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Everything posted by SpondonBassed

  1. [quote name='ROConnell' timestamp='1488388705' post='3248552'] Found it! [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFGPSx6cPN0"]https://www.youtube....h?v=GFGPSx6cPN0[/url] [/quote] EeeeeeeeK!
  2. [quote name='Skol303' timestamp='1488385086' post='3248496'] This whole thread is FAKE NEWS. Sad. A great danger to our country. Maybe the millions of people who voted to MAKE BASSCHAT GREAT AGAIN should have their own rally. It would be the biggest of them all! [/quote] Good old Channel 4.
  3. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1488378145' post='3248403'] That's just the media though. Those no win no fee solicitors are quite particular who they take on. Real solicitors usually outline exactly how much a case is likely to cost and the likelihood of winning during the first (paid) consultation. A solicitors letter is cheap, following up on your threats isn't. Try and sort out any problems amicably. [/quote] Yes. Although I thought at first that you had typed "A solicitors letter is cheap, following up on your [i]threads[/i] isn't." until I cleaned my specs. I wouldn't want to leave you out of pocket. You know?
  4. [quote name='SpondonBassed' timestamp='1488380058' post='3248433'] I had a nasty case of that but penicillin soon cured it. [/quote] Can't wait to see the vid Blue. I'm hanging around in my flame-proof union suit with the trap door firmly buttoned despite everything. eee bah GUM! (Edit; Note to self, don't make the mistake of quoting yourself too often, it's as confusing as trying to wee into the corner of a barrel.)
  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1488377874' post='3248397'] As a rule, I have always preferred [i]litotes [/i]to [i]hyperbole [/i]... [/quote] I had a nasty case of that but penicillin soon cured it.
  6. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1488362571' post='3248175'] We need to expand this to what people wore for their first gig!... [/quote] It's too far back to remember. I have a photograph[s] somewhere that I'll dig out. For now I'll just say that[/s] I am almost certain I had clean underwear on at the start. Found it; [attachment=239382:HolidayMoodDublin86.png] It was a four piece. I am on the left. M, the drummer, did main vocals but he is concealed behind P, the guitarist. E was on keys and was the drummer's girlfriend. Wow. I had forgotten what we all looked like then.
  7. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1488368454' post='3248270'] And the elephant in the room is, are there really no other bands in Vienna? Presumably after two years on the local scene you must know a fair selection of local musicians - have you considered starting a slightly more sensible band? [/quote] Oh dear. I think we're going to have to get a massive pooper scooper now. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wzJbR-PuCM Nyuk nyuk nyuk nyuk
  8. [quote name='hrnn1234' timestamp='1488352071' post='3248065'] ...the issues with the drummer are actually what I dislike the most about playing with these guys. I thought of going away twice already only because of this guy. I'm sure I could find common ground with the singer, but having to tip toe around two people out of three so I get no nasty reactions? I'm not looking forward to that... [/quote] A bassist and a drummer who don't get along eh? It would not be the first time for that either. Do you lock in together while performing or does that interaction suffer? If, between you, you make a good rhythm section despite the friction (or maybe because of it) you might want to put up with the less desirable social aspects of your band for the sake of the music and the potential to do more. That you call it a "serious hobby" makes that unlikely, in my view.
  9. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1488362203' post='3248169'] Blue probably won't respond, because he's so offended by the remark.* [color=#ff8c00][b][font=comic sans ms,cursive]*humorous comment[/font][/b][/color] [/quote] Hahahahaha. Thanks.
  10. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1488355585' post='3248091'] I don't think there is any benefit of the doubt to be given. A light hearted jest is always good in my book. [/quote] I agree. However, the site Ts & Cs recognise that misunderstandings can easily occur. In fact it is recommended that humorous comments are identified as such by the use of smilies. While I don't use smilies, I do attempt to indicate when I make a flippant remark in some way that I am joking. More often than not I'll put "heeheehee" or "hahahaha" in there somewhere to show that I am not taking the p155. I see nothing to indicate that anything other than an ageist remark has been made. It's what I'd call a low-level insult. Normally, I would let it go but I've seen Blue given a hard time by some of the members here in the past. Blue?
  11. [quote name='Cato' timestamp='1488353992' post='3248079'] Pretty sure, given the average age of the BC collective is closer to 60 than 20, that it was said ironically, in jest. [/quote] I would like to give "the boy" the benefit of doubt. I'll wait to see what his response is.
  12. I buy my labels in Fortnum and Mason's. I have a little man who glues them to all of the products that I buy in ALDI prior to getting them out of the boot of my 2CV. S. Knob Apartment 606 Upself Towers Jaywick Nr Clacton-on-Sea [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMLXZySHt54[/media]
  13. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1488287900' post='3247531'] Over here in the States, unfortunately everything is about "the money". Blue [/quote] I don't know how litigious American society actually is but media (mainly film and TV) tends to paint a picture of a society where lawyers are the "go to" first step in many disputes. Whether or not that is the case it seems to be going that way here. Solicitors are the only winners in any given dispute. I think greed has become a greater driving force here in the UK than ever before. Everyone wants a cut but no one wants to pay for their slice of pie. Sad.
  14. [quote name='Muppet' timestamp='1488273946' post='3247352'] Nothing from the MU as yet - but we have emailed the promoter letting him know that we would prefer him not to publish the recordings as this may compromise our album launch. We have offered to let him use a showreel of the songs (30s or so) but that we've not granted him permission to sell them. We're trying the polite friendly approach first to see if that bears fruit. We don't want to appear heavy handed if it's not required. [/quote] I assume you have no agent other than the promoter? Well done. It ALWAYS pays to be diplomatic in the first instance. If the promoter is reasonable and you have done nothing to impede what might be a profitable solution for you [i]and[/i] the promoter then things can move forward. It might be that the promoter is in a good position to help the band grow. He'd have to respect your album release though. Talk about having your "golden goose" and eating it. Remember Daft Punk and Nile Rodgers' release of Random Access Memories was usurped. These days, even the big players have difficulty locking down the release of their product despite all the rules. If reasonable attempts have been made to negotiate an amicable settlement, as you are describing here, but the promoter is not prepared to wait or at least discuss a workable compromise then I'd say it is time to seek legal advice with a view to;[list] [*]claiming back potential loss of earnings for the band [*]seeking redress for any damage to the band's reputation as a result of an unofficial release or the perceived poor behaviour of the promoter generally [*]getting a signed agreement that the promoter will not attempt to do this again to [i]any[/i] performer that he handles [/list] If you do however, have you thought how it may affect the band and its ability to move forward? That is the crunch. You may have to let it go or run the risk of the promoter and his associates turning their back on you with regard to future bookings. The old Hollywood expression springs to mind: "I'll see to it that your boys never work in this town again!" Is he one of those? I have a nasty taste in my mouth just thinking about it. I wish you and everyone concerned a fruitful, civilised settlement. Six minutes into this moral tale there is a message relevant to your plight. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyeEvG8zqPY[/media] The author apologises unreservedly for suggesting that the band is [i]fowl[/i] or has anything to do with [i]fowl[/i] play of any description. Other opinions are available.
  15. I'm sorry, I have to say. That was quite rude. Have I read it wrong or was it meant to be offensive?
  16. Mine's a Metro-Tuner MT-30 made by C.Giant and purchased in an ALDI bargain bin several years ago. The photo is of one identical but for the brand name. [attachment=239339:Metro-TunerMT-30.png] It came with a clip-on transducer on a wire. I unplugged that and I don't use it. The device itself takes an output from DI, FX OUT or the dedicated tuner output on my combo. It sits where I want it on the end of a cable. I recently found a limitation. If I am playing through the house system It would require my taking a feed back from the desk. No major crisis though, I could always rig it with a splitter cable if that was a frequent occurrence.
  17. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1488318422' post='3247948'] Sorry, guys, I'll take this thread down. If I find another vid I'l try again. Blue [/quote] Why take it down my friend? All it needs is a working link. No biggie.
  18. [attachment=239335:ROFLSTALIN.png]
  19. I'm right handed for bass. I first played on stage with a perspex bodied, lefty strung guitar with a 2+2 wood grained headstock. I can't remember who made it, it belonged to a mate. I also used his combo, also nameless (sorry) which was solid state and DI'd to the house system. It was Dublin's city centre. It was 1986. I was stuck in a rut at work. Having done a four year apprenticeship and qualified with additional engineering licences Aer Lingus had put me into a workshop that only handled aircraft wheels and brakes. Because of an ancient union arrangement with the company there would be no prospect of getting out of the shop they put you in and working on aircraft themselves for about seven years. I looked towards coming home to England and going freelance. It was a good move in retrospect. It paid for one of my houses. Thirty years on; I am semi-retired. I have come out of a long period during which my sole occupation had been to care for my mother in her last years. Now I want to spend a lot more time with music. Although I did not make a bad decision all those years ago when I gave up the band I have a need to see where it might have gone now that I have the choice. So thirty years later I got a second start. A couple of weeks ago I set foot on stage with a Steinberger fiver plugged into a portable house rig in Derby's Horse and Groom pub. Fellow BCer PaulWarning (guitar and vox) and Wendy (drums) had kindly invited me to join them as bassist. We did three numbers that Paul had clips of himself and Wendy performing. A brief practice with those clips during the preceding week and we were good to go. In addition, Paul and I had a tune in common that we had each learned independently. We did that without rehearsal. No-one was injured in the rush to go to the bar... Good times. I'm looking forward to more.
  20. Tease us why doncha! Hahahahahahaha. I hope you can get a good link for us though.
  21. [quote name='hrnn1234' timestamp='1488181983' post='3246463'] This is from late 2015, when we presented our CD. I came into the band after they were finished recording so the album has no compositions of mine nor it's me playing the bass... but it's me on stage! I really like how the sound turn out. [media]http://youtu.be/PURFOZkPurw[/media] damn you, youtube link! [/quote] I got that saved no problem. The band, as a whole, looks okay man. As the clip is a medley I can't say I got much chance to "get my ear in" but then it isn't my first choice for personal listening.
  22. Aw. I can't do FB. Any chance you can get it on YT please Blue?
  23. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1488284354' post='3247483'] This was a big hit some 44 years ago. All done on a Moog I believe. Not a 'real instrument' to be heard. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX_lnmb1Moo[/media] [/quote] Many thanks. That's sent me back to the age of ten! Happy days.
  24. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1488216401' post='3246891'] I like playing bass in a 'real' band, but anyone who says producing electronic music is in some way 'easier' or 'unreal' is talking out of their arse. [/quote] I'd like to point out that talking out of one's arse is not yet recognised as a valid way of creating speech. Do not despair. I am quite sure that words formed by educated anuses will become more widely recognised as a valid and worthy part of today's culture and that the Oxford English dictionary will happily include them on next years revision of their scratch and sniff dictionary (Chav edition).
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