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Everything posted by bobbass4k

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  3. So annoyed I couldn't make it, hopefully the line up next year is even better.
  4. Depends entirely on the music, I'm getting a band together with me on guitar and I know already that the type of stuff we want to play needs two guitars minimum. Unfortunately I think it does come down to an ego issue, and even when you do get two guitarists they often have to rank themselves with "lead" and "rhythm". I'm actually struggling to think of a band I like that only ever uses one guitar live.
  5. Mine's a Japanese Octaver, 245500, November 1982.
  6. bobbass4k

    Guitar Porn

    New toy, Adam Black Apollo, been after one for ages, thru-neck with Grover tuners for under £200, couple of small dings but otherwise great. Sure it's not a custom shop les Paul, but it's an incredibly playable guitar. Pics from the previous owner: http://s58.photobucket.com/user/martynscott/media/ebay2013/P1011199_zps22f93ee5.jpg.html http://s58.photobucket.com/user/martynscott/media/ebay2013/P1011203_zps3e248568.jpg.html
  7. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1376610550' post='2176959'] What they all said. If you EQ in more bass before the RAT you'll just generate a more congested mid-range at the output; if you EQ after it, there probably won't be much bottom end left to boost. For a clean/dirty mix I would recommend TheGigRig's [url="http://www.thegigrig.com/cgi-bin/sh000007.pl?WD=wet&PN=WetBox-401%2ehtml#SID=13"]Wet Box[/url] - although it is described as letting you add delayed/chorused/whatever signal to your clean signal, it will work just as well mixing dirty with clean. [/quote] This, EQ won't really help you, you need a clean blend or a bass mod done to the rat. A Turbo RAT blended in an LS-2 was my main dirt sound for quite a while, always sounded great, I only sold it to upgrade to a Fuzzrocious Rat Tail.
  8. White basses - in fact anything white on a bass at all. Exposed poles - I have slightly softened on the issue, i can tolerate them in some contexts, but usually no. Gold hardware - just looks tacky. Singlecuts - I quite like a few single cut guitars, LP's, Tele's, but basses just no.
  9. I find the audacity eq quite useful for learning stuff, isolate about 50-160hz depending on the register of the bassline. It's hardly a magic wand but it really helps define the rhythm. Personally I've never found pitch shifting that helpful, I find if it sounds muddy in the original octave it sounds like mud in any octave.
  10. Okay, so I've sketched my out initial idea for the structure, 46 time sig changes and 13 different time sigs. My head hurts already
  11. Interesting idea, personally I'd prefer the 12 minute version, 24 would probably be most comfortable, but if you ask for 6 ye shall receive. Just to be clear, are we allowed to reuse parts of our entries for each month in the appropriate section? I'm not talking about just copying and pasting, but maybe revisiting a melody or riff in a new way.
  12. I can appreciate the technicality, but compositional beauty and feeling? Not for my money I'm afraid, but what's life without disagreement? For me, this is the pinnacle of musicality and compositional beauty in guitar music, and pretty much all music: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC1Ts8LHnKU[/media]
  13. I'm out unfortunately, I've been working on putting bass to some potential band demos so I'm in a big riffy post-metal frame of mind, which doesn't fit the picture and is pretty much what I did last month.
  14. Surely he's a musician and a songwriter first? Can't say I'm familiar enough with Bowie to comment but I see no reason why an instrumental couldn't be a high point of any musicians career.
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1373654728' post='2140327'] It's hot, isn't it? ...I'm typing this whilst wearing one of the current mrs discreet's dresses. Very cool and liberating! Hey, I've just thought - d'you think there might be any YouTube videos of a man wearing a dress and playing the bass guitar? Just wondering... [/quote] I seriously doubt there's a market for that, I mean what next, a flamboyant drummer who looks like he's turned up to the wrong gig? People aren't [i]that[/i] easily amused...
  16. [quote name='The Dark Lord' timestamp='1373645682' post='2140178'] I'm not interested in your rants or protestations mate. I've just blocked you from my content. Say what you like to everyone else. [/quote] Is this the internet equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going "lalalala I'm not listening!"? I fail to see what this deliberate embrace of ignorance accomplishes.
  17. What exactly is this thread about? Musically... meh, they're not terrible but I've heard it before, done much better. Aesthetically... well that's something of a minefield, they're attractive women sure (even the drummer, personally), but does, and should that matter? Watching that video, and other stuff I've seen of them, it seems undeniable that they're being sold on their sex appeal and gender, but is that a problem? I haven't a clue, there's a[i] lot [/i]of bands with attractive female members that are obscure because the music has limited appeal, so it's hardly an instant ticket to fame, case in point: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63guoWW5Y3E[/media] Gender attitudes in music is hardly and issue we're going to settle on our quaint little forum, is it even an issue? Who knows, I'm going to go listen to some Rolo Tomassi, Wye Oak, Future of the Left, Bo Ningen, Deerhoof, Joy Formidable, St Vincent, and other excellent bands with female members. Is that positive sexism? I don't know, quit asking.
  18. Well I've done a complete 180°, spent a lot of time making intricate glitchy beats and then I picked up a guitar and blasted out a riff that is pretty much perfect, so I might still marry the two together but I'm definitely aiming at more of a post-hardcore feel. I haven't listened to any of the very early entries yet either, I don't want to colour my own idea, plus I prefer to know how much better everyone else's is after I've finished mine.
  19. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1372961547' post='2132227'] Mine would be to get rid of the BBC and all the corporate bullshit that promotes the mediocre music. [/quote] While I hate to disagree with someone who puts Cardiacs, Swans, Godflesh and Cocteau Twins on any sort of list, the BBC introducing stage has put some great bands on and given them some decent exposure.
  20. I'm also going, there's a couple of other BC'ers on the bill too with Castrovalva and ANTA.
  21. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1372891817' post='2131437'] I like it Milty. No one has any lyrics in their pieces. Can there be lyrics? Are there rules? What's the deal? I have a chorus in my head for this picture. [/quote] There can definitely be lyrics/vocals, it's just most of us can't sing so we tend to get more instrumentals, we had quite a few with vocals last month though. Got an idea in motion, I'm getting my Aphex Twin on, dark glitchy electronic vibes going on, although I've been listening to a lot of Cardiacs today, so that might sneak in there a bit, which would be interesting.
  22. [quote name='Stephen Houghton' timestamp='1372811988' post='2130350'] Does anyone know what city is in the picture? Stumped for an idea this month at the moment, but it ain't over till the fat lady sings, que the wife Only kidding, she cant sing [/quote] New York, from the top of the Empire State Building by the look of it.
  23. Does anyone know a VST sampler that's as good as Impulse in Ableton? I use Impulse for all my glirchy drum stuff and it's ace, but I do all my other stuff in Reaper so it would be nice to not work on the glitchy drum stuff in isolation but all the sampler plug-ins i've seen aren't as good as Impulse, I need the level of control over each sample you get with Impulse.
  24. If I may open up a can of worms, what, may I ask, constitutes "good" lyrics for you? Coherent story, rhyme, realism, symbolism, wit? Does the subject matter? Me, I like symbolism and/or wit, I actually find I don't mind what the songs about if the lyrics are well written, for example, this is a song about balancing everyday practicalities with satanic orgies (naughty language and 7/8 keyboard riff warning): [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OcWdkHVaDM[/media] And I think the most beautiful lyrics I've ever heard are essentially a breakup song, but drenched in lovely metaphor: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAc5JCKfgZ0[/media] "Where I see us in far away skies, I could not say, where I am lost the darkness falls upon the day" may be one of the best lyrics ever written.
  25. Good lyrics are a nice bonus, my favourite band also has my favourite lyrics, but I still think they'd be my favourite band if the lyrics were crap. Similarly, great lyrics aren't really enough to sway me on a band if the music is terrible. Lyrics are just as subjective as music though, I find the modern indie stuff that revels in realism to be extremely tedious, give me bleak abstract symbolism or sharpened insightful wit.
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