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Everything posted by Owen

  1. I am listening to the Weather Report live in Offenbach 1978 at the mo. It sounds like music from another planet. In a good way.
  2. Ummmm....... anyone with an interest in owning a piece of kit which makes everything you plug into it sound good should be buying this.
  3. I'm worried for her. She is going to be arrested soon if she carries on like that because singing and playing at the same time is against "The Bass Law". Can we get a warning message to her somehow? The upper register stuff in the Lauren Hill song in the Kiwi vid is sublime. It is really technical and to be pulling off that standard of intonation and fluidity up there is frankly not fair. But she is just using it to serve the music - as it always should be, but so frequently is not. It is just "here is a nice song with a nice accompaniment". I bet if she was a bloke she would be looking all aggressive and standing high up on a hydraulic riser with dry ice and all that.
  4. Just scored the MB Fusion in the Amps for sale forum! Happy days! (Sorry Merton)
  5. My mate had always hated musicians because they were cooler than him. One day he was passing a music shop and he decided to pop in to see what all the fuss was about. He phoned me that evening and could hardly contain himself. "Mate, I finally get it. I was at the music shop, I picked up a Les Paul and knew I had to have it. I bought it on the spot." "So, it was like an epiphany" I said. "No", he replied, "It's a proper Gibson." Sorry for the thread hijack.
  6. [quote name='gafbass02' post='1347579' date='Aug 21 2011, 09:58 PM']Starting to wonder if it ever will![/quote] I have only just become aware of it, so I am still excited! I am aware that it is not appearing quite as quickly as it might.
  7. Thanks Merton. I am thinking the MB800 might well be a contender in the micro-amp wars when it appears.
  8. Anyone using them? Any informed opinions? TIA
  9. Owen


    I flogged the Shuker and I am now waiting for the body from the first post. It can be long and lonely.
  10. Went over today. It now has a connected neck, fingerboard with LED on the side being glued after I left. Neck carved with rolled edges on fingerboard. Going again on Friday to fine tune. Then it will be going to spray shop. Pretty excited I am.
  11. LOW achiever SUB standard I will buy one of each.
  12. Nicest front end pre-amp I have tried to date............. do.................. not.....................urghhhhhh...........need..................................it................ ...
  13. Thanks for all the offers of transport from stations, but on reflection I think I will probably drive down and split the journey down overnight.
  14. This was sold, and then it was not. It is now for sale again. It is proper power in a small form factor.
  15. Owen


    It works nicely with the amp running at 4 ohms but that is at home levels. I REALLY want to believe that one of the micro amps can speak with the authority of a proper, dedicated power amp. I have not tried it at gig levels yet because I have not had a gig and my wife does not love extreme LF in the house. I cannot understand it myself, but there it is. It speaks nice and clearly all the way down to bottom B in a consistent way. I will be back at work soon and I will be able to cane it and see then. Importing it was easy-peasy. I paid and it arrived. It worked out at £600 - odd all in, which was a bit more than I was hoping for, but so far I am happy with it and can see it will fill the niche I intend it to fill. I will do a proper review when I have a bit more experience with it.
  16. I quite fancy this but am wondering about doing it by train. How far is the station? What is the nearest mainline station? The route suggested to me by train line.com is into Euston and then out again. I figure it would be easier to hit a bigger place the night before and truck across by train from there on the morning. It would be a 6/7 hour haul by car with the Friday night traffic and it would be lovely to avoid that. TIA
  17. I have never met Guy so could not comment from a personal point of view. However, my mate says he is an absolutely top bloke so that is the definitive word for me.
  18. That's proper nuts. I am loving it.
  19. Dad 3353, that is a generous offer but I am afraid it has gone
  20. I have written "Fragile - no, really" and "please don't break me" onto white gaffa before now. It has really helped as the slight humour gets their attention and I have had it handed back to me at the other end by a nice man in a suit.
  21. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='1331437' date='Aug 7 2011, 09:55 PM']Damn! That's not what I was hoping for. I was more in the region of [attachment=86477:1963_Che...ellow_le.jpg][/quote] I suppose, given the title, it could have been worse!
  22. I have a no name, bought off ebay ages ago and never used piezo pick up. I fixes to the bridge with a wing nut. I want it out of the house so for a contribution to BC I will post it to you.
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