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Everything posted by Burns-bass

  1. Some really useful advice here, thanks. What Abersold books would you suggest checking out? A tip to accompany this is to use Real Player and programme chord changes in (unless they already are in there...), and practice 4 bar lines.
  2. The second time you play the B, the note is slid into and slightly bent too. This is why when you hear pub bands that play it it can feel a bit too 'straight'. Never liked the band when I was a skinny indie boy wearing size 28 inch jeans. Now I'm fuller of waist I can reflect on it being a banging tune and an awful lot of fun to play. Fingering wise, I always used 4 - 1 - 4.
  3. I built my ultimate Jaco relic. a 1960 nitro finish jazz (absolutely smashed and previously owned by Fender expert Barry Matthews and played by John Entwistle) matched with a vintage Fender neck that had the fretboard replaced with a non-lined ebony board. All that was done for legendary session bassist Dave Markee. Added some Wizard pickups and it was amazing. Sold it for a little over £1000 I think. Still miss that.
  4. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1509892168' post='3402346'] Slightly better bargain than this - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/WEM-Watkins-original-Starfinder-4-x-12-Guitar-Cabinet-empty-like-Pink-Floyd/263288161825?_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIM.MBE%26ao%3D2%26asc%3D49131%26meid%3D983b6f4e60844d5dba9b398b4f9bf886%26pid%3D100005%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D362125211624&_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851 - bloody hell, 1600 quid for an empty WEM cabinet, what is he smoking? [/quote] He’s delusional.
  5. Congratulations! DB is just about the best thing. There are lots of things to consider. With an upright bass getting it set up and sounding good can be an expensive and time consuming business. There are three options: Buy a new one and hope it’s been set up well. Can work well, but it’s best to buy from a specialist. Buy a new one then pay a luthier to set it up for you. (Even better, buy one through the luthier) And, what I think is the best option, but a used one on here or from another forum that’s been set up, loved and invested in. I’ve done all 3 of these. Option 2 and 3 worked wonderfullly. When it comes to playing, I can’t offer much advice beyond getting a great teacher and checking out amazing resources like Discover Double Bass. String choice is really important too, but it’s worth checking out what you can before buying them. A new set of Spirocores is going to be 20% of your total budget for example.
  6. Both of these are out on approval at the moment (with the same person). When I know if he wants either of them I'll update the listing. I hope that's OK?
  7. [quote name='bazztard' timestamp='1509762039' post='3401519'] the youth today have no sense of history, they know nothing about the past. They think Beiber invented music. [/quote] I think this is actually very far from the truth. In my youth we were part of musical tribes, ignoring anything that wasn’t cool. Now young people are much more able, and in my experience willing, to listen to and enjoy a wide variety of music. They’re not out there paying £300 for a new box set of Dark side of the moon.
  8. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1509778659' post='3401531'] It must be part of the collector's mentality to see additional value in hardware because of who owned it previously. I have no time for that. [/quote] It’s an interesting point. A few vintage Guitar dealers I know don’t mention previous owners or try and increase the price as a result of who has owned or used it in the past. Unless it’s an iconic guitar (or bass) one dealer quite righty said he can’t see why it should increase value. On the other hand, some of the London dealers will use every trick in the book to ramp up value, which is fair enough if it works.
  9. Best was either a Yamaha SLB 100 which has simultaneously saved my bass playing and my marriage, or a brand new Bryant upright. That’s being worked on in December but I’m extremely excited at what it will become. Worst (this may be controversial) is an all original. amazing condition 64 Jazz. It’s so valuable it’s in the case and hidden away. Admittedly I do have some other valuable guitars on displays, but it’s a real shame as it plays amazingly and sounds divine.
  10. I have a couple of French bows for sale. The first is a brand new 3/4 size French Double Bass Bow. Brazilwood with traditional winding and half mounted frog. This is from Hidersine (https://www.bandm.co...brazilwood.html) and the RRP is £110. it's never been used (no rosin applied to the bow, it's sat sealed in its bubble wrap as I prefer a German bow). I'll take £85 delivered. The second is a French carbon fibre bow. Its been used with some marks on the carbon parts. I think this is an eBay purchase (no makers marks or name). I'm not sure where to price this, but let's start at £50 delivered. Will post pics when I get a chance. Please PM for more information
  11. The presumption here is that the singer is trying to take over. He may actually be really excited and enthusiastic about the new band and be trying to show commitment and invest some of himself in the band. I’d start by making positive assumptions, not necessarily negative ones. Worth taking everyone out for a few beers and a curry and having a good chat together. Never go behind someone’s back and talk to the existing band members before hand at length as it can be quite an aggressive approach.
  12. I think the point he’s making is that you started the post by praising how the girl looked, rather than the track itself.
  13. I went to a Christian McBride solo recital l (unamplified) last year and it was incredible. His technique is just insanely good. The only problem was that my wife fell asleep. She wasn’t the only one either, a few in the crowd did too. Shame really. Anyway, will check I this out, cheers!
  14. Interesting question. I bought this for a genuine vintage actual 74 / 75 US jazz bass, but I genuinely have to say I don’t know.
  15. Been using my 66 Jazz Bass for 10 years and toured and recorded it. Sold the other 15 basses I had at the time and went down to this one. Added the 64’ this year, but it’s only been played for about 3 hours so I might sell it and go back down to the one.
  16. Victor Wootoon would struggle to sell 100 seats where I live, Adam Clayton and U2 might struggle to keep it under 100,000. Technical ability and musicality are very different things.
  17. I have one of these, and I don't need it. It's in great condition. Add some vintage twang to your Telecaster thang' for just £15 delivered. Pics on request.
  18. I have a couple of things to give away if anyone wants them: 2 x vintage Fender baseman flyers. These are from the late 70s. I have no idea why I have them, but I do. I can stick them in the post to you for free. 1 x USB guitar connecter. This isn't an expensive one, but could be of use to someone I guess? I have more stuff to add here as I do my clear out, I will do over the weekend.
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