., but creatively bands don't "owe" fans anything, and frankly I'm grateful to any band who's ever made an album I like.
  9. I think it's more of a gradual thing, bands that I'm a "fan" of are the bands that I make an active effort to keep up with, and are really familiar with. I'd say I'm a fan of any band whose entire back catalogue I've listened to (if they have a few albums out), if I only like one or two albums, I'd probably say I'm not a fan. The other big thing is keeping up with news on the band, if I'm a fan, I'm periodically checking up on what they're doing, I know if they're working on a new album, and I pre-order it. If I just like a band, a new album might go unnoticed until someone mentions it, at which point I'll check it out. Spending money is the other main thing, I listen to so much music I only tend to buy stuff from bands I'm a fan of, because I'm pretty confident I'll like it, case in point, I've just bought an album that doesn't even exist yet, because I love the band.
  10. Ahh, I've just run through the offline process and it just generates a .html file to copy onto an internet PC that sends you to a link to put your serial numbers in, then generates a .xml file for you to copy back on to the offline PC. Unfortunatley you have to load the .xml through the authorization manager, so you probably can't get round it if you can't run the program. Personally, if I'd already payed for the software I wouldn't feel bad about cracking it, but obviously you may not feel the same way.
  11. Have you tried running it as administrator (depending on which windows you're running)? Just right click the .exe and the option is there, for some reason it makes a lot of programs run perfectly that otherwise don't.
  12. What do you mean your PC just spits it out? It won't install or it won't run? Which version is it? Have you tried downloading the latest version from the site? Are you sure they didn't email you the mac version?
  13. Remixed and rejigged mine slightly, to avoid confusing poor little Charic I've edited the new link into my post on the previous page. The minute silence at the end is accidental, but I can't be bothered to reupload it, so just know the track ends at 5:00. Eventually I'm going to figure out how to mix a track so soundcloud transcoding doesn't mess up the high end.
  14. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1369314984' post='2087660'] Well done getting your track finished Bob! I've not had chance to listen as yet but will do so. I actually quite like the idea of a 'collaboration month'... might be tricky to organize but plenty of potential for some very interesting outcomes! Food for thought anyway. [/quote] Thanks man, I think another cool idea might be to do an "exquisite corpse", I've just pre-ordered an album based on the idea, it's an old surrealist thing. How they've done it for music is someone composes a few minutes of music, then passes the last 20 seconds on to the next person, who composes another few minutes from that as a launching point, then they pass on the final 20 seconds of theirs and so on, the idea being that you end up with one album length song that no one hears until it's completed (except the person who compiles it). I'm not sure how we could make it a competition, but it might be a cool thing to do one month. Re: mine, I'm considering chopping the ending off, it seemed like a good idea at the time but now I'm not sure, how about a straw poll, keep the big noisy ending, yay or nay?
  15. Somewhere a rowing boat is missing a cheap plywood oar. The action at the body end of the neck looks beyond unplayable.
  16. Ended up finishing it anyway: https://soundcloud.com/bobbass4k/cloud-of-achenes Collaboration sounds interesting, what would be really fun is if we did one month of just collaborations, everyone declares their interest then pairs are picked at random, but probably too much of a pain to organize and too much to go to wrong.
  17. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1369182658' post='2086109'] Yup. It's a shame the seller hasn't learned some logic. [/quote] It's perfectly logical, you can have more than one of a type of thing that individually are unique. Every snowflake is unique, but there's still billions of them. Or, as in this case, you can have more than one of a type of thing that is unique. The Ford Focus, as a model of car, is unique, even though there's millions of them.
  18. Probably be sitting this one out after all, I've got a good first bit and last bit but I have absolutely no clue what to do in the middle. Plu my
  19. Not sure I'll get mine finished, I've got the ideas in my head I'm just not entirely sure how best to execute them. I might have a burst of inspiration though
  20. Also not wanting to be overly condescending but do you have an input jack plugged in? Even on mains power it needs a jack plugged in to work.
  21. For some reason I'm doing guitars and electronics again, not entirely sure why.
  22. 8 days a week is kind of interesting, I love odd time sigs and 5/4 is one of my favourites, it kind of works in the verses but the choruses are just a mess. It's possibly a bad thing to say on Basschat but the bass is just too damned loud, the mixing is awful. Trooper is kind of interesting too, but the original vocals don't work at all with the music, which is just the same parts played on bossa nova appropriate instruments, not overly inventive.
  23. Most useful is the tuner and LS-2, indispensable is the OC-2, rat tail and DD-20, I use it for tone-shaping, and it's my jury-rigged recording interface.
  24. I wonder if it affects the feel: http://knobfeel.tumblr.com
  25. I was offered one for £90 about 9 years ago, I turned it down because I thought I'd find a cheaper one......
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